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Maybe Being Famous is a Bad Idea

I recently read this article by Tim Ferriss, wherein he talks about the very real dangers of becoming famous. I strongly recommend you read through it. Yeah, there’s a bit of a feel of click bait in the title, but this guy, by simply being a popular nerd and entrepreneur, brought real danger into his life, and more importantly to me, the life of his family. I strongly suggest you read through.

This resonated with me a little. No, I’m not in any way what the most generous definition would define as famous. However, within our little community, I’m somewhat well known. With that, has come a few run-ins with people that were, let’s just say, less than enjoyable. My favorites, for being the easiest to deal with, are the people who want to play “Stump the Chump” to prove they’re smarter than I am. Honestly, this one is easy, I’m not that smart and I quickly just acknowledge their obvious superiority and they wonder away lost. Much less enjoyable are the people who have decided that because I’m an expert, whatever that means, that I have to have all the answers, all the time. Further, when you tell these people “I don’t know,” they get quite visibly upset, angry, accusative, as if, I’m not merely ignorant, but actively sabotaging them. Finally, my least favorite, the people who have decided that, because they “know” me from online, I should become their personal mentor. Nope. It doesn’t work like that. These people also become extremely upset when I refuse to just surrender my time to them.

This isn’t a whine session. I know other people, especially women, transgendered, and others, have it much, much tougher than I ever will. I just wanted you to get an idea of what this stuff is like. Choosing to be a public figure means that you’re now gambling with math. What do I mean? The most interesting aspect of that article for me was how Mr. Ferriss explains why this stuff happens. When your sample size is tiny, the chances of having a bonafide crazy person who could cause you or your family harm is exceedingly small. As that sample size increases, and it does as you become more and more known, the chances go up because of simple data distribution.

That concept fascinated me as much as Mr. Ferriss’ story, and man, I am sorry for what he and his family have gone through. That has to be tough. However, the key is, we do need to think about this concept of data distribution all the time. Yeah, you’ve never had a corrupt database, but now you’re managing 1,000 instead of 10. You’ve never had a flooded data center, but you have four instead of one. On and on, we need to think about how simple data distribution can impact us, not just in our databases, but in our lives.

Oh yeah, and treat each other with kindness, respect and professionalism. Yes, it’s a little bit of work, but well worth it.


Grant Fritchey

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

DBA Team Mashup

gm.jones from SQLServerCentral

This article explains an idea for DBA team roles and responsibilities.

Using SQL Prompt Code Snippets for Repetitive Tasks

Additional Articles from Redgate

Louis Davidson discovers the joy of using SQL Prompt code snippets to remove repetition from a variety of tasks, from inserting comment headers, to creating tables, to executing useful metadata queries.

Configure SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption with PowerShell

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Transparent Data Encryption is way to protect the data in your SQL Server database. This can be setup using T-SQL, SSMS and using PowerShell.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - SQL Server Backup and Restore Strategy Step by Step

nelsonaloor from PracticalSQLDba

Who is not aware of a SQL Database? It was the first business language introduced for E.F Codd’s Relational Database management system. In addition, MySQL, Oracle, Informix, Sybase, MS...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Why is the XLOCK table hint broken?

Daniel Janik from Confessions of a Microsoft Addict

Let’s talk about what XLOCK is supposed to do. XLOCK is a table hint that can be applied to a query to place an exclusive lock on the resources...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Kendra Little):


SELECT Queries and Type of Locking

SELECT queries running under the default “pessimistic” implementation of the read committed isolation level like to use…

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

More Data

I'm compiling some data from various sources, and I have this so far.

> Avengers
  ID Age        Name
1  1  34 Black Widow
2  2  48    Iron Man

If I want to add a row that has these values:

(3,100, "Captain America")

Which of these should I choose?

Answer: Avengers <- rbind(Avengers, list(3,100, "Captain America"))

Explanation: The rbind function will add a row to a dataframe. Ref: rbind -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

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SQL Server 2017 - Development
Recursive CTE vs UNION ALL in a VIEW - Hi, I'm trying to improve a VIEW which is made of several UNION ALLs, something like this: SELECT 0 as OPNR, as DOPNR, 0 as ANTL, (nivdop1.ANT) / sumniv1.SUMANT as ANT, 0 as ANTS, nivdop1.SVIND, as RVNR, nivrv1.NAVN as RVNAVN, nivrv1.TYPE, 1 as NIVEAU, 0 as PARENT, nivdop1.LINE, 0 as PLINE from DBDOPSK […]
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SQL Server 2016 - Administration
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SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
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SQL 2012 - General
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SQL Server 2019 - Administration
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SQL Server 2019 - Development
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Reporting Services
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