Using Transaction and Merge Replication together

  • How do we get Merge replication to recognize changes in a source database that has been populated with records via Transaction Replication?

    For example:

    We are running on SQL Server 2000 on W2K. We are using Transaction replication to replicate from database(A) to database(B). We are then trying to use Merge replication to replicate those records from database(B) into a remote database(C). Transaction replication works fine between (A) and (B) and we can get Snapshots to replicate from (A) to (B) and from (B to (C), but records moved via Transactional replication from (A) to (B) do not replicate via Merge replication from (B) to (C). Merge replication does work when we use Query Analyzer or EM to manually insert records into Database(B) but not when those records are inserted via Transactional replication. We ran a trace and could see that an Insert statement was being generated from (A) to (B) during Transaction replication. We don't understand why Merge replication would see that Insert any differently than an Insert done in EM or QA. Any ideas out there?


    Sherri Taylor

    Edited by - sherritaylor on 07/27/2001 10:53:17 AM

    Sherri Taylor

  • I havent tried that combo, but I cant think of a reason for it not to work. Merge replication basically uses triggers to track the changes - so no matter how you modify your data, it knows its been done. Transaction will typically do its data mods via a stored proc in the subscriber db, which is ok.

    Pretty interesting though - I'll try to set up this weekend to test it - unless someone just knows the answer!


  • Hi Sherri,

    Sorry it took so long. I set up three dbs to some testing, first db with a transactional pub to the 2nd, a merge pub on it to the 3rd. Verified your problem, the updates done on the 1st make it to #2, but not #3. If you take a look at the triggers that merge repl creates, you'll see the 'if sessionproperty('replication_agent') line followed by a return. I commented that out (as shown below), I could then get the update to pass through. Not being a merge guru Im not sure what impact this will have as far as updates being passed back from the subscriber..or other problems. But making this change will the problem you asked about!

    Have you considered using trans with updating subscriber instead of merge? Or do your business requirements call for merge specifically?


    CREATE trigger upd_34BDC27AFA0E46E7A7C4E749B968BBE6 on [dbo].[authors] FOR UPDATE AS

    --if sessionproperty('replication_agent') = 1 and (select trigger_nestlevel()) = 1 -- and master.dbo.fn_isreplmergeagent() = 1


    /* Declare variables */

    declare @article_rows_updated int

    select @article_rows_updated = count(*) from inserted

    declare @contents_rows_updated int, @updateerror int

    declare @bm varbinary(500), @missingbm varbinary(500), @lineage varbinary(255), @cv varbinary(2048)

    declare @tablenick int, @nick-2 int, @ccols int, @partchange int, @joinchange int, @partgen int, @joingen int, @newgen int

    declare@partchangebm varbinary(500), @joinchangebm varbinary(500)

    set nocount on

    set @tablenick = 6886001

    select @newgen = gen_cur from sysmergearticles where nickname = @tablenick

    if @newgen is null

    set @newgen = 0

    /* Use intrinsic funtion to set bits for updated columns */

    set @bm = columns_updated()

    /* only do the map down when needed */

    set @missingbm = 0x00

    set @partchangebm = 0x00

    set @joinchangebm = 0x00

    if update([rowguid])


    if @@trancount > 0

    rollback tran

    RAISERROR (20062, 16, -1)


    /* See if the partition might have changed */

    if @partchangebm = 0x0

    set @partchange = 0


    set @partchange= { fn INTERSECTBITMAPS (@bm, @partchangebm) }

    /* See if a column used in a join filter changed */

    if @joinchangebm = 0x0

    set @joinchange = 0


    set @joinchange= { fn INTERSECTBITMAPS (@bm, @joinchangebm) }

    exec dbo.sp_MSgetreplnick @nickname = @nick-2 output

    select @ccols = 14

    set @lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(0x0, @nick-2) }

    set @lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(@lineage, @nick-2) }

    set @cv = { fn INITCOLVS(@ccols, @nick-2) }

    if (@@error <> 0)


    goto FAILURE


    set @cv = { fn UPDATECOLVBM(@cv, @nick-2, @bm, @missingbm) }

    if @joinchange = 1


    set @joingen = @newgen

    set @partgen = @newgen


    else if @partchange = 1


    set @partgen = @newgen

    set @joingen = NULL




    set @partgen = NULL

    set @joingen = NULL


    update ctsv_34BDC27AFA0E46E7A7C4E749B968BBE6

    set lineage = { fn UPDATELINEAGE(lineage, @nick-2) },

    generation = @newgen,

    joinchangegen = case when (@joinchange = 1) then @newgen else joinchangegen end,

    partchangegen = case when (@partchange = 1) then @newgen else partchangegen end,

    colv1 = { fn UPDATECOLVBM(colv1, @nick-2, @bm, @missingbm) }

    FROM inserted as I JOIN ctsv_34BDC27AFA0E46E7A7C4E749B968BBE6 as V

    ON (I.rowguidcol=V.rowguid)

    and tablenick = @tablenick

    select @updateerror = @@error, @contents_rows_updated = @@rowcount

    if @article_rows_updated <> @contents_rows_updated


    insert into ctsv_34BDC27AFA0E46E7A7C4E749B968BBE6 (tablenick, rowguid, lineage, colv1, generation, partchangegen, joinchangegen)

    select @tablenick, rowguidcol, @lineage, @cv, @newgen, @partgen, @joingen from inserted where

    rowguidcol not in (select rowguid from ctsv_34BDC27AFA0E46E7A7C4E749B968BBE6 where tablenick = @tablenick)

    if @@error <> 0





    if @@trancount > 0

    rollback tran

    raiserror (20041, 16, -1)


  • It does not populate because merge is managed by a set of triggers behind the replicated tables. These triggers are coded to ignore anything that is done using a replication agent. This means that the merge triggers will fire, but will not do anything. In order to make it work, you will need to modify all of the merge triggers to remove the block of code that exists when a change is done using a replication agent. Be EXTREMELY careful when you do this, you can introduce endless loops by doing this quite easily. Make CERTAIN you leave the fn_isreplmergeagent in the trigger, but disable the sessionproperty. Make sure you TEST on a clean system FIRST.


    SQL Server MVP

    SQL Server MVP

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