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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Happy New Year 2025

Happy New Year 2025!!!!!

Hopefully, none of you are working today and reading this on the 2nd, 3rd, or if you're lucky, the 6th.

I'm off today, but I find myself thinking back to my introduction to SQL Server, on Dec 31, 1991, when I went to work and had to help install and support a new SQL Server 4.2 instance on OS/2 1.3, both new pieces of software to me. As the evening progressed, we realized neither the software nor the database server were stable under load and I opened 1992 by working the entire day trying to keep a system running.

How the world has changed. I haven't worked out of hours on an install or upgrade in years, however, I know many of you still get stuck doing work after your core hours of work. Some of you still have all your normal responsibilities from Monday-Friday. These days, most of the times I'm working outside of normal hours, it's for some sort of social event for marketing, sales, or another group. Much easier to handle those situations, and (usually) much less stress.

Enjoy the time off and I wish all of you  an amazing 2025.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

DAX For SQL Folks: Part I- Intro to DAX, Power BI and Data Viz

Frank A. Banin from SQLServerCentral

In this first article, get an introduction to DAX, it's uses, and the basics of a DAX query as compared to a T-SQL query.

Stairway to SSAS Tabular

Stairway to SSAS Tabular Level 6: Creating Meaningful Measures

Thomas LeBlanc from SQLServerCentral

In this sixth level of the SSAS Tabular stairway, learn how to create meaningful measures.

External Article

The Data Center that Exploded

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

A while back, in a Simple-Talk editorial meeting, someone bet Phil Factor that he couldn't come up with a Halloween story. To our surprise he said he could, as long as he didn't have to keep to the strict literal truth. In the end, he came up with a story about a story, and it is true that he first told the story in a data Centre at Halloween!

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Non-Functional Requirements

K. Brian Kelley from Databases – Infrastructure – Security

I have found that non-functional requirements (NFRs) can be hard to define for a given solution. I’ve seen teams struggle with NFRs. However, to ensure I’m speaking the same...

Pro SQL Server 2022 Wait Statistics: A Practical Guide to Analyzing Performance in SQL Server and Azure SQL Database

Site Owners from SQLServerCentral

Use this practical guide to analyze and troubleshoot SQL Server performance using wait statistics. You'll learn to identify precisely why your queries are running slowly. And you'll know how to measure the amount of time consumed by each bottleneck so you can focus attention on making the largest improvements first. This edition is updated to cover analysis of wait statistics current with SQL Server 2022. Whether you are new to wait statistics, or already familiar with them, this book provides a deeper understanding on how wait statistics are generated and what they mean for your SQL Server instance’s performance. 


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


The Oldest Article

What's the oldest article on SQL Server Central (take a guess)?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

What is Terraform?

What is Terraform (from Hashicorp) used for in technology?

Answer: Deploying and managing resources in cloud computing or in data centers.

Explanation: The tag line is: Infrastructure automation to provision and manage resources in any cloud or data center. Ref:

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Backup issues - I''m running a stripped backup (2 files) to a Network share. It's a 32gig machine in which 10gig free and has 4 cpu's .. Cpu % around 50%. I'm using compression and it's creating those 2 files 340gig each runs for about 10 minutes then fails. I have plenty of space on the network share. […]
Tempdb is filling due to background process. - I have it narrowed down to which session id is causing the issue, but that session is a background session with a command of "DB Startup"... I just cycled the instance less than a week ago due to the same issue, and I don't want to do it again without understanding why. DB is part […]
Development - SQL Server 2014
How can I tell which action happened from the UPDATE or INSERT in my SP? - I have the following Stored Procedure that attempts to UPDATE a table, and if there is no corresponding record INSERTS one. How do I indicate which case happened? GO /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[insupd_tblMRBHistory]    Script Date: 2024-12-17 9:27:52 AM ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[insupd_tblMRBHistory] (@BusinessUnit char(30) ,@PartNum char(25) ,@Description […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Moving DB to new drive - Hi everyone I am planning on buying a new SSD to store my SS DB.  I plan to leave the actual SS on the old drive and just move the DB to the new drive.  I found the steps to do this online: I have a few questions: Should I move the SS to […]
Filter a SQL Server Audit with a predicate - Hi Gents, Silly question, but it's been a long time since I've done this. I need an audit of all successful and failed login attempts, so I created an Audit, but I don't want to log everything, so I added a filter: WHERE ([action_id]=(538990668)) based on SELECT [class_type] FROM sys.dm_audit_class_type_map WHERE [class_type_desc] = 'LOGIN'; SELECT […]
Copy a large table from one table to another - Hi, I have large table with 75 columns and 1.1 billion rows. Want to know the fastest way to copy from one table(non partitioned) to another(partitioned) table. Did anyone tried this. If yes, how long it took to load the data. I tried SSIS package with multiple threads, select- insert in batches and OPTION MAXDOP. […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
New SSIS Package fails in Sql Agent when it includes a script component - I'm creating a new SSIS package using VS2022 to target Sql Server 2019 server. I have ended up with a new, very basic package that contains a script component to use C# only. This simple package will execute in VS2022 without errors. I have made no changes to the script and no code. When I […]
Aggregate Data to New Table - Hi , I am using webedition of 2019 MSSQL on AWS. I don't have SSAS or other license . I have a big table that is growing and part of active read and DML operations. I have a stored proc that is applying SUM and count on few columns. as this table has data for […]
how to generalize the LAG function so it keeps looking until a value is found? - Hi everyone There are situations where a value for a particular day is NULL so I use the previous day's value hoping it isn't NULL.  I use LAG for this.  The problem is that sometimes even the previous value is NULL so I have to use LAG(2) to get the 2nd previous value.  This approach […]
How to speed up this query? - Hi everyone I have a query that is taking a real long time.  It takes close to 30 minutes to process about 14 million records.  Is there any way to speed it up? Query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #TestTable DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #TEMP1 CREATE TABLE #TestTable ( [UNIT] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL, [PURCHASE_DATE] [date] NOT […]
Azure Data Factory
Need ADF pipeline suggestion to copy 1 million files - I have an ADF pipeline that copies Files from source to destination. Both Source and destinations are different folders within adls only. My pipeline design is as follows   1.) Lookup activity-  A sql server Stored procedure that returns sourcepath and the destination path. This is connected to a Foreachloop 2.) Foreachloop activity - Has […]
Understanding allowed topics for testing - Hi, I am a first time writer looking to author some content here. I am in the software testing industry. Are we allowed to submit content that is not related to SQL or databases or should they all be related to databases?   Thanks, Arun
Analysis Services
Issue with IIF - I am creating a new measure in an SSAS cube and encountering an issue. The result is being displayed in an Excel pivot table sourced from the cube. Here’s the code I’m working with: MDX CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[New Column] AS IIF( [Date].[Month Of Year].[1] OR [Date].[Month Of Year].[2] OR [Date].[Month Of Year].[3], -- Logical condition […] Website Issues
Topic marked as spam - by mistake? - I received the following notification a few hours ago. It seems legit but has been marked as spam – should it be resurrected? harrylune wrote: Do you have any advice on how to set up git repositories for the things indicated in the title? I'm particularly interested in hearing from anyone who have experience with […]
Permission issue in updating cron.job table in postgresql - I am using postgreSQL database for azure flexible server. I have enabled pg_cron extension on azure portal and created pg_cron extension on the database. I am able to see all the required tables/functions on the cron schema of postgres database. I am able to insert a cron job using cron.schedule function, since this inserts by […]


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