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The Voice of the DBA

Cranky Curmudgeons

Today we have a guest editorial from Grant Fritchey as Steve is away on his sabbatical.

If you’re haunting the internet as I do, you probably hear how DBAs are an aging population. Further, because we’re aging, we’re not ready to embrace all the wonderful new technologies that are clearly superior in every possible way. Hence, this is why ElasticSearch and MongoDB haven’t taken over the world.

Now, I’m not going to argue. The DBA demographic is aging. We’re getting older. Yes, also, that means that a certain section of us are becoming cranky curmudgeons (CC). The CC will regale you with all the ways that they had to use stone knives and bear skins for disaster recovery back in the day. However, this is not applicable to everyone.

Let me sidestep for a moment. I little while ago I finally got off my behind and got my Ham radio license (KC1KCE, that’s my call sign). If you think the DBA population is aging and creating CC at a surprising rate, you should see the Ham community.

Over the recent holiday break, I took the time to really play with my radio. What was I doing you ask? OK, you’re probably not asking, but I’m going to tell you anyway. The first thing I did was get my Raspberry Pi 4 set up with a newer version of Raspbian (Debian Unix specific to the Raspberry Pi). With that I was able to configure Winlink, a software for sending email through the radio. I also was experimenting with FT8, a digital mode where the radio is controlled by a computer. In FT8, you send extremely short signals (28 characters max, and you thought Twitter was a pain). The whole idea is to use low power, small signals, as a way to make communication across large distances easier. I was also using another digital mode, PSK31, where you can type into a computer program and it gets transmitted through your radio. Yet another way to extend the reach of the radio beyond what’s possible through voice (called Single Side Band) or Morse code (called CW). All this through a tiny box that fits in the palm of my hand.

Anyone still here? Why am I talking about all this boring radio junk? Because, this CC was expanding his Linux skill set while learning new programs, new hardware, and new ways to communicate using a computer and a radio.

TLDR: CC can learn.

Same thing goes for data and databases. Don’t assume that because the population is aging that it’s not keeping up. Besides, the whole reason we’re not letting you implement ElasticSearch is because you youngsters haven’t properly secured it.  See, we CC have been around the block a time or two, so we’re watching out for you.

Grant Fritchey

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

Redgate Database Devops
 Featured Contents

Stable Marriages Using SQL Server

Glen Cooper from SQLServerCentral

In this article, we see how SQL can be used to determine matches between two groups, given a set of preferences.

Prevent SQL Server Blocking using Lock_Timeout

Additional Articles from

Concurrency | T-SQL | Code Samples - In this tip we look at a way to minimize the length of blocking using SQL Server lock timeout.

Comments and More in PowerShell

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Comments are helpful when programming in any language, and PowerShell is no exception. In this article, Greg Moore demonstrates how to use comments to document code and to add prerequisites in PowerShell with #Requires.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Permissions required for row counts to show up on Object Explorer Details

Kenneth.Fisher from SQLStudies

I ran into a rather obscure permissions problem the other day. Since I wasn’t able to figure it out on ... Continue reading

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Memory Optimizer Advisor

SQLEspresso from SQLEspresso

Previously I wrote about In-Memory Optimized Tables, in this blog I am going to discuss how to determine which tables could benefit from being In-Memory by using a tool...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Thomas Franz):


Switching Database context in transaction

Which database are you using, after executing the following statements?
USE tempdb
USE master

SELECT DB_NAME() AS current_database

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Changing the Data Frame

I have this data frame in R:

> fantasy.playoffs
                Team  Score           Opp
1 Way0utwest Cowboys 135.40          
2         SSC Ravens  66.26 Green Machine
3              Ditka  85.20          
4   Orange Engineers 111.52     Mexicanos

I then run this:

> fantasy.playoffs$OppScore <- c(NA, 66.26, NA, 111.52)

What happens?

Answer: A new column called OppScore is added to the data frame with those values

Explanation: This syntax will add a new column to the data frame with those values.

> fantasy.playoffs
                Team  Score           Opp
1 Way0utwest Cowboys 135.40          
2         SSC Ravens  66.26 Green Machine
3   Orange Engineers  85.20          
4          Mexicanos 111.52     Mexicanos
> fantasy.playoffs$OppScore <- c(NA, 66.26, NA, 111.52)
> fantasy.playoffs
                Team  Score           Opp OppScore
1 Way0utwest Cowboys 135.40                 NA
2         SSC Ravens  66.26 Green Machine    66.26
3   Orange Engineers  85.20                 NA
4          Mexicanos 111.52     Mexicanos   111.52

Ref: R Data Frames -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




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