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Logging Tables

This editorial was originally published on 25 Sept, 2015. It is being re-published as Steve is at the PASS Summit.

I was chatting in one of our DLM webinars and someone asked a question about logging data. I mentioned a few things, but this individual followed up and wanted more information. Specifically, how do you build a logging table?

It's an open ended question, but it's perfect for a poll. How do you construct a table that you use for capturing lots of information that you may or may not query later, but you might only query in a very ad hoc fashion when something has gone wrong. Usually that's the only time I look through logs, when I'm investigating some type of issue. With that in mind, this week the question is:

How do you design a logging table?

I'm looking for two things here: the DDL and the rational for the design. What is good about this design? How does this particular structure (with indexing) allow me to find answers to the questions I might need to ask.

I realize this is very open ended, but the concept of logging is also open-ended, used different ways for different purposes. If you have problems with logging structures, let us know what design techniques to avoid as well.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


The Computed Column Results

I have this computed column definition:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Activities
ADD ProdOneCount AS CASE
                        WHEN ProductID = 1 THEN
I then have added this row to my table:
INSERT dbo.Activities
    N'12', 20, 30, 30,30
That's the only row for a ProductID <> 1 in the table. When I issue this query, what happens?
SELECT top 10
 FROM dbo.Activities AS a
 WHERE a.ProductID > 1

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The Top Ten Percent

What does this query do in SQL Server 2017 on a table with 500 rows?

          TOP (10) PERCENT
 FROM     dbo.CalendarSales AS cs

Answer: Returns a random 50 rows from the table

Explanation: The TOP (n) PERCENT is a valid clause. This would return 10 percent of the rows. In this case, with an ORDER BY NEWID(), a random 10 percent are returned. Ref:

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




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