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The Voice of the DBA

Adding the Right Value

I caught this post about a career presentation from Kendra Little and it resonated a bit with me. The summary of the post (it's a bit long) is that there is valuable work that supports and benefits a team of people, called glue work. However, glue work isn't necessarily technical and it isn't necessarily recognized as valuable by management. In fact, it might unintentionally lead you from a career in engineering to one in project management.

I haven't been someone who has been marginalized in positions, who has been taken for granted or expected to do certain tasks. I think some people get taken advantage of, and this is especially true for women, who both volunteer more and are volunteered by others more for these tasks. While I have been quick to document decisions or actions, and sometimes help out with project work, I do that in addition to any technical work. I've felt that as a developer, my job is to produce code. If I can help with other things, then I'm a Developer+, but I ultimately know that code my clients can use is what matters.

I think that people sometimes mistake valuable work for the team with valuable work for the people looking at the team. They know teams fall apart because someone doesn't do the glue work. Or they have a s*** project manager who isn't managing the project. I think that is very common, and because many of us have an "I need to succeed" mentality, we sometimes stop coding to pick up other tasks, essentially volunteering to be the pseudo-project manager or team manager. That's fine, but if you fill your days with non-coding tasks, you are not moving toward senior engineer status.

At the same time, I know that many of you don't want to work long hours, nor do you want to let tasks drop that need to be handled. There's tension there, as either the employee feels overworked and taken advantage of, or they work themselves into burnout.

Sometimes there isn't a choice and your boss might expect you to work extra hours on tasks adjacent to or related to your work. I have seen a few people work for one of the big-name tech companies where employees had tasks outside of their normal work that they were expected to complete outside of their core 40 hours. If you have a boss like that, I'd look for a new position. That's my advice. I'm happy to work extra hours in limited doses, but not on a regular basis.

I'd say the same thing if your fellow employees don't step in and do their share of the load of glue work. If we're a team, we all do those things. If we don't, we're not a team, and I don't like working in places where we aren't a team.

Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you are clear on what is expected of you to get that raise/bonus/promotion and focus most of your efforts there. It doesn't matter what you think is important; it matters what those who make decisions about your career think is important.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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How to Load a Fabric Warehouse: Data Engineering with Fabric

John Miner from SQLServerCentral

In this next level, learn how you can load data from Amazon S3 in Fabric.

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SQL Server OPTION RECOMPILE for Simple Queries

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Learn about SQL Server OPTION RECOMPILE and if used on simple, frequently executed queries if it causes excessive CPU usage.

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From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Replacing Images in PBIR Format Reports

Meagan Longoria from Data Savvy

With the PBIR format of Power BI reports, it’s much easier to make report updates outside of Power BI Desktop. One thing you may want to do is to...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Learning Database Design and Power BI Performance

MarlonRibunal from Marlon Ribunal - SQL, Code, Coffee, etc.

I spend my days working on and managing SQL Server instances—working days at least, and sometimes even on non-working days. I’ve been working with SQL Server for years now,...

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Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design

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 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Hash Joins IV

What is a hash bailout?

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 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Data API Builder APIs

What formats of API endpoints can the Data API Builder present to clients when exposing the database?

Answer: REST and GraphQL only

Explanation: The Data API Builder will expose REST and/or GraphQL endpoints for clients as queryable APIs. Ref: Data API Key Features -

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Database Pros Who Need Your Help

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SQL Server 2019 - Development
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Reporting Services
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SQL Server 2022 - Development
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