Question of the Day |
Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor): | |
The NULL Connection Setting | |
I connect in SSMS to SQL Server and run this code. What happens?
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Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor) |
Backup Permissions Answer: Explanation: |
Database Pros Who Need Your Help |
Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums. |
SQL Server 2017 - Development |
View Or Stored Procedure - Please see my DDL. I would like to create: a) Dimensional table that tracks Primary Accounts’ group movements. An account moves to different groups that are associated with levels of commission paid. Analysts need to follow how they moved over time. Accounts can move back and forth between groups but can only be assigned to one […] |
SQL Server 2016 - Administration |
Roles in cluster - Hello! When we failover one node from another, does the roles from the node failover to another node too? Thanks |
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL |
Sampling : Select the sample records - hi, I have a data like below where i need to randomize data by review type SInce i have sample size as 5. I need to pull 1 record for each review type until sample size is met so, i will be pulling please let me know. how can i achieve this ? |
SQL Table Issue - Hi everyone, In below code I am creating a table and inserting some english and non-english text in it. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Translations; IF NOT EXISTS (select * from sysobjects where name='Translations' and xtype='U') begin CREATE TABLE Translations(id int identity(1,1), not_english nvarchar(500) COLLATE Arabic_CI_AI_KS_WS, english nvarchar(500)) end; INSERT INTO Translations VALUES (N'شخص إرهابي','terrorist person'),(N'جواز […] |
SQL Server 2019 - Administration |
Database Migration - can you please provide your feedback on following scenario. i am migrating a database server (Active/passive) cluster to Alwayson (2019). issue is the server name is used in connection strings over 200 machines. i need to retain the server name otherwise based on vendor each workstation software has to reinstalled/reconfigured with servername. old name is […] |
Weird Log Backup Failure message - I found the same error message in the SQL Error log on 3 dozen different SQL 2019 Standard instances. The message was: BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP LOG xxxx. Check the backup application log for detailed messages. They were all Error: 3041, Severity: 16, State: 1. The weird thing is that the database […] |
AG failover databases go into Initializing / in recovery - We did a failover of an AG and two databases went into Initializing / in recovery. This is on Win2019/SQL Server 2019. I issued the below two commands for each db on the secondary node that has the issue: We have 2 other nodes for the AG so removing the db from the AG will […] |
Can't Add Delegation for MSSQLSvc to IIS for AG Listener - I have a two-replica SQL Server Availability Group running on Windows VMs in the Government Cloud. The AG is running on a named instance on port 1436. Active Directory is running in the public cloud. We have been working to get SPNs and delegation set up to allow connectivity to the SQL Server service. We […] |
SQL Server 2019 - Development |
ROUND or CONVERT the output of the POWER function - Hello smart people, I am trying to use the POWER function to return data to pass downstream in an ETL process. It's sufficient to return 2 decimal places but I can't seem to ROUND or CONVERT to DECIMAL. Given my data I want to return 3.97 This seems to hint at some type of definitive […] |
Context_Info across databases - I have a stored procedure that works across databases. So the "integration" database will take data from a temp table and insert that data into the "production" database. There are insert triggers on the table in the "production" database I want to bypass. I'm setting context_info = 0x55555 right before the insert statement (in the […] |
Interview Question - Hi Team , Today i had an interview call. there was a question asked to me . I could answer the question but the interviewer was asking me to give more optimized solution Question There is a table which has 10 lakh rows . The column grade in the table needs to be update . […] |
SQL to Exchange - I have seen the articles on this website that talk about connecting Exchange to SQL server for the purpose of sending SQL data out via email and controlling emails, calendars, and tasks...etc. What I want to do is connect to Exchange to read the response code (550.5.1.10 and such) for outbound emails. We are […] |
Connecting |
Visual Studio Code - SQL Server (mssql) Version 1.17.0 - Encryption By Default - Microsoft is warning of a "BREAKING CHANGE" and indeed this little update took my dev work down for a bit. Hopefully these notes can save someone a lot of time tinkering around. Starting with this update encryption is enabled by default, unluckily the wizard to set up a new connection does not feature an option […] |
SQL Server 2022 - Administration |
what does the backup log init do? - what does the backup log init do? |
Backup Log Init run again by mistake manually. - backup log to int run every hour. If a log init backup is run at midnight, and then at 3:00 am it is run again by mistake manually. Can an error occur later (for example when restoring the database)? |
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