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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Appreciate something that went well in life recently

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Poor Software Testing

Due to a email sending issue, this editorial from last week is being resent in the newsletter.

I am a big advocate of testing your code, including your database code. I like repeatable testing, especially unit testing. I think this has contributed to the increase in quality over the last ten years as more developers have incorporated unit testing into their work. That, along with the increase in standard frameworks, seems to have resulted in less crashes and instability in much of the software I used today.

That being said, the client ultimately decides if software works as expected. Certainly there can be logic errors, but there also could be errors in how specifications and requests are interpreted. This is one reason we need humans to do some QA testing and clients to ensure there is some user acceptance review.

Apparently that didn't happen with one election machine. There is a hash that is supposed to be used to verify that the correct version of software is installed. However, if that reference hash isn't there, the machine still reports things are fine. Certainly an issue that is a problem, though not necessarily one that users would detect. We would expect someone that purchases, updates, or administers these machines to check for the correct version.

That isn't an issue here because the acceptance testing was done by the vendor. While I am a big advocate of developers checking their work, there needs to be independent evaluation by a CI process, and there ought to be some QA review by another group. Certainly a client ought to be able to double check the software as well, and some client should have done acceptance testing here.

As the world moves more towards DevOps type software development, we need better testing, and that likely needs to include some independent testing outside of the developers and testers. I certainly could see the need for clients to submit some tests and get some verification that those tests passed. Automated CI/CD systems can do this, and provide detailed logs of what happened.

Ultimately we may still have bugs, either because we don't have enough testing, or we don't quite write the code that does what client expects. We may also have performance issues, but that's another testing issue.

We can get better, but we have to work to do so, learning from our mistakes, ensuring we are always improving testing, and listening to feedback.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

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Restoring Master on a Windows 2019 / SQL Server 2019 Cluster

Johan Bijnens from SQLServerCentral

Howto restore master database on a Clustered SQL Server 2019 Instance

Moving from application automation to true DevOps by including the database

Additional Articles from Redgate

This article explains the challenges of DevOps automation for databases, starting with how to manage the database, as a set of SQL scripts, in the version control system, and then how to start building an integrated and automated script pipeline for continuously testing and deploying database schema changes, alongside the application code.

Five facts about the SQL Server Model Database

Additional Articles from

In this article we cover interesting facts about the SQL Server model database and how new databases inherit properties from the model database.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - VMware Improves In-Guest Time Synchronization with 7.0 U1

kleegeek from Technobabble by Klee from @kleegeek

I just found out that VMware has updated their in-guest time synchronization with the 7.0 Update 1 release. Previously, we had to manually disable some of the advanced time...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Extended Events: Avoid the XML

Grant Fritchey from The Scary DBA

One story I hear over and over goes like this: I tried setting up Extended Events, but then I saw the output was XML so I stopped. Look, I...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Killing Stats Updates

An asynchronous statistics update job is running in SQL Server. How can I kill this?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

A New Array of Zeros

I want to create a new numpy array that is 2x2, and initialized to zeros. How do I do this?

import numpy
a =

Answer: numpy.zeros((2, 2))

Explanation: The zeros() function in the numpy module will do this. Ref: numpy.zeros -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

