Concatenate data from column rows

  • Hi, how would I write a query where I concatenate the data from each row into one string



    row1: 'a'

    row2: 'b'

    row3: 'c'

    desired result: 'abc'

    thank you in advance.

  • Hi, if I were to do this in MSSQL I would use the following script, would this work in Access?



    Color VARCHAR(32)




    INSERT Colors SELECT 'red'

    INSERT Colors SELECT 'orange'

    INSERT Colors SELECT 'blue'

    INSERT Colors SELECT 'green'


    DECLARE @colors VARCHAR(1024)


    @colors = COALESCE(@colors + '', '') + Color



    SELECT Colors = @colors


    DROP TABLE Colors


  • Marcus Farrugia (10/20/2009)

    Hi, how would I write a query where I concatenate the data from each row into one string



    row1: 'a'

    row2: 'b'

    row3: 'c'

    desired result: 'abc'

    thank you in advance.

    Do you have an example of the table structure and data we can look at?

    I have an example of a Concatenate function that I can modify if you can give me some more information.

    "When in danger or in doubt. Run in circles, scream and shout!" TANSTAAFL
    "Robert A. Heinlein"

  • In Access, write your query like this:

    SELECT [Field1] & [Field2] & [Field3] AS Result FROM [Table]

    Have a nice day!

  • Do you have an example of the table structure and data we can look at?

    Hi Doug, don't really have a table structure, it would be from one column - varchar

    pk co1

    1 a

    2 b

    3 c

    desired result: abc

  • In Access, write your query like this:

    SELECT [Field1] & [Field2] & [Field3] AS Result FROM [Table]

    Hi [Field1] & [Field2] & [Field3] do you mean column headings?

    I'm actually looking to concatenate records in one column...

  • Marcus Farrugia (10/28/2009)

    Do you have an example of the table structure and data we can look at?

    Hi Doug, don't really have a table structure, it would be from one column - varchar

    pk co1

    1 a

    2 b

    3 c

    desired result: abc

    Are you saying that you have a table with a field in each record






    and you want to display the data in the field like this?



    you have a table of records and you want to concatenate ALL the records into one String?

    Here is a function that will handle the case where you want to concatenate all records into one long string:

    Add this to a code module.

    You may have to add a reference to Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library

    After adding to module, open immediate window and enter "? ConcatColumn()" without the quotes.

    ''' Code here

    Function ConcatColumn() As String

    'Takes an SSN and looks up the start and end dates

    'Concatenates them and returns a string

    Dim sOut As String 'Output string

    Dim sSQL As String

    Dim db As DAO.Database

    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

    sSQL = "Select [Co1] From YourTableNameHere Order by [pk]"

    Set db = CurrentDb

    Set rst = db.openrecordset(sSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)

    sOut = ""

    With rst

    Do While Not .BOF And Not .EOF

    sOut = sOut & ![Co1]



    End With

    ConcatColumn = sOut

    Set rst = Nothing

    Set db = Nothing

    End Function

    '' Code ends here

    "When in danger or in doubt. Run in circles, scream and shout!" TANSTAAFL
    "Robert A. Heinlein"

  • Were you able to solve your problem?

    I have a sample .MDB that I got online some time ago that shows how to concatenate rows of data.

    If you want I can email it to you.

    "When in danger or in doubt. Run in circles, scream and shout!" TANSTAAFL
    "Robert A. Heinlein"

  • Thanks DougGifford,

    I don't if it helped the other guy, but I know it helped me. It was just what I was looking for.

    So Thanks very much. I logged in just to reply that it helped and to ask a couple of extra questions if I may?

    1 - How do you output the result into a field, say a record of who was emailed (when concatenating email addresses) and also pass the result into an email Bcc: as recipients from within Access in order to send an email to multiple recipients?

    You see I don't know how to get access to use the result as an entry into another field or cell of a form.

    2 - How do you get this line

    sSQL = "Select [Co1] From YourTableNameHere Order by [pk]"

    to accept a variables for "[Co1]" and "YourTableNameHere" and "[pk]"?

    P.S. I wrote sOut = sOut & ![Email_Address] & "; " - so that the output is comma seperated.



  • Helen Feddema has written several books on Access Automation and she has a great web site with her articles and code samples.

    Try going to this link and then search for EMail.

    Also search for her article on Concatenating.

    Hope this helps.

    "When in danger or in doubt. Run in circles, scream and shout!" TANSTAAFL
    "Robert A. Heinlein"

  • Another great web site with "How To" examples is:

    Also check out the "Other Developer Libraries" link on his home page.

    If you have questions on How To do something in ACCESS, these (and Helen's) sites are great places for answers.

    Good luck

    "When in danger or in doubt. Run in circles, scream and shout!" TANSTAAFL
    "Robert A. Heinlein"

  • Thanks, I'll check it out.

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