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The Voice of the DBA

The Rise of Data Centers

For the last few years, we've seen no shortage of cloud migration stories and felt pressure from management who wanted to migrate our systems to the cloud. It seems that almost everyone I speak to has a story of having to move a system out of their owned or leased data center into a public cloud from some vendor. A lot of this is the movement of VMs from one place to another, which has me scratching my head. If we're just running VMs, surely we can do this cheaper in our own data center.

Perhaps, though there are a lot of costs to setting up or running a data center, and it's not easy getting a system in place that allows a bit of self-service for our customers. Especially while ensuring that images used are properly patched and secured, while ensuring lots of easy connectivity to storage that can be reconfigured easily. It might not be worth the effort for a few dozen VMs, but if you have hundreds of systems, maybe it is.

Maybe it's happening. I keep seeing stories about repatriation from the cloud. I also caught the global data center trend report, which shows a lot of growth in the data center world. Vacancy rates are low and there is continued demand for building more data centers. Some of this is due to public cloud providers, some is from AI companies who need lots of power and GPUs, and some is from private companies looking to collocate their systems.

The world is becoming more and more dependent lots of servers in data centers. I expect that we will continue to see more data centers built, but I expect fewer and fewer private, corporate data centers. More than likely all of us will use someone else's data center, even if we choose to own the computing systems. Even Basecamp, which left the cloud, is using a collocation facility for machines, which means they are using a facility owned by another organization and shared with other clients. However, they own the servers they use, which are just located in someone else's data center.

If any of you have private data centers, my guess is most of those will slowly fade away over time. The cost of running them privately will exceed that of what vendors will charge. Data center vendors can spread the cost of buildings, power, networking, cooling, etc. across multiple clients, often hundreds or thousands. While you might not be in the cloud, and you may still own your own computers, you'll likely store and connect them in someone else's data center.

That means that most of us will need to be comfortable with limits on the hardware deployed and amount of upgrades available. In the cloud you're limited to what vendors provide. In our own collation spaces, it might be what our core IT group makes available. I still expect database servers to be among the largest machines available, but there will still be limits to what most of us can provision. After all, most IT groups still want some standard configurations shared by most of their servers. That might be an interesting trade-off for some of us as the cloud might be more or less preferable in certain situations.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Why you should avoid Implicit Measures in your Power BI model

Koen Verbeeck from SQLServerCentral

Learn about the differences and challenges with implicit and explicit measures in Power BI.

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Data Documents and Common Sense

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

What can be so difficult in creating a sensible standard for Structured Data Documents? To understand why they tend to get improved into unusable complexity, I’ll need to explain a bit of background.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Monday Monitor Tips: CIS Compliant

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from The Voice of the DBA

A new feature added to Redgate Monitor Enterprise automatically. CIS compliance is something many enterprises think about as their auditors use this as a benchmark. If you’ve never looked...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Side Projects from The DBA Who Came In From The Cold

Anyone (everyone?) who has ever tried to learn a programming language knows that to really learn, you need a project. I’m a DBA by trade and as such…haven’t really...

Pro T-SQL 2022: Toward Speed, Scalability, and Standardization for SQL Server Developers

Site Owners from SQLServerCentral

Learn how to write and design simple and efficient T-SQL code. This is a hands-on book that teaches you how to write better T-SQL with examples and straightforward explanations.


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Data API Builder APIs

What formats of API endpoints can the Data API Builder present to clients when exposing the database?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)


What does it mean to quiesce a system?

Answer: This refers to pausing or altering the systems to achieve a consistent state.

Explanation: This refers to This refers to pausing or altering the systems to achieve a consistent state. Often in a database system where we need exclusive access we may choose to let current connections complete, but preventing new ones to quiet the system in preparation for maintenance. However, the VSS actions on a SQL Server database server will quiesce the system. Ref:

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SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Events of System_health extended event serious or not - I have listed the event names present in my system_health extended event report. Based on these groupings, can I decide whether a group needs to be checked or not? Which ones are serious and must be checked, and which ones can be ignored? Specifically, I want to know how to determine if the following event […]
SQL Server 2017 - Development
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SQL Server 2019 - Administration
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SQL Server 2019 - Development
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adding dtc to my pkg - Hi below i show the control flow of my pkg.   I'd like to enlist any component that updates into dtc.  I havent used dtc in a long time. i tried reading what's posted at the links you see below but id really like to get to the finish line faster. my understanding is that all […]
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SQL Server 2022 - Development
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Sql script replace and rearrange numbers - Hi everyone. I have this table and this information. (left side of the image) I need to replace Black with White and rearrange the numbers of the priorities. After the replacement, the numbers should be rearranged. (right side of the image) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Priorities]( [Airplane] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [Priority] [int] NULL, [Color] [nvarchar](50) NULL ) ON […]


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