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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Are IT Certifications Still Relevant?

I've got a few certifications and quite a few more that have expired or aren't relevant. Does anyone think Windows NT 4.0 or SQL Server 6.5 matter? If you need help in those areas, ask someone else. Unless you have a crazy budget with a willingness to pay a ridiculous hourly rate.

Kamil Nowinski had a recent video discussing why IT certifications are still relevant. He had ten reasons, and if you want to watch the entire show, you'll hear his reasons and some rationale why he thinks they matter. It's a good set of reasons: keeping up with tech, practicing learning, demonstrating a commitment to some technology, finding a community of certified colleagues, and more.

In some sense, many of these are tightly coupled, but still worth pointing out. I think for smart, driven, ambitious people, certification is something that you can take advantage of to add to the learning you're likely already doing: sharpening your saw. That's an analogy to the craftsman that keeps his/her/their tools ready to go. For us in technology, this is usually our mental acuity with software (or perhaps typing).

For those who aren't motivated, getting a certification just to add letters after your name devalues the certification for sure. We saw a lot of paper-CNEs (Novell), paper-MCSEs (Microsoft), and paper-CNAs (Cisco) in the 90s. Poor interviewing techniques combined with a glut of certified-but-not capable staffers soured many people on certifications. For good reasons.

However, when you interview someone with a certification, or if you want to get one, pursuing a certification using Kamil's list means you are driving your knowledge forward in a focused, organized fashion. The certification isn't the goal, but a step on the way to becoming a more capable technical professional.

I got a couple of certifications in the last few years, and I felt they helped me grow and learn. I didn't always use all the skills directly, but I learned things that have helped me in my job and I didn't regret the time spent. I might work on another one in 2024, but time is always in short supply, and I've got other things to learn.

Even if I'm not trying to get certified, I continue to learn for many of Kamil's reasons, just without an examination during my journey.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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 Featured Contents
Stairway to SQL Server Security

Stairway to SQL Server Security Level 7: Security Across Databases with Cross-Database Ownership Chaining

Don Kiely from

Sometimes you need to reach outside a database and access data and objects from multiple databases, which raises some security issues and increases the complexity of data access. In this stairway level, you’ll learn about cross-database ownership chaining so that you can reach across database boundaries securely.

External Article

SQL Server Filtered Index Essentials Guide

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Learn about using filtered indexes for SQL Server tables and some of the potential issues you might be faced with when using a filtered index.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - How Redgate Flyway Can Boost Your DevOps Journey

Chris Yates from The SQL Professor

A brief introduction to the tool and its advantages for database migrations DevOps is a culture and a set of practices that aim to deliver software faster and more...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Dealing with Change – Two Resources

K. Brian Kelley from Databases – Infrastructure – Security

As I look at the state of information technology today, I see one constant: rapid change. We all see it. While this is the type of post I would...

Pro T-SQL 2022: Toward Speed, Scalability, and Standardization for SQL Server Developers

Site Owners from SQLServerCentral

Learn how to write and design simple and efficient T-SQL code. This is a hands-on book that teaches you how to write better T-SQL with examples and straightforward explanations.


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Alessandro Mortola):


The "ORDER BY" clause behavior

Let’s consider the following script that can be executed without any error on both SQL Sever and PostgreSQL. We define the table t1 in which we insert three records:
create table t1 (id int primary key, city varchar(50));

insert into t1 values (1, 'Rome'), (2, 'New York'), (3, NULL);
If we execute the following query, how will the records be sorted in both environments?
select city

from t1

order by city;

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The Backup File Extension

I run this command in SQL Server 2022. What is the extension of the backup file?

BACKUP DATABASE HerdofTwo TO DISK = 'HerdOfTwo_20240501'

Answer: there is no extension

Explanation: The convention for SQL Server database backup files is to use .bak, and in very old versions (4.2) .dmp. However, this is convention. There is not requirement for this extension to be used, nor is one required. In this case, no extension is provided, so the file is created without any extension. This is not documented, but try it. You can create a backup without any extension.

