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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Get back in touch with a supportive friend and have a chat

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Old Way or the New Way

Many of us are employed because of our talent and experience. We get things done and our organization values what we do. We got this position because we did something well, as a DBA, developer, manager, or some other role.

It's natural that we feel confidence in our abilities and knowledge. However, that shouldn't prevent us from learning new skills, techniques, and patterns for getting work done. As much as many of us want to feel we regularly learn in technology, I often find that customers, clients, and friend struggle to change their habits.

Why is this? There is a good post on the topic that looks at why people want to use the old way. It's from the perspective of the developer that shows something to a client, but I think this applies to many parts of our world. Making change has an effort, and the effort needs to have a high return to be worth making a change.

In terms of development, do we change our efforts when something is slightly better? Perhaps, especially if there security or resource changes could be high for our final deployment. What about if the changes are most nebulous, like slightly less technical debt? Or if there is a chance for more future flexibility in the design? The benefits we get back are hard to measure.

The changes also need to be considered for a team. A change for my coding habits might be low with little disruption to my workflow, but the change for a team of 10 is a multiple of the effort. We all have to make a change, and that can disrupt an entire sprint, or a series of sprints if our focus and rework increase as everyone tries to adapt.

My general rule of thumb is that some change has to be at least 20% better in some way. It has to make a fundamental difference to be worth the effort. This is one reason I never moved from Google to Bing. Bing works fine, but it's not 20% better. I'm not sure it's 1% better. It's different, and that has a high cost.

Moving to new ways of working can be good, but the movement needs to be careful and slow, especially in a team environment.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
Stairway to Biml

Stairway to Biml Level 6 - Programming with Metadata

Reeves Smith from

In this next level of the Stairway to Biml, learn how metadata makes your Biml code more efficient and helpful in generating packages.

What If You Really DO Need to Shrink a Database?

Additional Articles from Brent Ozar Unlimited Blog

You’ve heard that shrinking a database is bad because it introduces both external and internal fragmentation, it causes blocking, it causes transaction log growth while it runs, and it’s slow and single-threaded. You understand that if it’s just a matter of 10-20-30% of a database, and the database is only 100-200GB, you might as well just leave the space there, because you’re gonna end up using it anyway.

Creating a Simple Development Harness with SQL Compare and SQL Data Generator

Additional Articles from Redgate

There is no single, correct approach to developing and testing your SQL batches and routines. It depends on the requirement. For simple tasks, like modifying and testing a view or stored procedure, SQL Compare and SQL Data Generator, combined, provide a useful, lightweight development harness.

Free eBook: Fundamentals of SQL Server 2012 Replication

Press Release from Redgate

Fundamentals of SQL Server 2012 Replication provides a hands-on introduction to SQL Server replication. The book introduces you to the technologies that make up replication, and then walks you through setting up different replication scenarios. When you've finished reading, you should be able to implement your own multi-server replication setup while following the principle of least privilege.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Database DevOps – Where do I start?

jphillips 46546 from Another SQL Geek

By now you have most likely heard the term DevOps and you are most likely working for a company that has implemented DevOps is some manner, that could be...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Costs in Python

I have a dataframe in Python, using pandas. In this dataframe, I have a column called "Cost". I can see this with this code:
This returns a few values:
>>> sales['Cost'].head()
0     360
1     360
2    1035
3     900
4     180
Name: Cost, dtype: int64
What does this code do?
sales['Cost'] *= 1.05

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The I in ACID

What does the I in ACID stand for when related to relational databases?

Answer: Isolated

Explanation: The I stands for Isolation. Each transaction is isolated from others. Ref: ACID -,errors%2C%20power%20failures%2C%20etc.

