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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Think about what you can learn from a recent challenge

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Research on the Changing Workplace

One of the things that I have admired about Microsoft is their desire to invest in research and try to learn more about subjects that relate to their core business. Microsoft Research has a number of fascinating projects underway all the time, and I enjoy browsing the site once in awhile.

However, they don't just limit research to this group. They are a data driven culture, and it seems they are constantly using metrics and instrumentation to measure how the entire business works and to glean insights into how they might work better.

Recently I saw a report on Microsoft's new work-from-home workforce, driven by a group that helps companies better work with their own employees.

Work has changed for many people in the world in 2020, and very dramatically for some. At the same time, many companies have had to drastically alter they continue to do business, recognizing that many technical employees could work from home and be as effective as they are in an office.

Microsoft has analyzed their own data, and continue to do so as they seek to understand how the pandemic has changed things for employees. They do find some longer work days, more networking, and more social events.

Interestingly, meetings are slightly shorter, which is something I've noticed as well. It's almost as if the effort to walk to a conference room means people have invested more in spending an hour there. With remote meetings, I find more people are willing to cut short a meeting and end it early when they can.

The importance of management is something they noticed, as well as a larger burden on managers that they must deal with. I've actually gone to every other week meetings with my manager for a time, though I'm not sure I like that. I'll give it another month and then see what I think.

The two most interesting things in the piece to me were that some of the authors' clients are planning on a two year work from home, and that work-life boundaries, especially on weekend, are blurring. For the latter, I think we sometimes fine work to be an anchor, and we may need to spread our 40-ish hours across 7 days to deal with the challenges of family during the week.

For the former, if you plan to be at home for two years, why not just make that forever? I'd think the adaptations employees, departments, and workflows make after that amount of time might not be worth undoing.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

Removing Extended Properties

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from

With the new labeling and classificiation options in SQL Server, there might be a need to remove these labels before deploying the database.

Install SQL Server Integration Services in Visual Studio 2019

Additional Articles from

Learn the step by step process to install SQL Server 2019 Integration Services in Visual Studio as well as the history for the tool.

Tracking use of Deprecated SQL Server Features

Additional Articles from Redgate

Phil Factor explains how to use SQL Prompt, or SQL Change Automation, to detect use of deprecated SQL Server syntax, during development, and Dynamic Management Views and Extended Events to track its use on working databases.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - The Ironic DBA—My First Year as a DBA [Part 4]

Kevin3NF from Dallas DBAs

My Favorite and Recommended Training Resources As I’ve been in intense, focused SQL Server training for the last year, I thought it would be a great time to share...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Thoughts on the PASS Virtual Summit

Andy Warren from SQLAndy

Some thoughts on the PASS Virtual Summit this year: Clearly the in-person option wasn’t doable. Just too hard to know infection rate, local rules, employer travel guidelines, attendee and...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Querying Data Sources from a BDC

What SQL Server technology is in use by Big Data Clusters (BDC) to query external data?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

File Backups

I have a SQL Server 2017 instance and database. The database has two filegroups, each with 4 files. One of the files in the ARCHIVE filegroup is offline, but it was recently emptied. I want to backup the ARCHIVE filegroup with a file backup. What happens when I issue the BACKUP DATABASE command for this filegroup?

Answer: This backup errors out as the filegroup is offline.

