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The Voice of the DBA

Data Gravity

I've seen a few people use the term data gravity in the last few months. I wasn't quite sure what this meant to me, and it seemed that people used it in a few ways, but someone sent me a link to this short piece on data gravity in the cloud. This piece is really in relation to Salesforce and their goal to build and gather more of their customers' data into a virtualized view where you can access all (or most of your data) from your Salesforce applications.

This isn't a new idea, as the goal of many companies has been to have a unified view of their data. I've often seen this in relation to customers as the single view of a customer. There are numerous explanations of this, as many organizations want to find a way to build this for their own use. I actually think this is a trend, and the changes in SQL Server 2019 with Big Data Clusters, as a more basic platform integration of this concept. We want to query data where it lives, not move it (really, copy it) to another system for analysis.

While there are lots of articles written about data gravity based on that initial blog, it seems that they all relate to the idea of applications and services needing more bandwidth and lower latency to grow. That might be true, but I think we've seen another type of gravity in RDBMS systems. As the amount of data grows, certainly more people want access, and there is a need for higher availability and greater performance. Many of us see this in the systems we build and manage, whether we are developers or administrators.

What I think of as more of an attractive force, however, is the tendency of a system to stagnate a bit and slow down other work. We find it more difficult to grow and change large systems. Our developers become more hamstrung, and we start to struggle to adapt to new requirements. Certainly we struggle to adapt at the speed with which our organizations would prefer we move. There also becomes this gravity that limits the thinking that your staff may have about how to work with the system.

These are the challenges that I see driving many people towards compliant database DevOps solutions. I talk with quite a few customers that want to go faster and more easily adapt to changing requirements in their database systems. However, the gravity and inertia of working a certain way often limits their willingness to adapt to new tools and techniques. Usually there is this cultural gravity more so than technical gravity, which might be the stronger forces. Especially among managers.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Redgate SQL Monitor
 Featured Contents
Stairway to Columnstore Indexes

Stairway to Columnstore Indexes Level 1: A First Look At Columnstore Indexes

Hugo Kornelis from

This level introduces of you to the fundamentals of columnstore indexes, introdused in SQL Server 2012 to manage the indexing of very large tables.

A Beginner’s Guide to SQL String Functions

Additional Articles from Database Journal

Get an introduction to many of the many ways you can manipulate and interact with strings using SQL. Read on for more!

Take the 2020 State of Database DevOps Survey – win a new iPad

Additional Articles from Redgate

Redgate’s 2020 State of Database DevOps Survey is open now. Share your views on Database DevOps today for a chance to win a new 65GB iPad Air. Plus, for every entry, Redgate will donate $1 to UNICEF. Take the survey now.

Free eBook: SQL Server Backup and Restore

Press Release from Redgate

In this free eBook Shawn McGehee offers advice on query tuning, cutting stored procedures, and system process design and implementation for high availability. Discover how to perform backup and restore operations using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), basic T-SQL scripts and Redgate's SQL Backup tool.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Distributing Jupyter Notebooks

Grant Fritchey from The Scary DBA

If you’re working with the Microsoft Data Platform, you should be, at the least, exploring Azure Data Studio as a new tool in your toolbox. One of the big...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Resetting an Azure SQL Database Admin Password

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from The Voice of the DBA

This is likely something that most people know, but it was a bit confusing for me. This post is really here to remind me and help cement this in...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Renaming Columns

I have imported the numpy and pandas modules as np and pd, respectively. I have this data frame in my REPL.
>>> df
  BillMonth  BillingAmount
0       May            300
1      June            450
2      July            600
3    August            900
I want to rename BillingAmount to InvoiceAmount. How can I do this?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Getting my options

I know that the @@OPTIONS variable contains a bitmap. If I want to get the value of ANSI_WARNINGS, I know this setting is stored in the 4th (from the right) bit. I know that ANSI_WARNINGS are on, meaning the bit is set.

When I run this code, what is returned?

SELECT @a & 8


Answer: 8

Explanation: When I run this, an 8 is returned. If this were the only value set, the binary number would be 1000. When I take the entire @@options value and AND this with 8, I get the either 0000, if the option is not set, or 1000, if the option is set. Ref:

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Database Pros Who Need Your Help

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SQL Server 2017 - Development
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SQL Server 2016 - Administration
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SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
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Administration - SQL Server 2014
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Development - SQL Server 2014
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SQL 2012 - General
SQL Monitoring - Hi All, I have SQL 2012 instance on a vm server  which I am testing with Red Gate Monitoring Tool installed on my machine and my machine machine is set a base monitor for testing purpose. Problem I am facing is that  it only monitor while I am logged on to the machine. If  I […]
Strategies and Ideas
Tracking History in Fact Table - Hi, I was hoping somebody would be able to offer advice in relation to tracking history in a fact table, in particular whether #2 below would be a viable option? I would have thought that #1 would be bad for performance given the volume of records created through history so maybe not best practice?. If […]


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