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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Put down your To-Do list and let yourself be spontaneous

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The App Compatibility Promise

I was listening to one of the Ignite keynotes, and I heard an executive say something about "if your app doesn't work, we'll pay to fix it, or fix Windows." I had stop and rewind and check, and then go look around. Sure enough, there is an App Assure promise for Windows 10 and apps.

This isn't just for commercial software, but it lists custom line-of-business apps, third party apps, and more. Now, this doesn't appear to be for everyone. The eligibility for at last the FastTrack portion of this is 150 or more licenses of Windows, Office, etc. However, it is a guarantee that they will help you.

There's also a note that there isn't a requirement for ISVs building Windows 10 apps. To me, that means there's no good reason why more companies don't take advantage of it. I do think, however, that there's a missing component here.

Big parts of the Ignite keynotes, and in Microsoft's marketing and messaging, is about data. That should mean that SQL Server and CosmosDB ought to be included in this promise. If there are regressions or bad plans, I'd hope that Microsoft would help them fix things. Or maybe promise that the compatibility mode would insulate apps.

I know that execution plans regress, sometimes on the same version, and guaranteeing performance or a plan across versions isn't likely possible. However, I do think that Microsoft could provide more guarantees, perhaps with some caveats that if they need you to change code you will.

We all know that we need to test, test, test to ensure we aren't introducing regressions or other issues. Writing tests isn't a panacea, but it also isn't a project. It's an ongoing part of building any software, including database software. Many of us do this, but it becomes harder and more complex for ISVs that often deal with many versions. However, we pay lots of money, and I'd expect that they at least are supporting patches to existing software. I think that's part of an informal contract that they ought to believe in. And one Microsoft ought to provide more support behind, limiting major changes and breaking decisions to major versions.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

Incremental Data loading through ADF using Change Tracking

Sucharita Das from SQLServerCentral

Learn how you can use Change Tracking to incrementally load data with Azure Data Factory

Branching in Git with SQL Database Projects

Additional Articles from

Learn how to use Git with SQL Server Data Tools to allow branching for development and how to merge development changes.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Azure SQL Championship

Diligentdba 46159 from Mala's Data Blog

There is no doubt that this is a time when we all have to be extra aware and work towards keeping our skills aligned with market needs. During this...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Checking your dumps!!!

gbargsley from GarryBargsley

No, No, not those dumps:  SQL Server Memory dumps!! Recently, I was on Slack and wondered into the #firstresponderkit channel. I am a big fan of all the First...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Backup Security

In order to secure my backup files in Azure Blob Storage, I need to ensure that my instance can authenticate. What do I need to set up security for my backup command to send the data to Azure Blob Storage?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Upgrading User Information

I have some DBA code that looks at the system table, sysusers, to get information about the database users and check their access. I want to upgrade this in my SQL Server 2019 instance to use the current view. Which one should I choose?

Answer: sys.database_principals

Explanation: The sysusers table is mapped to sys.database_principals catalog view in modern versions. Ref: Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL) - 

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
aggregate value by group - Hi, I have the following table: create TABLE test ( [Claim ID] int NOT NULL, [Damage ID] int NOT NULL, [Location ID] int NOT NULL, [Seq Num] int NOT NULL, [Reserve Date] datetime NOT NULL, [Reserve amt] Decimal(18,2) NOT NULL ) insert into test select 668835, 631560, 36225627, 1, '06-09-2014', 20000 UNION ALL select 668835, […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Query - How to show below result in sql ID=205&SID=1005&TID=3 ID=25&SID=1005&TID=3 ID=2&SID=1005&TID=3 ID=2006&SID=1005&TID=3 Result 205 25 2 2006      
Administration - SQL Server 2014
Sudden PLE drop - Hi Experts,   We are observing sudden drop in PLE. Buffer cache rit hatio, check point pages/sec ,lazy writes/ sec are all normal. I tried running trace to find if any query causing issue but didnt find any. The DB is getting logged from BizTalk servers. Can you guide me on how to troubleshoot this?
Development - SQL Server 2014
Transpose Rows - Hi, I'm using a recursive CTE to build a family tree. All works fine but instead of having a row for each person in the family tree, I want one row as the result with each constituent person as a column. How do I do this? I will have the same maximum number of generations […]
Nolock hint - In our stored procedures we have (nolock) hints everywhere in a code. Can I replace them all with a single SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED on the top of S.P.? Is it safe? These stored procedures are for reporting. Thanks    
How to cumulate the columns - Hi I wrote this query and I want the result to be cumulated by period so period 1 result is 1 and periode 2 result is 2+1 and period 3 is 3+2(2+1) etc... SELECT dbo.grtbk.reknr, dbo.grtbk.oms25_0, SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(ReportingDate) = '1' THEN (AmountDCDebit - AmountDCCredit) ELSE 0 END) AS [1], SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(ReportingDate) = '2' […]
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
Create a view... - hello, i have a customer table and than a customer group group table which is basically grouping customers Than i have a table price like: cust1 item1 price cust2 item2 price cust3 item2 price cg1 item5 price where cg1 is a group and has cust1 and cust2. I need to create a view with the […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
T-sql performance tuning help Please! thanks - USE [Repository] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[uspExportGetValues] Script Date: 7/23/2020 6:31:48 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This stored procedure is a key components of the Repo Export application process. It captures all user selected values from user interface List Box and DateTimePicker controls and stores them into separate database […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
How to check format of string number variable will format to Decimal(32,6) - I have an incoming set of string values which need to be checked so they can be formatted as Decimal(32,6) in a table These can range for example: 100000 23.6767 4567.12121212 Whats the best way to check these incoming values ? is it to using string manipulation using the decimal point to count digits? I […]
Reporting Services
Using Text Boxes, no table, with more than one data row. - Good morning. I'm not really sure how to write the title so let me explain my issue. I have a two page SSRS report with Text boxes and Expressions. It is a summary of benefits and pay for an individual employee and works great. I used Text boxes because of the layout, how it appears, […]
SSRS 2012
Errors when clicking "Report Builder" - Hello, So my company uses SSRS 2012 to allow our users to run reports and build their own.  And the only person at the company who knew much about it just left.  I know very little about SSRS in general, unfortunately. Here is what I can say about the issue: We can connect to the […]
Integration Services
SSISDB Encryption - Password not available, Master Key not open - Hi all, I now have an instance of SQL Server 2019 where the SSISDB database that holds the SSIS Catalog, does not have the master key open, and we don't have the password.   There's no way to get the password, as the only personnel that might have known it have departed.  Thus while I can […]
ssis execute sql task doesnt work? - Hello, so here is something weird i come across... maybe its a simple setting fixed... but what i have below runs on a SQL execute SQL task, and runs fine... HOWEVER for some reason, doesnt insert the Always on AG information... here is the tsql below: truncate table dbo.Backup_Metrics ;WITH backupsetSummary AS ( SELECT bs.database_name […]
Employers and Employees
short & part time contracts - So I'm interested in finding short term contracts or the kind of work where I can be on call for issues & upgrades on a contract basis or a couple of days a week.  Over the course of my career I have found that a full time DBA or developer is often not required and […]
Microsoft Access
ACCESS Expression convert to SQL - Need help on writing an expression created in ACCESS in SQL.  I am new to SQL so bare with the long written queries.  I think I need everything spelled out so I can get a good grasp on the basics. I am at a lost with trying to figure out how to even begin re-writing […]


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