join - on problem

  • Hi,

    I want to run the following query

    select nr_praktijk, naam_praktijk, jaar_k, kwartaal_k, aantal from lvr_praktijken

    inner join zsk_kwartalen on nr_praktijk = praktijk_nummer_k

    left outer join (select praktijk_nummer, a.jaar, kwartaal, count(*) as aantal from zsk_bestanden a

    inner join zsk_deliver on volgnummer = volgnummer_del group by praktijk_nummer, a.jaar, kwartaal)

    on nr_praktijk = praktijk_nummer and jaar_k = a.jaar and kwartaal_k = kwartaal

    where cast((cast(jaar_k as char(4)) + cast(kwartaal_k as char(1))) as int) <= cast((cast(datepart(yy, GETDATE ()) as char(4)) + cast(datepart(q, GETDATE ()) as char(1))) as int)

    order by nr_praktijk, jaar_k, kwartaal_k

    The purpose of the part


    select praktijk_nummer, a.jaar, kwartaal, count(*) as aantal from zsk_bestanden a

    inner join zsk_deliver on volgnummer = volgnummer_del group by praktijk_nummer, a.jaar, kwartaal


    is to calculate the number (of surveys) for a certain supplier (praktijk_nummer), in certain year / quarter combination

    The purpose of the part


    select nr_praktijk, naam_praktijk, jaar_k, kwartaal_k, aantal from lvr_praktijken

    inner join zsk_kwartalen on nr_praktijk = praktijk_nummer_k


    is to make a combination of suppliers (nr_praktijk) with year / quarter (jaar_k, kwartaal_k)

    The purpose of the part


    left outer join ...................................................


    on nr_praktijk = praktijk_nummer and jaar_k = a.jaar and kwartaal_k = kwartaal


    is to combine the

    number (of surveys) for a certain supplier (praktijk_nummer), in certain year / quarter combination


    the combination of suppliers (nr_praktijk) with year / quarter (jaar_k, kwartaal_k)

    When I want to run this query I get the following error message


    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 5

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'on'.


    I have tried all sorts of things but no solution

    Any help is very much appreciated.



  • I think you need an alias name for that select statement on the LEFT OUTER JOIN.

    -- Kit

  • Hi Kit,

    I have tried using several aliases but without succes.

    Using 2 tempoary tables and joining proofed to be a good solution but I would have preferred working withou these tables.





    IF OBJECT_ID('zsk_ovz_prak_kwart','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE zsk_ovz_prak_kwart

    IF OBJECT_ID('zsk_ovz_prak_kwart_aant','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE zsk_ovz_prak_kwart_aant

    SELECT a.nr_praktijk, a.naam_praktijk, b.jaar, b.kwartaal INTO dbo.zsk_ovz_prak_kwart FROM lvr_praktijken a

    INNER JOIN zsk_kwartalen b ON a.nr_praktijk = b.praktijk_nummer

    SELECT b.praktijk_nummer, a.jaar, a.kwartaal, count(*) AS aantal INTO dbo.zsk_ovz_prak_kwart_aant FROM zsk_bestanden a

    INNER JOIN zsk_deliver b ON a.volgnummer = b.volgnummer_del GROUP BY b.praktijk_nummer, a.jaar, a.kwartaal

    SELECT a.nr_praktijk, a.naam_praktijk, a.jaar, a.kwartaal, ISNULL(b.aantal, 0)

    FROM zsk_ovz_prak_kwart a LEFT OUTER JOIN zsk_ovz_prak_kwart_aant b

    ON a.nr_praktijk = b.praktijk_nummer AND a.jaar = b.jaar AND a.kwartaal = b.kwartaal

    WHERE CAST((CAST(a.jaar AS char(4)) + CAST(a.kwartaal AS char(1))) AS int) <= CAST((CAST(datepart(yy, GETDATE ()) AS char(4)) + CAST(DATEPART(q, GETDATE ()) as char(1))) as int)

    ORDER BY a.nr_praktijk, a.jaar, a.kwartaal


  • Kit G (12/2/2010)

    I think you need an alias name for that select statement on the LEFT OUTER JOIN.

    Looks about right to me too.

    Table aliases throughout would be ideal.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 5

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'on'.

    Since you're getting a syntax error, that indicates you're missing something in your code which is why I suggested a table alias because SQL sometimes needs a table name, not an expression. Have you checked to make sure you have all the open and closed parentheses you need?

    There is something missing near where you are getting your syntax error, either something isn't paired up correctly, a JOIN statement and the ON statement or something else is messing up the parsing of the query.

    You might need to just test each section to make sure it parses and then put it together bit by bit to find out where the parser suddenly doesn't like it.

    If you want any further testing, please supply some CREATE scripts and sample data (see Chris Morris' post for the link to an article detailing the necessary info). Without that, I can't really see where things are failing.

    -- Kit

  • Isn't it just that you need to alias your subquery (as Kit originally suggested) - something like this:

    select nr_praktijk, naam_praktijk, jaar_k, kwartaal_k, aantal from lvr_praktijken

    inner join zsk_kwartalen on nr_praktijk = praktijk_nummer_k

    left outer join (select praktijk_nummer, a.jaar, kwartaal, count(*) as aantal from zsk_bestanden a

    inner join zsk_deliver on volgnummer = volgnummer_del group by praktijk_nummer, a.jaar, kwartaal) s

    on nr_praktijk = s.praktijk_nummer and jaar_k = s.jaar and kwartaal_k = s.kwartaal

    where cast((cast(jaar_k as char(4)) + cast(kwartaal_k as char(1))) as int) <= cast((cast(datepart(yy, GETDATE ()) as char(4)) + cast(datepart(q, GETDATE ()) as char(1))) as int)

    order by nr_praktijk, jaar_k, kwartaal_k


  • Like this?

    select nr_praktijk,





    from lvr_praktijken t1

    inner join zsk_kwartalen t2

    on t1.nr_praktijk = t2.praktijk_nummer_k

    left outer join (select praktijk_nummer,



    count(*) as aantal

    from zsk_bestanden a

    inner join zsk_deliver

    on volgnummer = volgnummer_del

    group by praktijk_nummer, a.jaar, kwartaal) t3 --<< an alaias here was missing!

    on t1.nr_praktijk = t3.praktijk_nummer

    and jaar_k = t3.jaar

    and kwartaal_k = t3.kwartaal

    where cast((cast(jaar_k as char(4)) + cast(kwartaal_k as char(1))) as int) <= cast((cast(datepart(yy, GETDATE ()) as char(4)) + cast(datepart(q, GETDATE ()) as char(1))) as int)

    order by nr_praktijk, jaar_k, kwartaal_k

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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