Trigger syntax (noob question)

  • Hello!

    I'm totally new to triggers. I'm trying to make a trigger that fires when you delete something from a table called msgMain. The trigger would just delete the same rows that were deleted from msgMain from 2 other tables. This is what came up with (by studying BOL):

    CREATE TRIGGER msgMainTrig1 ON msgMain
    DELETE msgMessage FROM msgMessage INNER JOIN inserted ON msgMessage.msgID = inserted.msgID

    I doesn't seem to work. I don't get it. I really don't know where "inserted" comes from. Is it a keyword or something?

    Thank you!


    Ps. Oh, and I'm running SLQ7

  • You can think of "inserted" like a table. It contains copies of the affected rows that change or are inserted during the execution of an INSERT and UPDATE statement. There is also a "deleted" table for that will contain those records affected by execution of a delete statement. Since you are building a delete trigger, you will need to replace the "inserted" table, with the "deleted" table.

    CREATE TRIGGER msgMainTrig1 ON msgMainFOR DELETE AS DELETE msgMessage FROM msgMessage INNER JOIN deleted ON msgMessage.msgID = deleted.msgID

    Hope this helps.


    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • The best way to think of triggers is to consider them specialized stored procedures which fire on a particular data change operation. You've got the basic format correct.

    The inserted and deleted recordsets are special recordsets which are only available in the trigger. Here is what they contain based on operation:


    inserted: records added to table

    deleted: not used


    inserted: not used

    deleted: records deleted from the table


    inserted: records as they appear AFTER the update statement

    deleted: records as they appear BEFORE the update statement

    Here is a link to Books Online (it's for SQL 2K, but this didn't change from SQL 7 except with regard to INSTEAD OF triggers which are new to SQL 2K and can be ignored for SQL 7) with respect to the inserted and deleted recordsets:

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    Edited by - bkelley on 08/19/2002 1:56:04 PM

    K. Brian Kelley

  • doh!

    You guru - me stupid. I really can't believe I missed that. I mean the inserted deleted thing. I think my eyes and brain had a LITTLE communication problem there. But still, thank you fellas, you rock.


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