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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Commit to being more active, starting today

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Easing Back to the Office

Much of the tech world moved to remote work last year when the pandemic started. Various companies started to announce future dates during which they'd guarantee workers the ability to work from home. That was helpful, as many needed to plan for child care, parent assistance, and more. My company kept pushing the date out, and early this year (or late last) said that we would have the option through all of 2021.

Microsoft had various announcements, but one was that employees could work from home permanently. For less than 50% of their time. The headlines downplayed the restriction, though I was glad to see some flexibility. Now, Microsoft is starting to allow some workers back to campus, noting that they are on step 4 of their 6 step dial. This is 57,000 workers, which is quite a few. Masks and social distancing are still required.

While a good portion of employees want flexibility, and many prefer remote work, there are a good number that want to return to an office and be around other people. While Microsoft, and my employer, both want to embrace the changes of the last year, finding a balance between the past and future is hard. I thought that Microsoft's blog on embracing a flexible workplace echoes a lot of what I hear from my company and a few others. We want to work with you, but there might be some restrictions. Certainly tax implications are a part of this for my company, and perhaps for Microsoft as well.

I honestly am not quite sure how I want the future to work. While I appreciate remote first, and I like the idea of everyone being somewhat a peer during meetings, I also value getting people together. I don't really look forward to going to an office and logging onto Zoom from a desk. I want to see people in conference rooms, able to discuss, debate, and brainstorm solutions for the future.

For technologists, this might be easier. I could see more whiteboards, like Mural, in use in meetings, allowing remote people to participate in similar ways to those in the room, but I until we get something that creates some sort of virtual presence, I'm not sure that we will really see a good blend of in-person and remote attendees. I hope companies work on solutions like this, as the world has changed and in person attendance will still matter.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

Missing Data

Joe Celko from SQLServerCentral

When we don't have all the information needed to model data, we often use NULL. However, that causes other issues.

Mastering TempDB: Managing TempDB growth

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Out-of-control tempdb growth must be managed to keep the server running. Monica Rathbun gives her strategy to handle unexpected tempdb growth.

Digital Event: Innovate Today with Azure SQL

Additional Articles from Redgate

Join Microsoft's Rohan Kumar, and a full team of Azure SQL experts, for Innovate Today with Azure SQL. This free digital event from Microsoft lets you choose the sessions and technical demos that are most interesting to you and focus on the capabilities and possibilities that you want to learn more about.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - #TSQL2sday #137 Invite Using Notebooks Every Day

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from The Voice of the DBA

It’s time for the T-SQL Tuesday blog party, and I’m hosting this month. I don’t host too often, but since I had some schedule mix ups, I’ll handle this...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Extended Events: Embrace the XML

Grant Fritchey from The Scary DBA

While XML is, without a doubt, a giant pain in the bottom, sometimes, the best way to deal with Extended Events is to simply embrace the XML. Now, I...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Password Policy

How is password policy, as enforced when this is set for a login in SQL Server, changed?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Altering Database Roles

In SQL Server 2019, how should I add or remove members from a Database-Level role?


Explanation: The ALTER ROLE should be used to change members in roles. sp_addrolemember and sp_droprolemember work, but these are deprecated for SQL Server 2019. Ref:

