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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Set a goal that links to your sense of purpose in life

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Forever Technology War

This editorial was originally published on Nov 1, 2016. It is being republished as Steve is on holiday.

The Forever War is a classic science fiction novel. I'd highly recommend it if you enjoy that genre, but even if you aren't a science fiction fan, this is a story that can really make you think. The gist of the story is that as various parts of our military travel faster than light, we might encounter foes (or other units of our own military) that are substantially ahead of, or behind us, in technology. All because of the nature of time travel. Recently I ran across a few situations that reminded me of this story.

The first item was at home, where my son's computer acted up. He likes Windows 7 and has stuck by it. However an update caused boot corruption and he wasn't able to repair the system. In the process of trying to get repair things, we dropped into the command line to run chkdsk and bootrec. He wasn't sure how those worked, which makes sense. He's 17 and most of his life has been spent in GUI OS's. However, once we realized he needed to reinstall, I told him to copy things off his boot drive to another drive. I showed him a bit of moving around the command line, making directories, listing contents, copying files. As I was walking away, he asked, "how do I make a folder?"

A folder. Not a directory. We've had not only a technology shift, but also a nomenclature change in computing. It had never occurred to me that my son wouldn't know basic command line calls. As a side note, he greatly appreciated the /? parameter to learn more about commands.

The second situation was at a conference, where I was talking about continuous integration and deployment. A person asked about SSIS packages, and how would you move these with a tool like TeamCity or VSTS. I asked how they'd do this manually, and said that we would just program that. This person asked how they'd program the steps they take in SSDT. My answer was to use the command line, but this person had no idea there was a command line. Their whole career had been spent in GUI systems and they assumed that was the only way. Hint, pretty much everything can be run from a command line.

Those situations showed me that we have a technology shift in place. There are things that some of us have grown up with, used as a base to learn more, and we can assume that others have similar paths. After all, wouldn't you need to know about x to learn about y?

Not necessarily. The longer I am in this business, the more I see that the experiences and knowledge of different people can be vastly different. A person that knows how some technology, say T-SQL and SQL Server security might have no idea how replication works. Or they might know AlwaysOn well, but couldn't implement an Extended Event session. There are gaps and holes in the knowledge that each of us has, and assuming that others have similar understanding of any particular item can cause us problems when we try to work together.

Understanding, transparency, sharing knowledge, and appreciation of diverse experiences can help us all learn, and work together better. If a situation seems strange or a person is confused, perhaps a few questions on their frame of reference of the situation is a better response than assuming they are incompetent or telling them to RTM.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

Automate MSBI deployments Using PowerShell

Kunal Rathi from

There are various ways we can deploy MSBI project deliverable. This article will give you an idea to automate MSBI deployments using Windows PowerShell.

Git Anatomy

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

In this article, Dino Esposito gives an overview of git explaining repository, commit, and branch.

Format your own SQL code using this free online formatter

Additional Articles from Redgate

Redgate have launched their very own Online SQL Formatter powered by SQL Prompt. Visit the page here to try formatting your SQL code with a few pre-defined styles, or find out how to create and share your own styles with SQL Prompt.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Quick Start to Using Influxdb on Macos

Sheldon Hull from Sheldon Hull

OSS 2.0 is a release candidate at this time, so this may change once it’s released.
It wasn’t quite clear to me how to get up and running quickly with...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Error: 8623 - The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan

@DBA_ANDY from Nebraska SQL from @DBA_ANDY

 Unfortunately a common error in many of our client environments is this:

Error: 8623, Severity: 16, State: 1. The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Checking the Check Constraint

What happens when I run this code?
(   myid  INT
  , myval INT CHECK myval < 10


Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by BTylerWhite)

Enumerate the Python List

I have the following code in Python:

animals = ["cat", "dog", "elephant", "fox", "horse"]

for index, animal in enumerate(animals, start=1):


What will be the result of printing the index variable after the loop completes?

Answer: 5

Explanation: In Python, we can use the built-in enumerate function to return an enumerable object from a sequence. Enumerate will return a tuple result including the count of the values of iterating over the sequence. In the example provided in the question, the start argument was provided with 1, indicating to not start at 0 by default. The "animals" list variable was provided as the iterable sequence. This function is particularly useful to avoid the requirement of specifying a "counter" variable and adding to it throughout a traditional loop. This could be achieved in a similar way using a counter variable, like so:

animals = ["cat", "dog", "elephant", "fox", "horse"]

index = 0

for animal in animals:
    index += 1



Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

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SQL Server 2017 - Administration
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SQL Server 2017 - Development
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SQL Server 2016 - Administration
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SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
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SQL Server 2019 - Administration
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SQL Server 2019 - Development
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SQL Server 2008 - General
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