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SQL Server 2016 - Administration
View using Cross Join and LIKE operator please suggest alternate syntax. - Hi, The below view is using cross join and as far as I know, Cross join is not good for performance. Can you please help me rewrite these views? Any suggestions are much appreciated on the below issues 1 & 2. FROM dbo.tbEmp er CROSS JOIN dbo.tbEmpType ect LEFT OUTER JOIN t ON t.Ece_ID = […]
Non clustered Index on #temp table - Hi, In order to avoid a SORT operation in my execution plan, I want to create a Non clustered Index on a Temp table. However I am getting the below error which makes sense since it is a temp table that is created on the fly, however, is there any other way? please advise. ERROR […]
how to properly uninstall SQL server 2008 ? - Hello , I will proceed to install SQL server 2016 after deleting SQL server 2008 properly I saw several programs that depend on SQL server all these propragrams must be uninstalled (Microsoft visual c++ 2008 redistrubutable , Microsoft SQL server CLR Type,SQL server Native client ...)  
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Rounding to 0 - How do I preserve the value (and not result to 0). In the below calculation, how do I preserve the value? I want atleast 0.01 to come out instead of 0. declare @q int declare @weight decimal(33,13) set @q = 6 set @weight = 0.0000000060240 select Sum(@q *COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(@Weight, 0), 0), 0.01)) Result = 0.0000000  
How do I JOIN these records? - Hi, possible to give me a tip on how do I join these 2 tables? TABLE_A record must have the first nearest DateTime on TABLE_B Datetime record on B must be greater than or equal to A (top 1) Record on B can be matched with a record on A multiple times as long  as […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Convert teradata REGEXP_INSTR into SQL SERVER - Hi, I need some guidelines to convert Teradata REGEXP_INSTR logic into SQL server code. Please find the attached file in which I had provided a sample script. Appreciate your reply in advance. Thanks    
If Statement in Computed Column - Greetings, Thank You for taking the time to read and hopefully answer my question.  You will soon see how new I am to SQL Server. I am rebuilding in SQL Server a DB that I built in MS Access.  Several of the columns in one of the MS Access tables are calculated using IIF statements.  […]
What to expect on first day of PL SQL at new firm? - Hi All, Looking for answer on what do I expect to happen on very first day for PL SQL job role, given 5 years of experience in resume. Because it will be completely new firm for me, will I receive some time to learn their systems?     Thank you
The Future of Community
Forum Api Project: Setup #7 View Models - This script creates 2 procedures which return view models in JSON format.  The view models return the posts for a thread in either recent view (plain old normal view) or threaded view (similar to old Drupal with nesting expanded).  Both implement offset paging. set nocount off; /* determine if schema 'frm' already exits. If it […]
Forum Api Project: Setup #6 Example Posts (reply to Posts) - This script creates 7 posts in the 'frm.posts' table.  These are "indirect responses" to thread(s) or replies to (other) posts.  The variable declarations are repeated for each procedure execution (to step through 1 reply at a time).  For the purpose of creating example posts the reply p_id's are located by the post title which is […]
Forum Api Project: Setup #5 Example Posts (reply to Threads) - This script creates 5 posts in the 'frm.posts' table.  These are direct responses to threads. /* delete frm.posts; dbcc checkident ('frm.posts', reseed, 0) with no_infomsgs go */ set nocount on; set xact_abort on; begin transaction /*create proc frm.api_posts_post @t_id int, @u_id int, @title nvarchar(256), @body nvarchar(4000), @test_p_id bigint output, @test_msg varchar(2048) output*/ declare @t_id int=(select […]
Forum Api Project: Setup #4 Example Threads - This script creates 5 threads in the 'frm.threads' table. /* delete frm.threads; dbcc checkident ('frm.threads', reseed, 0) with no_infomsgs go */ set nocount on; set xact_abort on; begin transaction /*create proc frm.api_threads_post @f_id int, @u_id int, @title nvarchar(256), @body nvarchar(4000), @test_t_id int output, @test_msg varchar(2048) output*/ declare @f_id int=(select f_id from frm.forums where title='Title 4'), […]
Forum Api Project: Setup #3 Procedures - This script creates 3 stored procedures which create rows in the remaining 2 tables, 'frm.threads' and 'frm.posts' tables.  The proc to create new threads is a plain insert.  The proc to create new posts in response to threads is a plain insert.  As far as I can tell there's 1 key query in the whole […]
Forum Api Project: Setup #2 Seed Data - This script inserts seed data into 5 of the 7 tables created by setup1. 7 users were created: id email username 1 SysAdmin 2 SteveJ 3 Steve Collins 4 Jose SQL 5 Jane5687 6 AdamF 7 Bean When 8 claims were created: cl_id securitystamp claim hierarchy 1 74FEAEBE-B13D-4759-9B4F-F63636F48E3F […]
Forum Api Project: Setup #1 DDL - This script creates 7 tables.  The only requirement is there needs to be a schema available called 'frm'.  If one exists already the script fails.  If 'frm' is available for this purpose then the schema and tables are created.    


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