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
Query optimisation/execution plan - All, I'm working on improving my knowledge of query optimisation and reading execution plans. I'm using this table: /****** Object: Table [dbo].[CustTravelReqLocPlan] Script Date: 06/04/2021 12:40:54 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CustTravelReqLocPlan]( [uniqueref] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [CustTravelReqRef] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [LocationTypeRef] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [AllocatedFlightRef] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [AllocatedAreaRef] [uniqueidentifier] NULL, [RequiredArrivalTime] […]
SQL Query Help - Without using Pivot - Need help with query. I want the output to be display in single row. We have 2 rows for each ID for Address Type and I want the Home and Mailing address city display in single row. create table #Test (ID int, HomeCity varchar(10), AddrType varchar(10)) insert into #Test values (10,'Phoenix','Home') insert into #Test values […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Read_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT && size tempdb - Hello everyone Is there a risk of tempdb saturation if I activate these fuction on my database does the shrinkfile always remain functional with this function USE [master] GO ALTER DATABASE [test] SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON WITH NO_WAIT GO ALTER DATABASE [test] SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON GO  
Big difference between Estimated and Actual Actual rows in execution Plan. - Hi, This is an Index Seek which is 60% cost of the query. Now, I see there is a big difference between actual and estimated rows. ( 0 and 15600) , the statistics on the table and index are updated yesterday. What else I should look at to optimize the seek? Any thoughts, it is […]
View using Cross Join and LIKE operator please suggest alternate syntax. - Hi, The below view is using cross join and as far as I know, Cross join is not good for performance. Can you please help me rewrite these views? Any suggestions are much appreciated on the below issues 1 & 2. FROM dbo.tbEmp er CROSS JOIN dbo.tbEmpType ect LEFT OUTER JOIN t ON t.Ece_ID = […]
Non clustered Index on #temp table - Hi, In order to avoid a SORT operation in my execution plan, I want to create a Non clustered Index on a Temp table. However I am getting the below error which makes sense since it is a temp table that is created on the fly, however, is there any other way? please advise. ERROR […]
how to properly uninstall SQL server 2008 ? - Hello , I will proceed to install SQL server 2016 after deleting SQL server 2008 properly I saw several programs that depend on SQL server all these propragrams must be uninstalled (Microsoft visual c++ 2008 redistrubutable , Microsoft SQL server CLR Type,SQL server Native client ...)  
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Rounding to 0 - How do I preserve the value (and not result to 0). In the below calculation, how do I preserve the value? I want atleast 0.01 to come out instead of 0. declare @q int declare @weight decimal(33,13) set @q = 6 set @weight = 0.0000000060240 select Sum(@q *COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@Weight, 0), 0), 0.01)) Result = 0.0000000  
SQL 2012 - General
Odd performance issues - I am trying to figure what is going on? I have a SQL 2012 enterprise cluster running on 64 processors and 786 gig of ram. Our company was hit by ransomware and we had to build a whole new network. The server is twice as powerful then the old one running on a all flash […]
Data.exist null value ? - Hi Can someone let me know what I'm doing wrong here? I'm trying to write a 1 if there is no value in "Name" within the XML CASE WHEN Data.exist('Data/Other_x0020_Members [Name is null]') = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END AS TESTCASE Thanks Thanks
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Using REVERSE - I am trying to use the REVERSE function to "split" the field TreeMap into columns.  The function works great if the string only has 3 commas in in.  As you will see what I mean by using the attached SQL script. How can I get the REVERSE function to work with the rows that are […]
Convert teradata REGEXP_INSTR into SQL SERVER - Hi, I need some guidelines to convert Teradata REGEXP_INSTR logic into SQL server code. Please find the attached file in which I had provided a sample script. Appreciate your reply in advance. Thanks    
If Statement in Computed Column - Greetings, Thank You for taking the time to read and hopefully answer my question.  You will soon see how new I am to SQL Server. I am rebuilding in SQL Server a DB that I built in MS Access.  Several of the columns in one of the MS Access tables are calculated using IIF statements.  […]
Azure Data Factory
Extracting Data from Source->Calling API to Transform the data->Load to Destinat - Hi there, I have a requirement where I am getting data with sensitive information. My goal is to tokenize the sensitive information using the our centralized application via api's and then load the data to destination. I do not want to save the data anywhere untokenize. So practically, as data is coming, i want to […]
Insert variable values into SQL Server table - I am having the worst time finding an example of the exact thing I'm looking for in a Google search. I'm hoping someone here can help. I need to parse a SFTP directory and push the contents into a SQL Server table so I can find the exact file I'm looking for. Because the provider […]


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