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The Voice of the DBA

The Costumed DBA

It's Halloween today, which is a day when children typically dress up and go looking for candy. It's supposed to be trick or treat, but I've seen relatively few tricks and lots of treats with my kids. No Halloween for me, and likely a quiet day as I get ready for travel to Seattle and try to relax at home for a few days. My kids are grown and no others come to my house out in the country.

More than a few adults will dress up in costume today. Some will come to work in an outfit, which is something I've done in the past. In my 20s, I'd wear a gorilla mask and hands, frightening more than a few people who weren't expecting a hairy hand to fall on their shoulder or hand them a report. I haven't done that in years, and I think those days are behind me.

Some people will dress up at night, going out to have fun at a party. Surrounded by others that are enjoying themselves, or competing to see how creative you can be is fun. Perhaps you dress up to take your kids out and enjoy the night with them.

Many of us do need to work today, as Halloween isn't a holiday in most organizations. We'll have various experiences at work, maybe a horrific day when we break something with the wrong click or poorly structured code. Maybe we'll do something heroic that saves the day, or at least helps someone else.

With today a costume day, I want to ask you which character, hero, icon you'd like to emulate in your daily work. Is it a computer scientist like Alan Turing? Maybe Iron Man that flies in to rescue a disaster? Maybe you're the fireman that shuts down a problem. Let us know what costume you'd like your work to wear.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

Redgate University
 Featured Contents

Using OFFSET for Paging

jonfrisbee from SQLServerCentral

This article shows the basics of the OFFSET command.

Accelerating Database Recovery with SQL Server 2019

Additional Articles from Database Journal

Learn how to turn on and use newer SQL Server database recovery option called “Accelerated Database Recover”.

SQL Productivity with SQL Prompt

Additional Articles from Redgate

There is an old joke that upgrading to the latest SQL Server is wasted on some DBAs, because they will still stick mainly to what worked in SQL Server 2005. This type of DBA is becoming rare, in my experience, but there is still some truth in the idea that many of us don’t get the ‘full power’ from our SQL Server tools. We work with them as they come, ‘out of the box’, and use only a fraction of their features. The time to explore ‘new stuff’, at least as much as we’d like to, remains elusive.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Undercover TV Podcast – Scripting Options in SSMS

david.fowler 42596 from SQL Undercover

In this episode of the podcast, Adrian looks at the scripting options available in SSMS.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Improving TweetDeck with Better TweetDeck

John Morehouse from John Morehouse |

If you are at involved with the #sqlfamily, you are bound to hear about the benefits of social media platforms such as Twitter.  Twitter helps us to engage each...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Halloween Protection

What is Halloween Protection?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Avoiding the Vector

I have an R data frame that looks like this:

> travel
  Passenger FlightDate Destination Miles Dollars
1     Steve   20180225         LHR 11789    1100
2     Steve   20180512         LHR 10989    1500
3     Steve   20180620         LHR 11789    1800
4     Steve   20180830         LHR 11789    1100
5     Steve   20181015         LHR  9678    2700
6     Steve   20181212         LHR 10520    1500
7     Steve   20180810         MSY  2427     440
8     Steve   20180225         OSL  1502     210
9     Steve   20180225         DCA  1475     310

I want to extract out the mileage for the first 6 rows to a separate data frame. I decide to run this:

> = travel[1:6,"Miles"]

However, this gives me a vector that is shown here:

[1] 11789 10989 11789 11789  9678 10520

I want these in a data frame. How should I alter the statement to get this?

1 11789
2 10989
3 11789
4 11789
5  9678
6 10520

Answer: > = travel[1:6,"Miles", drop=FALSE]

Explanation: This can be done, by using the Drop=FALSE parameter. This will Ref: Use DROP = FALSE  -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums


Featured Script

Left Padding a Bigint

Shane Clarke from SQLServerCentral

Function to pad bigint with leading 0's or other single character


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Database Pros Who Need Your Help

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SQL Server 2017 - Administration
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SQL Server 2016 - Administration
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SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
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SQL 2012 - General
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SQL Server 2008 Administration
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