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2016 - Administration
SQL server native CDC - Have anyone implemented CDC, and if so, what has been your experience with it? We are considering using this CDC data as the foundation for our ETL process, which will also support our Audit database. We have around 100 tables that we need to put in CDC and then use them in our ETL process. […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
process records in loop - I'm only processing 50,000 records not everything from the Table where there are 250,00 records. What have I done wrong in code Thanks. DECLARE @BatchSize INT = 50000 DECLARE @IdControl INT = 1 DECLARE @Results INT DECLARE @SQLString NVARCHAR(MAX); DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(MAX); WHILE (@Results IS NULL OR @Results > 0) BEGIN print @IdControl print @BatchSize […]
Fine-tune SQL for better performance - I have been asked to fine-tune the following SQL that was written by a former employee. The DBA says that using the select tables in inner join subquery is causing heavy resource usage as it selects all the rows from the tables. He wants to know whether I could use the fields at the beginning […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
client_app_name is empty in Extended Events output but present in sp_who2 - I'm tracing activity on one database and would like to include the client_app_name in the output. However, for *some* applications, this information is blank. However, if I run sp_who2 at the same time, I can see the ProgramName column is populated. Is there somewhere else that extended events stores this information or is it just […]
Restore dbs - The below code works for backup files only from local drives. When replaced with a network path the code just runs through but does not restore any dbs. SET @backup_path='\\ABCD\E$\BackupsTest\' ; - Does not work. Where is it going wrong ?   DECLARE @backup_path nvarchar(300); DECLARE @restore_path nvarchar(300); DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(1000); DECLARE @file_list TABLE (backup_file […]
CDC Custom Alert - Hi All,   I am writing an alert in a sql agent job, basically if my CDC latency is more than 30 minutes I should get alerted, I have tried various approaches but with not use, if any of your experts have implemented it already, can you please help me with the code.
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Sort comma delimited string in column - I have a column that contains comma separated values.  I'm trying to figure out how to sort the comma separated values by a certain order.  The sort order will be hard coded in the select statement since it does not exist in a table.  I've tried using STRING_AGG WITHIN GROUP to sort the values but […]
How to use a scalar function in INSERT stmt? - Hello all, I would like to create an INSERT statement and use a UDF as part of the VALUES() set.  The UDF generates a unique product code based on the last inserted product code value.  Now that I'm typing this out loud, I'm not so sure this would work for more than one record at […]
SQL Azure - Administration
Aligning Compatibility Version Strategy - I have joined a new project, where the business uses Azure SQL Hyperscale for production. I have noticed that some Prod environments have compatibility levels set to 150, but some - 140. Same applies to Dev / Test SQL 2022 environments. I have been given a task to come up with a strategy on how […]
azure synapse analytics - Dears, Hope this message finds you well I did not see in this foruns anything related with synapse, hence, if you don't mind I will add my questions here. Maybe you can help me In my company (for which I was now contracted as IT architect) I can across something which seems unusual to me […]
SSIS Web Service task SSL errors - I've tried different credentials, target server versions, etc. hitting our Primavera WSDL. Works great in any browser. Via the Web Service SSIS task, I get an error when running the package: Target Server 2016: --1. Connection manager "HTTP Connection Manager 1": SSL certificate response obtained from the server was not valid. Cannot process the request. […]
SQL Server 2022 - Administration
Import and Export wizard stuck on Guest user - I'm getting a error when using the Import and Export wizard to copy tables between a remote database and a local database using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server as Data Source. The remote DB uses SQL Server authentication and the local DB uses Windows authentication. Regardless of which database is the Source […]
Db growth rate - Sample data: jan   10gb feb 15gb mar 16gb april 14gb(truncate data) may 18gb june 22gb Is there are db growth rate formula which can be used to predict say next 3/6 months of db growth rate. Thanks  
SQL Server 2022 - Development
How to compare data in customer table with other customers to find related cust - select Custno, Addr1, City, Res_Phone, Bus_Phone, Fax_Phone, Marine_Phone, Pager_Phone, Other_Phone, email1, email2 from customer c where Active='Y' -- About 1.5 Million Records Here in this sql server table, I have customers table, custno is unique id. we are trying to grouping customers and give one ID lets call it groupingID. INSERT INTO customer (Custno, Addr1, […]
Row-level security in SQL server - In this scenario, I seek assistance in implementing row-level permissions for a table named 'user' with columns 'username' and 'role'. The objective is to establish a security model where access to individual rows is controlled based on the role assigned to each user. Specifically, the permissions should adhere to the following criteria: role='members' can only […]


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