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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Take your time. Make space to just breathe and be still.

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Moving in the Post Pandemic World

After a few months of the pandemic lockdown this year, my company gave people the option of leaving the local area where our headquarters is located and moving to another part of England. Actually, since we aren't planning on anyone coming into an office in 2020, we allowed people to move away from the cities where we are located, with a request that they remain in the same country.

A number of companies have followed similar suit, most notably a number of big tech companies. Google has said that workers will be remote until July 2021, while Twitter has allowed workers to do so permanently.  Facebook is allowing workers to leave Silicon Valley, but their salaries may be adjusted. All are disruptive actions, and may forever change the culture for these companies.

Remote work is changing the high tech west coast of the US. This will reshape that area, not just for these companies, but for many others that have had a symbiotic relationship with works. Restaurants, car dealers, rental business, and more will be affected. Certainly some cheer the move, upset with the price inflation and crowds that the booming tech companies brought with them.

Personally I want to go back to an office. I miss seeing people periodically. Some others feel that way, but I'm sure plenty of people like working remotely and would appreciate the freedom to live elsewhere.

Today, I want to ask you where that is. If your company said you could move and live somewhere else, anywhere, where would that be?

Let's assume that you could keep the same salary. You'd still have to manage meetings and contact with the people work with now, so changing too many time zones would be a challenge. However, dream a bit and think about how you would restructure your life if your company allowed you to do so.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

Redgate SQL Prompt
 Featured Contents


Steve Jones - SSC Editor from

The T-SQL language expanded in SQL Server 2017 with the TRIM() function.

Azure Database for MySQL

Additional Articles from

In this article we take a look at setting up and configuring MySQL to run on Azure along with some performance metrics for this database platform running on Azure.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Azure SQL Database Compatibility with SQL Server

gorandalf from Gorandalf's SQL Blog

A long time ago, in early days of the Azure SQL Database in 2015, I wrote this article in which I tried to compare the SQL Server and Azure...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - VMworld 2020 – Top 10 Database Sessions (Part 2)

kleegeek from Technobabble by Klee from @kleegeek

Whether you are a SQL Server Database Administrator, Infrastructure Architect, or any other member of IT managing SQL Servers in a virtualized environment, you should already be registered for...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Deleting a branch in Git

I have created a branch, called feature/stevesales, in git. I have completed my work, pushed it, and had the changes merged into the main branch. I switch back to the main branch to pull and start the next round of work. However, I want to clean up my local branches. How do I delete my local "feature/stevesales" branch?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Express in a Container

I want to run SQL Server 2019 Express edition in a container. How can I do this?

Answer: Set the MSSQL_PID environment variable to Express

Explanation: There is only one container image for SQL Server 2019 at each patch level. This is the developer edition by default, but you can change this with the MSSQL_PID environment variable. This can be set to:

  • Evaluation
  • Developer
  • Express
  • Web
  • Standard
  • Enterprise
  • A product key