Explanation: If any file in a filegroup is offline, the backup of the filegroup fails with a message like this one: Msg 3007, Level 16, State 2, Line 5 The backup of the file or filegroup "Archive" is not permitted because it is not online. Container state: "Offline" (2). Restore status: 0. BACKUP can be performed by using the FILEGROUP or FILE clauses to restrict the selection to include only online data. Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 5 BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. Ref:  Full File Backups -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2016 - Administration
ExecuteScalar: CommandText property has not been initialized - One ASP.NET project keeps on receiving a message below from "Try...Catch...End try" block. System.InvalidOperationException: ExecuteScalar: CommandText property has not been initialized I searched Google but can't get help. Is this SQL script mistake? Please help. --------------------------------------------------------- It points at a function from app below dim iCount as Int32 = 0 dim SQL as string = […]
How to stop database restore that survived reboot showing progress in error log - SQL Server 2016 SP CU7 on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard.  Backstory: Agent job runs daily that performs restore of database in about 30 minutes (360G MDF).  All of a sudden one day restore still running hours later.  Waited it out.  Ran in 18 hours then several hours later early morning restore ran as normal.  […]
using Powershell scripts to do SQL backups - Hello, hopefully this can be a straight forward question, but at the same time, looking to get some advice and if possible experience from someone that tried this... but as the title says, My company has large databases, about 1.5 tb, and dont want to invest in software, but of course we do have good […]
Monitoring CDC - Hi All I've noticed our CDC capture job causing blocking for hours on end at a time. Digging around, I've found the latency using this script to reach 1775 SELECT latency FROM sys.dm_cdc_log_scan_sessions WHERE session_id = 0   I'm hoping that someone can assist me with really figuring out how far behind it actually is. […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Nested FOR XML Problem - I have the following data and I want to generate XML where the transactions are nested under the position for the relevant asset. CREATE TABLE #temptable ( [bp_sym] varchar(50), [person_key] varchar(100), [bargain_date] date, [disp_acqu_text] varchar(9), [quantity] decimal(12,2), [cumulative_qty] decimal(12,2), [book_cost_change] decimal(12,2), [cumulative_book_cost] decimal(12,2), [swim_refs] varchar(6), [security_code] char(7), [asset_name] nvarchar(4000) ) INSERT INTO #temptable ([bp_sym], [person_key], […]
SQL 2012 - General
Run same query on multiple servers with sqlcmd and save the output - Hello, I have this 3 lines: sqlcmd -S "Server1" -d -U -P -i query.sql -o result.txt sqlcmd -S "Server2" -d -U -P -i query.sql >> result.txt sqlcmd -S "Server3" -d -U -P -i query.sql >> result.txt If I copy and paste this code to a cmd […]
When run query for only part it take too much time so How to solve this issue ? - I work on sql server 2012 query I face issue : when run query return 10 rows for only one part it take 50 second I try to run it in another time may be pc have more load but it take same time 50 second to return 10 rows for only one part . […]
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
Split dates based on Start and End Dates - Hi Team, I'm seeking help on date split, the dates can start between month also. below is the sample code and output. Thank you!   Create Table #DATE_SPLIT ( ID INT, StartDate DATE, EndDate DATE ) INSERT INTO #DATE_SPLIT SELECT 10,'01/10/2020','03/21/2020' UNION ALL SELECT 10,'03/22/2020','12/31/9999' --OUTPUT ID StartDate EndDate 10 '01/10/2020' '01/31/2020' 10 '02/01/2020' '02/29/2020' […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
File Paths in sysfiles on Replica Database - Morning Guys, How can I get the correct file path from sysfiles (or anywhere in the database with t-sql) when the db is the read only replica. It appears that sysfiles shows the location of the files on the principle database not on the replica. In this case the are in different locations.   Cheers […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
create view out of dynamic query from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS - Hi, Is there a way to create a view out if this query below? DECLARE @query nvarchar(max) SELECT @query = STUFF( ( SELECT ' UNION ALL SELECT ''' + TABLE_SCHEMA + ''' AS SCHEMANAME, ' + '''' + TABLE_NAME + ''' AS TABLENAME, ' + 'LEFT(''' + TABLE_NAME + ''', 3) AS SYSTEM, ' + […]
Get multiple values out of xml - Hi I have the following Syntax:   DECLARE @MyXMLString XML SET @MyXMLString = ' Woonkamer + Eetkamer Woonkamer 1 1 11.3 3.86 43.62 2.5 109.05 Zuluft 151 0 1 1 Keuken Open keuken 6 1 3.82 2.42 9.24 2.5 23.1 […]
Reporting Services 2005 Development
Average in a Matrix - Hello I'm using the Matrix Wizard and everything is working right except one total that I modified.  See image: The detail columns total at the bottom and along the row without any problem. But in my last column 'Avg FTE' I'm trying to get an average. The average works across the row, but not at […]
Looking for custom T-SQL - I've inventoried all our SQL Servers, Service Accts, etc in a home-grown Inventory DB. Simplified here, my Tables\Cols\Data include: TABLE=ServerName w/ Cols: ServerName, Active TABLE=ServiceAccts w/ Cols: ServerName, SvcAcct, Service ServerName Active SvcAcct Service ========== ====== ======= ======= Server123 N SvcAcct123 SQL Service ServerABC N SvcAcctABC <--- SQL Service ServerABC N SvcAcctABC <--- SQL Agent […]
SSIS Expression help - Hi Guys,/ Is anyone can help me convert this SQL to SSIS Expression? SELECT DATEADD(DAY,DATEDIFF(DAY,0,CONVERT(DATE,DATEADD(WK,DATEDIFF(WK,0,GETDATE()),0) - 8)), '00:00:00') Thanks in Advance.  
Design Ideas and Questions
Columnstore Index and Nonclustered Index on Table - We have a table definition below with a columnstore index and nonclustered row indices. The data in this table increases 10K per day and in a year can have 400K ColNumber with each having 1 to many ColProperty. This table will be used mostly for reads/reference and hardly have updates. Would it be beneficial to […]


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