MSDE & SQL 2000 (Urgent)

  • We have a scenario in which there is a main SQL server running and several local machines pushing data to the main server. Each of these machines have MSDE running, in the event the main server fails. Till such time the nain server is down, data will be stored in the MSDE.

    What is the best way to implement a solution ?

    The main issue is how to effectively push the data to the main server?

  • One way would be replication, either merge or transactional with updating/queued subscribers. Have to confirm that you can do that with MSDE. Not sure how it would scale.

    You could code your app so that if a sql related command fails, it changes connetions to use MSDE and continues as before. Or you could write all the code to post the actual sql into MSDE, have a separate app run and execute the code (kinda faux replication).

    Also have to consider what other data you need local for the app to continue to work.


  • I agree with Andy on the second part. Have you app if fails to open a connection to main server changes connection to local MSDE version. Then have a timer in you code to periodically try the main server and if found change to the main server and push the data from MSDE to main. I also believe MSDE is not supported for replication like Andy suggested but have not check this since version 1.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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