Question of the Day |
Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor): | |
The Future Synonym | |
I have a new instance of SQL Server 2019 installed. The only database I have created is the "sandbox" database. I run this code:
CREATE SYNONYM mysyn FOR newdbw.dbo.sometableWhat happens? | |
Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right. |
Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor) |
Shortcutting Git Commands If I want to make a shortcut in Git so that I can type "git co" instead of "git checkout", what should I run for this to work in all repos on my machine? Answer: git config --global alias.co checkout Explanation: The git config command with the --global flag is used to change something for all repos. In this case, alias.xx, where xx is the alias, is used to set a command. Ref: Git Basics - Git Aliases - https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Git-Aliases#_git_aliases |
Database Pros Who Need Your Help |
Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums. |
SQL Server 2017 - Administration |
SQL Server elevation of privilege vulnerability patch and sp_pkeys SP - We have a SQL Server 2017, which was recently updated with https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/kb4583468-microsoft-sql-server-elevation-of-privilege-vulnerability-b51e9244-d952-0372-0cf0-2929da230340. Against a database on this server, we run an application which connects via RDO and SQL Server Native Client. As a result of this patch, the application has slowed down to a state that it has now become unusable - operations that previously […] |
CU update-SQL 2017 - when i try to install CU 22 for SQL 2017 my current version is not recognized by the installation file. My current version is RTM-CU14-GDR. What could be the cause for this. |
SQL Server 2016 - Administration |
Performance Issues - Im running on a problem concerning performance issues and my main question is when i check the activity monitor while the performance is at the lowest possible, i have about 40 active processes and suddenly the count goes at around 2000-3000 processes as also i have seen a number as 33000 active processes for about […] |
Report taking long time to render for large reports - Report Server URL is used within the application. The SP used within the report when executed from SSMS returns data in about 10-20 seconds, also it returns data in about the same time when the report is called within the application when accessed from the application server.But, when the application is accessed from the desktop […] |
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL |
Connecting to SS2016 from Visual Studio 2015 - NOTE: Due to vendor requirements and not my own preferences I am using SSRS (rdlc type) via VS 2015 If I can on my workstation I connect my copy of SSMS (v18.6) to a cloud based instance of SQL Server 2016 using SQL Server authentication than on that same machine should I also be able […] |
Check if File Exists with Dynamic Name - Dear Group: I need to check if a file exists on our server, and if it does, then execute code. I know I can use the following code to do this: DECLARE @fileExists int EXEC master..xp_fileexist '\\server\feed.txt', @fileexists OUT IF @fileExists = 1 -- The file exists PRINT 'File Exists' -- Do what you want […] |
Forcing serialization of incoming stored procedure calls - Hello, We have implemented a data import system based on an webservice which receives from an external system the necessary data to be imported as payload in XML format. We have a stored procedure interpreting the XML file received and doing the necessary actions to import data according to the type of data received (product […] |
Not selecting numbers in first 3 characters of cell only letters - File - left([File],3) output wanted in case statement... NJU000123 - NJU 99392288 - NULL left([File],3 = office except if there are numbers. How can I improve this left statement to allow only for letters to be pulled while any cells with numbers in the first 3 get left out? |
Development - SQL Server 2014 |
How to get the last occurrence of a field - Hi, I have a simple query that returns two fields. I need to modify that query so that it only returns the last or highest number for each pair of fields. It's easier to show than explain. Here's my query: SELECT WONum, OpNum FROM tblHistory ORDER BY WONum, OpNum It returns something like […] |
Need to create gaps in a table of date ranges - The internet is full of examples of how to find gaps in date ranges but I need to create gaps in a table of date ranges. I have a table of date ranges IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#DateRanges') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #DateRanges create table #DateRanges ( id char(15), SubType char(15), effdate datetime, termdate datetime ) insert […] |
SQL Server 2019 - Administration |
Need help with installation issue - Hi, I work in a small company and do not have a to of experience in this are. Someone installed SQL Server 2019, before I took it over. They seemed to have left out SSIS and Reporting severer when they installed it. I would like to add these, but I do not want to have […] |
Amazon AWS and other cloud vendors |
SQLBackupAndFTP backup S3 - hello , I use the SQLBackupAndFTP tool to transfer the backup from the local server to the S3 backut during the S3 connection phase, the tool asks me ACESS KEY, SECRET KEY Who can how I can get these items back Thanks |
Reporting Services |
Error occured up on clicking subscribe button - On click on subscribe button i am getting below message. first i checked the rdl that is uploaded by the account has access to report server and report server database, it has. still showing same message.. what could be possibilities An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection […] |
Analysis Services |
Convert sql query to MDX - I want to find an mdx equivalent of this query: Select a.shopId , Month(TransactionDate) Month_Transaction, Year(TransactionDate) Year_Transaction, count(distinct b.UserID) UniqueUserCount FROM [dbo].[shop] a JOIN users b ON a.UserID = b.UserID where TransactionDate >= '2018-01-01' Group by a.shopId ,Month(TransactionDate), Year(TransactionDate) This is what I have so far which produces unique count irrespective of date. I […] |
Integration Services |
SSIS Installation for Visual Studio - Dear Group: I have two versions of Visual Studio installed: VS 2015 and VS 2017 on two different machines. As such, my question is two fold as each has an issue. VS 2015: I am able to create SSIS packages in VS 2015 and I am trying to build a package that works with Excel […] |
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