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Table Partition in Sql Server - Hi Team, we have a table like 1.5 tb in size and around 800 cr records. I would like to make it as partitioned table. to make partition we need to drop and recreate primary and FK constraints will take more time. we need to perform this on more tables. so is there any approach […]
SQL Server 2017 - Development
How to performance tune ssis pkg when dev environment isnt as good as prod - Hey everyone, my dev envoronnebt has 56 GB of memory and 4 virtual processors with a speed of 2.29 GHz. My prod environment has 163 GB of memory and has 8 virtual processors at 2.29 GHz. I can update pkgs on my dev environment to run multiple data flows using Modulo and that pkg runs […]
SQL Query Help - CHARINDEX - Need query help. create table #tblTest1 (ID int, SName varchar(50), Type varchar(10)) INSERT INTO #tblTest1 values (1,'abc/efg','OS') INSERT INTO #tblTest1 values (2,'xyz/tgf','OS') INSERT INTO #tblTest1 values (2,'tgf/xxx','OS') INSERT INTO #tblTest1 values (3,'ccc/ppp','OS') INSERT INTO #tblTest1 values (4,'ddd/tqm','OS') INSERT INTO #tblTest1 values (5,'mpg/eee','OS') create table #tblTest2 (SName varchar(50)) INSERT INTO #tblTest2 values ('efg') INSERT INTO #tblTest2 […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Best way to replicate 1 table from Production DB to Dev Db - I'm sure there are a dozen different ways that this can be accomplished and many things that will make some better that others. I have a VM win2012R2 SQL2016dev 'dev' and a box win2016 sql2016ent 'prod' Developers cannot have any access to prod, and have full access on dev. I would like to provide them […]
SCOM alert offline/recovery pending/suspect... but DBs seems fine - Hello experts, We are using SCOM to monitor SQL Server AOAG, and I am having trouble resolving this alert: Database is in offline/recovery pending/suspect/emergency state I use the alert details to check the status of the databases on each of the AOAG replicas, as well as the Always On High Availability Dashboard. The dashboard is […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Select Statement Where Column Does Not Exist - I bulk insert a file into a temp table each month.  The file has about 60 fields but sometimes 2 or 3 fields are missing (if they are missing its the same all the time).  I'd like to use the same procedure to read the temp table, whether it has 57, 58, 59 or 60 […]
How to grant only read(Select) permissions to the Group of Users - I have a business requirement where Business Users are all available in Group "TradingBusinessUsers" , Now i want to grant select permissions to all tables for the users in the group "TradingBusinessUsers"  and also users are allowed to create table on their own Self-schema and manage their tables. Can anyone help me to solve this […]
Is it possible to display Date in between in cube without multiplying the Data? - Ahoi, I have to display "discount" as a measure in my Cube. The basic structure is: DateFrom DateUntill DiscountMeasure   The request is: Have a Date and display the DiscountMeasure. My question is: Is there a better way to solve this than creating a dataset for each day between DateFrom and DateUntill? I was hoping […]
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
Need help formatting BCP output - Hello, I have a bcp script that generates stored procedure code output as shown below. bcp "select RTRIM(LTRIM(c.text)) FROM sys.objects AS o INNER JOIN sys.syscomments AS c ON o.object_id = WHERE o.type = 'P' AND = 'sp_ic9av0_dx_length'" queryout "\\dbserver1\j$\Backup\NG Sps\sp_ic9av0_dx_length.sql" -t -c -r "\t" -SServer1 -T -dMyDb There is a formatting issue in […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Update - I have a Use case like. We migrated around 1000 millions of rows into around 5-6 tables. client requirement frequently change to update some columns. Is there any best way to Update those tables other then Batch/looping updates. We tried disabling all the index but still it's taking too much time. Even we have 5-8 […]
Page File. Set Value, or let Windows Manage it ? - I friend at another company said they got an out of memory error on their Production SQL server. It has 24 Gig of RAM and a 4 Gig page file. Their hosting company said they can increase the page file to a set value, or let Windows manage it. If Windows manages it, is there […]
SQL Server Hardware Recommendation - Hi,   I'm looking for a recommended Hardware Spec to run SQL Server 2019 Enterprise on. Our software vendor has suggested the below, but was looking for other people's thoughts. Our Database is currently sitting on a SQL2000 database - it's around 300GB in size and is accessed by around 90 people at a time. […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Change color scheme for Admin account in SSMS - I was reading one of Brent Ozar's posts about SSMS, and he was talking about "never use the sa/admin account unless you need to", so I was wondering if there is a way (I know there is) to change the background color or the color of the window for just the SA/admin account, so I […]
DateDiff for only @p_start_date and @p_enddate - So I am trying to get the datediff for parameters selected, even though the 2 dates could span 60 days, for an example I have 2 dates available(2018-01-05 11:08:00) and unavailable (2017-10-30 05:05:00) I only want the datediff where @p_start_date = 2017-12-01 and @p_end_date = 2017-12-31 those are the selected parameters.
Integration Services
Access Files Stored in - Has anyone created an SSIS package which grabs data from one or more files stored on I would be interested in hearing how you got on. Did you get the Box API working from a script task? Any issues adding DLLs to the GAC?


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