Ref: Linux Container Environment Variables -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
SSMS Startup Error - I get the following dialog every time I start SSMS: I'm pretty sure it's related to a recent import I did of Registered Servers (I am moving to an Azure-hosted desktop). But all of the imported servers connect OK and the error does not show which of the servers is problematic, so I'm not sure […]
SQLServer Agent not sending dbmail on job completion - Hi Everyone! I have a problem with a SQL Server 2017 with dbmail. I have the attached script and when I run it manually it works ok and sends the mail, and it also registers the activity on sysmail_event_log. But when I run it with a job, the step works fine but no mail is […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Report Server Load balanced issue with one server while accessing https: - We have 2 servers which are load balanced, when reporting service is stopped on server1, https  URL is still accessible. But, when service on server 2 is stopped and try to access the URL ,we are getting the error message" cannot connect securely on this page, this might be because the sites uses outdated TLS […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
How to iterate through relation records and check every record - Hi, i am a beginner to SQL server and wanted to write a PROC where i can traverse through a table. The scenario is that I have table name book_reservation which holds the book_id, member_id, and reservation_To_date. now I want to write a proc where I can check every record of this table and compare […]
SQL Query - SUM and JOIN multiple tables but return missing record - SQL Query - SUM and JOIN multiple tables but return missing record; Good day! here's the sample data link Barcodes Table Item Ledger Entry Table Trans_ Sales Entry Table Transfer Line Table Query result Need help! when i JOIN and SUM the Trans_ Sales Entry Table and Transfer Line Table , but the query result […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
Error - The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data - Hi Error -  Error - The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. Select STUFF((Select Distinct + ', '+ from Test A1 where A1.Entry in (Select distinct bref from test3 where dentry = 1221) FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') as OrderDate from Test0 T0 Month should be […]
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
SQL Agent - The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1) - 0 I keep getting the error The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1) when executing my job on SQL 2012 using Agent For a test I have a simple script with a message box and it runs fine in Visual Studios 2012. When I run it in SQL Agent I get the above erorr. I did […]
Tempdb version store related question - Hi All, Recently, we observed the tempdb has grown out of proportion and filled up all the disk space ( 1 TB tempdb data drive). At that moment we arent able to get shrink the tempdb as well and it was keep growing and growing. Upon troubleshooting a little further came to know for some […]
about the option (fast n) and acutal execution plan -  what kind of situation  can I use "option (fast 1)"  when I execute a Select/update/delete  statement ? such as: select *from tablename where f1='test' option (fast 1) when I execute 2 select sql statement, the 2 sql statement is same ,but the difference is  the first sql statment doesn't have "option (fast 1) but the […]
multipoint to line geometry - Hi, Attached, I exported a CSV file from a multipoint record from sql server  database. select Shape, Shape.ToString(),id from Table_x id is the unique id of the multipoint record GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (MULTIPOINT ((45.7500915527344 10.0216674804688 0 128), (45.750244140625 10.0218505859375 0 128), (45.7503967285156 10.0220336914063 0 129), (45.7505493164063 10.0221862792969 0 129), (45.7507019042969 10.0223388671875 0 130), (45.7508544921875 10.0225219726563 0 130), […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Problem during the setup of SQL Server 2019 - During the installation I come to the step of configuring the database engine. It met me with the following error message: " System administrator account missing. To continue, specify at least one Windows account to configure with SQL * Server system administrator access privileges. " Or I only have one user on my windows 10 […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
JSON Value - I'm trying to get the Json value from the lat and lon, however keep getting NULL as a result. What is the right way to get the Lat and Lon values? DECLARE @JsonValue VARCHAR(MAX) = '{ "CoordSets": [ [ { "Lon": "4.6219456", "Lat": "51.9642514" } ] ] }'; SELECT JSON_QUERY(@JsonValue, '$.CoordSets[0]'), --returns a value, but […]
Ignore the entire record if a matching record is found - Hello, Kindly guide me with the following code in T-SQL. I need to only extract those KeyId where the applicationname = 'Flower' does not exist. So Flower is present in keyId = 100, 101, so in the output I should not have 100 and 101. Just need to display 102.
SQL Server 2008 - General
Error for updating Extended Property - The following Error occurs while updating extended property of a table in SQL  Server 2008 R2. What is the reason for this error and how to find who is causing lock?   =================================== Alter failed for Table 'dbo.Ticket'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) ------------------------------ For help, click: ------------------------------ Program Location: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlSmoObject.AlterImpl() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table.Alter() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.ExtendedProperties.OnRunNow(Object sender) at […]
Integration Services
Using SSIS packages build in VS2010 when migrating SQL server from 2008 to 2016 - With eof of Windows2008R2, lots of our customers are planning new server setups, usually employing SQL server 2016 instances on new local servers. We have complex SSIS solutions combined with SSAS/SSRS originally developed with VS2010 + SQL server 2008. A couple of customers we migrated upgrading the solution to VS2015. This caused massive problems mainly […]


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