HELP - EM not responding!!

  • I am experiencing difficulties in EM. Everytjing is taking a lifetine to respond, and EM simply dies most of the time. I have arounf 10 servers registered, and they are all causing me this problem (even my local host).

    I did have both 2000 and 6.5 open yesterday, could this have caused the problem?

    I can't do my job, and I need to fix it fast!!

    PLEASE can anyone help?

    Many thanks

  • I remebered something else. I registered a server, and it didn't appear in EM. I tried again, but it gave me the message that it was already registered. It must be lurking around somewhere,but I don't know how to get rid of it.

  • This will not be immediately any solution for you, but I had the same problem a while ago and it was something about name resolution on the network.

    Sorry, I just can't remember the details but it was network settings on the (my) desktop.

    Maybe this will ring some bells with others.

    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • If this is happening on all the I am betting on name resolution which you can fix normally by adding the alias and IP address to the client network utility. Also, I find 7 servers in the 2000 EM client seem to have issues conecting including blowing EM out of the water. Known issue but not seen a fix other than right clicking the lower version server and do connect, and best to wait for the light to show it knows how to reach the server. Finally, if it is just one server this is happening on open QA and run sp_who (maybe slow) then try sp_who2, if either one just sits the server is under high load and may not respond until you correct the issue by killing the query, or fixing a blocking problem.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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