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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Have a tech free day. Stop scrolling and turn off the news.

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Conferences of the Future

I've been fortunate enough to attend many technical conferences during my career. I've gotten to many Microsoft shows, most of the PASS Summits, and been lucky enough to go to my favorite, SQL Bits, quite a few times. I look forward to SQL Saturdays every year in locations all around the world, and I get to help plan and present at Redgate's SQL in the City shows.

Microsoft has rebooted their conference strategy in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, with no plans to have a live event before July 2021. That's amazing for a company that hosts the large Ignite, Build, and Inspire events, as well as many other events. I saw recently that Agile+DevOps event has gone virtual as well, with reduced costs. I imagine Microsoft will follow suit as well. SQL Bits moved their event to September, and PASS has announced the Summit will go on, but I wonder if either of these will be live events.

I recently got a note from a SQL Saturday that had initially cancelled informing me that the event had gone virtual and I could still present. While I'm happy to do so, what's the difference between SQL Saturday Denver and SQL Saturday Oslo if they go virtual this fall? Not much, in my opinion, though I do hope anyone holding a "local" event gives priority to local speakers. I'm happy to present, but I shouldn't get more engagements here when there are others that would like opportunities.

More virtual events are good in one sense: more people get access to presentations that they wouldn't otherwise be able to attend. We also dramatically increase the equality of access to learning, inspiration, and the other value that speakers deliver to audiences. At the same time, there are plenty of downsides. Organizers may struggle to fund their events because nothing is free and the value of a virtual event is less, sponsors and vendors will see less value.

Many speakers may struggle to get exposure and speaking slots. If you can choose Paul Randal, Denny Cherry, Andy Leonard, and Brent Ozar to present at your event, would you pick me? Or many of the other speakers that submit to SQL Saturdays? Maybe, maybe not, but there is a tendency to stick with the best if you can get them

Maybe the biggest losses in my mind are the lack of networking and the inability to focus. I went through the Microsoft MVP Summit from home, with 3.5 days of sessions all day. I struggled to stay focused, I was distracted by not being in a room with less of my life around, and I still had other things on my mind. It was hard, and I got less from it than an in person event. How many people will get a ticket to a virtual event from their boss and not have to come into the office? How many are willing to sit in front of a screen for hours at a time? It's hard, and I don't know if it's the most sustainable model.

Maybe in-person conferences are an anachronistic way of gathering together a group of people for an event. Maybe the virtual event is better, and I do think it is for some. It's also worse for some. Personally I hope live events make a comeback in the future, but I'm curious what the rest of you think. Let me know today.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

Redgate SQL Compare
 Featured Contents

SQL Server Rounding Tips and Tricks

Luis Cazares from

This article shows different options to use the rounding functions in SQL Server.

Updated First Responder Kit and Consultant Toolkit for March 2020

Additional Articles from

In the immortal words of “Orange” Julius Caesar as written by Shake’s peer, “Beware the bugs of March.” It took us 2,064 years, but we’ve finally fixed those bugs, plus added a couple of new features.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Data Bits – Episode 5 – Louis Davidson

Kevin3NF from Dallas DBAs

The one and only  – Dr. SQL – Louis Davidson (b|t|t|t) stopped by for a chat! Relational Algebra, Disney, Dollywood and a SQL Dump Truck ??
The post Data Bits...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Adjusting pod eviction time in Kubernetes from The DBA Who Came In From The Cold

One of the best features of Kubernetes is the built-in high availability. When a node goes offline, all pods on that node are terminated and new ones spun up...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):



What values can I use for the RANKX() "ties" parameter?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Long Wait(for)s

I had this in some of my code:

WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30'
-- more code here

The client decided this isn't enough delay, and they want to double this. I write this code:

WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:60'
-- more code here

What happens when I execute this?

