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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Migrations are Worth the Effort

I work with a lot of customers that are trying to find better ways to build and deploy database code. Some of them use a state or model method with SQL Compare or another Redgate product, and some want to use Flyway and its hybrid migration-based framework. It's always interesting to me how customers lean one way or the other, for various reasons.

No matter which choice people make, we know that using migrations is more effort than a state-based approach. However, I think that it's a better approach, especially because no matter how simple or smooth you think your development process is, at some time there will be a situation that needs a more complex approach. a migrations-based framework allows you to handle the complexity smoothly, without depending on a person to sort out the issues.

It's not just me, but many developers feel the same way. There's an interesting article from a developer that gives some examples of why using migrations work well in different situations. It also acknowledges that the effort is high, but by using migrations you can accomplish complex tasks across time. something I try to get more developers to do. Don't big-bang-deploy-everything, but break things into chunks.

It's not just a simple change. There are a few reasons that migrations are hard, one of which I loved. The author compares migrations to working with live electrical wires. Imagine hanging a ceiling lamp and wiring it up without turning off the power (note: don't try that).

One of the best reasons I have for migrations is that lots of work isn't done at the same time, especially in a team. If each team or each piece of work is broken into separate migrations, choosing which ones to move over from developer is much easier than if all the changes are captured in a state-ful model. You still have to be aware of dependencies between migrations, but having them all separate at the beginning (and hopefully tagged to pieces of work) makes this easier.

The other reason to choose migrations is that I can stage future changes. Imagine I need to make a change to add something in one migration and remove it later. Suppose we add a new tax column and then after Jan 1, we remove the old tax column. With migrations I can pre-write the removal and create a pull request with the "Tax Removal - DO NOT MERGE UNTIL 2024 JAN 1" title, which should be obvious to anyone. I like keeping things simple, which helps when I never know who might need to handle this work in the future.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Configuring an SSIS ForEach Loop for Multiple File Types

Louis Bravo from SQLServerCentral

The ForEach loop works with only one file type at a time by default. Learn how you can add code to your packages to work with multiple types of files.

Technical Article

Source Control with GIT, Power BI and Microsoft Fabric

Additional Articles from SQLServerCentral

Source control is fundamental when dealing with projects and sharing code between multiple developers. Power BI present some challenges related to source control. But it’s finally providing us with a solution to these challenges. Let’s analyse this piece-by-piece.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Microsoft Fabric – the great unifier

James Serra from James Serra's Blog

I’m seeing a lot of excitement from customers over Microsoft Fabric, now that it GA’d a few weeks ago. One thing that is generating a lot of that excitement...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Set-Based vs Row-Based Database Code

Kevin3NF from Dallas DBAs

In SQL Server, the terms “set-based” and “row-based” refer to different approaches or styles of writing SQL code to manipulate data. These styles have implications for performance, readability, and...

Practical Database Auditing for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL

Practical Database Auditing for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL: Troubleshooting, Regulatory Compliance, and Governance

Site Owners from SQLServerCentral

Know how to track changes and key events in your SQL Server databases in support of application troubleshooting, regulatory compliance, and governance. This book shows how to use key features in SQL Server ,such as SQL Server Audit and Extended Events, to track schema changes, permission changes, and changes to your data. You’ll even learn how to track queries run against specific tables in a database. ss


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Statistics Sampling Options

I want to create statistics on a column that I know will be used for querying filtering. However, this is a large table and I don't want to sample the entire table. What are my options for setting a limit on how much data is examined to create statistics?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Finding Database File Growths

I have a SQL Server 2022 instance that I set up with all the defaults for a US installation. I am wondering when the data file for one of my databases grew. Where can I find this information?

Answer: In the default trace

Explanation: The default trace contains information about file growths, and this is enabled by default. The system_health session does not. Ref:

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

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SQL Server 2019 - Development
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Azure Data Lake
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Analysis Services
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SQL Server 2022 - Administration
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SQL Server 2022 - Development
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