Import XML into SQL table shema

  • I would like to import XML data into SQL server table with SQL Builk Load metod, but I'm wery new in XML. I nead help to prepare XML shema.

    Here is part of my XML file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1250" standalone="yes" ?>

    <firm name="X-Name">



    <secgroup>Video Cards</secgroup>


    <desc>ATI 1</desc>





    <desc>ATI 2</desc>






    I think the structure of XML is wery simple. Problem is "Item" group.

    Please help. Thanks.

  • Let's assume you have the file stored as c:\Temp\SSC.txt.

    Then you could use the following code (assuming you'd like to store the data in a xml column):


    CREATE TABLE T (IntCol int, XmlCol xml)




    BULK 'c:\Temp\SSC.txt',



    c.value('@name[1]','varchar(10)') AS firm_name,

    v.value('group[1]','varchar(10)') AS Grp,

    v.value('secgroup[1]','varchar(10)') AS SecGroup,

    y.value('desc[1]','varchar(10)') AS descr,

    y.value('id[1]','varchar(10)') AS id,

    y.value('price[1]','varchar(10)') AS price

    FROM T

    CROSS APPLY XmlCol.nodes('firm') a(c)

    CROSS APPLY a.c.nodes('prices') U(v)

    CROSS APPLY U.v.nodes('item') X(y)

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  • Thanks to respond, but I think you don't understand me.

    I need to make XSD shema mapping file to import XML data to SQL Table. I use VB.

    I already made mapping file like this:

    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:sql="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mapping-schema">

    <xsd:element name="firm" sql:is-constant="1">



    <xsd:element name="prices" sql:is-constant="1">



    <xsd:element name="item" sql:relation="TestTable" maxOccurs="unbounded">



    <xsd:element name="desc" sql:field="desc" type="xsd:string" />

    <xsd:element name="id" sql:field="id" type="xsd:string" />

    <xsd:element name="price" sql:field="price" type="xsd:float" />











    But this mapping shema not work well. I dont know how to include definitions for "group" and "secgroup" in table I get NULL value. If I change underline element name to "prices" and include "group" and "secgroup" elements, "item" elements don't work (I get NULL in SQL table).

    TestTable Structure is:

    group varchar(100)

    secgroup varchar(100)

    desc varchar(250)

    id varchar(10)

    price real

    If mapp file work for "Prices" level, don't work on "item", if work on "item", do't work for "Prices". Thats the problem.

  • Why do you have to use VB? Pass the path of your xml file to a stored procedure and let SQL Server do the mapping.

    But if you really want to add the VB overhead and your xml schema, you'd need to reflect the nesting level of the nodes in your xsd as well.

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  • Lutz, you done it again! I've learned two things from your post:

    1. I thought that you had to reference the nodes as a.c.value, etc. in the column list area of the select. Didn't know you could just use c.value.

    2. I never thought about cross applying a previous .nodes() into a new one. I've always done:

    FROM @XmlCol.nodes('firm') a(c)

    CROSS APPLY @XmlCol.nodes('firm/prices') U(v)

    CROSS APPLY @XmlCol.nodes('firm/prices/item') X(y)


    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • WayneS (8/26/2010)

    Lutz, you done it again! I've learned two things from your post:

    1. I thought that you had to reference the nodes as a.c.value, etc. in the column list area of the select. Didn't know you could just use c.value.

    2. I never thought about cross applying a previous .nodes() into a new one. I've always done:

    FROM @XmlCol.nodes('firm') a(c)

    CROSS APPLY @XmlCol.nodes('firm/prices') U(v)

    CROSS APPLY @XmlCol.nodes('firm/prices/item') X(y)


    :blush: I'm sorry.

    Regarding #1:

    Basically you can compare my notation as using unqualified column declaration (like SELECT MyColumn From MyTable T) vs. yours as using qualified column declaration (like SELECT T.MyColumn From MyTable T). Guess which one should be preferred... So you're doing it the proper way. The reason that it CAN be done doesn't imply it SHOULD be done. 😉

    Regarding #2:

    I've never done any test to compare the performance of the two methods so I cannot say whether it's better/equal/worse. I might do some testing just out of curiosity.

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  • You right LutzM.

    Today I will try to implement your solution and later I will modify all existing imports. I think is much better. No nead to distribute "sqlxml.msi" to client PC's, performance is better, all is in one place, ...

    One think more. What about "attributes", how to import attributes, for example from my test XML a "name" attribute from "firm" element.

    And maybe if someone know how to prepare mapping shema for my example it would be nice to have solution here. Maybe someone one day nead. I looking on net many hours and I don't find nothing usable. I think my example is simple but it seems not.

  • Sorry LutzM, I didn't look well. I see now that problem with attribute "name" is already solved.

    Thanks for your solution 🙂


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