Answer: There is a compilation error because 00:00:60 is an invalid time string

Explanation: We cannot use 60 as a valid value for seconds. 0-59 is the range. To get 60 seconds, we need to change this to be one minute (00:01:00). Ref:

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Best practices when upgrading to SQL Server 2017. 1 or 2 databases? Replication? - We are FINALLY migrating off our SQL 2000 box to SQL 2017. Our current environment is a single SQL server with a database dedicated for our internal applications and then a separate database for our eCommerce site - with SQL replication running between the databases (both merge and distribution). Our SQL server is NOT in […]
SQL Server 2017 - Development
Top 10, count Distinct of multiple columns in select statement - Hi All select TOP 10 SiteId, SiteName, count (distinct (JobID,Grade)) from SiteInfo I need to count unique value of jobID, Grade and get the count from each site, then highlight only the TOP 10 site. JobID 112 can belongs to Grade A, B also can be repeated many times so i need to make a […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
ALWAYS On Setup problem - While configuring N1 and N2  Nodes connected to DC  Domain Controller working fine. Establishing connection through Registering  Server  from SSMS  on Server (N2) is able to accessing  N1. When trying to establish on N1 for N2 gives an error. TITLE: Edit Server Registration Properties ------------------------------ Testing the registered server failed. Verify the server name, login […]
No permission to Cert, asymmetric key, or private key file - Hello. I am trying to restore a Db in SQL server 16. It is a developer version installed on windows 10 laptop. We have a backup file from a SaaS instance. We have moved to a new instance of the SaaS and this is our archive from the first instance. This is strictly for archiving […]
SSMS 2012 connect to SQL 2016 - My PC is running Windows 7 and SSMS 2012. How to connect PC to back-end SQL 2016 ?
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Case when with a Pivot - Hello, I'm trying to write a AR aging select query that  uses a case statement to indicate if the invoice due date is 30, 60, 90 over due etc. I need to then use the pivot function to get columns as  30,60, 90  , the problem I'm facing is the pivot doesn't seem to recognize […]
Select return no records - Hello, I feel stupid asking this...I should be able to work itout, but here I am. column value exsists in the table but when I selct value in a where , it retuns no records. the dattype is nvarchar and Ive tried to do a Cast and convert to no avail.  am I missing somthing […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
Limiting Specific User Connections - Our environment has a set of users that use a third party app to connect to SQL Server. The problem is that these users like to open up multiple connections and run concurrent queries against the data which sometimes can hinder performance. I would like to limit the amount of connections this group can make […]
Stored Procedure - Usage - Hi, I am running query using sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats  to get the stored procedure usage report and little confused that it shows latest time like today but Execution count is NULL so what i should understand? Is it Not using Stored Procedure at all since Last Sql server Restarted? How I should interpreting Last_Execution_Time and execution_count columns […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Query time after specified date - I need help with a query. If I have a list of people each with a service date and I want to sum their spend one year and two years after their service date what is the best way to approach it? So I have a field that identifies the member, one that identifies the […]
Create delete update tables in one database to another database. - Hi All, This is sampath i am new to sqlservercentral community,i am not good programmer in sql related queries please helpme to acheive. Example:- I have two databases  database1 and database2 database1 has 20 tables and database2 has same 20 tables if anything updated/added/deleted any records in database1 tables automatically it should update database2 tables. […]
Slow Query when add 1 additional field - dear all, i have simple query that related several tables which 1 table have millions of rows. i have created index on each table that i will relate to master table. and it went pretty well, from 1 minute query that produce 400 thousands row, after add index it will only takes 30 seconds. Problem […]
Integration Services
Issue with SSIS variable expression using If THEN - i have a vairable in SSIS package, i want to implement if then condition in that variable expression based on file name i will get full file name form the package - [User::FileName] has values LK0011_20200218094659_FulArc_CODE01_PRODATA LK0011_20200218094659_FulArc_CODE02_PRODATA LK0011_20200218094659_FulArc_CODE03_PRODATA I will get these file names form for each loop container. we will have 3 different files. […]
COVID-19 Pandemic
Daily Coping Top 9 Apr 2020 - Today was a tip to : make some progress on a project that matters to me. I have plenty of tech projects, but was having a bad day, so I tackled something else:
Daily Coping Tip 10 Apr 2020 - Today's tip is:  Do something kind for yourself. My thoughts: I'm going to do some baking. A few places I've gotten gluten free recipes from:  


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