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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Look at life through someone else’s eyes and see their perspective

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Time Thieves

Time is the most valuable asset I have most days. Time is often a limiting factor that dictates my priorities at work. It also often determines my stress and enjoyment levels in life. Using time effectively can lower the former and increase the latter.

A few years ago I read Making Work Visible, which talks about work flow and how time can be wasted in teams. The book covers the 5 types of time thieves, and it helped me to better think about how I organize both my tasks at work and in my personal life. I think that has sometimes helped me find a way to get more done with less effort, and less stress.

There's an article from the author that summarizes the time thieves, talking about how to avoid losing time in a busy world. For me, I find that the WIP thief and the Unplanned Work are often the biggest thieves in my life. Usually when I haven't done a good job of prioritizing and pushing back on low-priority items. Often, however, the person I'm pushing back on is me, so I've got to learn how to better manage myself.

Often the way to avoid many of these issues at work is with better visibility and communication. These are two things I've been thinking about quite a bit after the recent PASS Data Community Summit. While I didn't have much to do with the event, I did speak, and I took on some extra speaking duties when others were overloaded. I could certainly see some time thieves at work in the run-up to the event during the last few weeks. Things to try and fix before next year.

We all need good technical skills, often strong ones when our organizations are trying to build, manage, and operate complex environments. However, there are other skills that can be just as important. Working in a team, coordinating work, being clear, and being transparent are all skills that can help us succeed without burnout. They are also key to finding these five time thieves and ensuring we get more done without requiring more resources.

I still don't quite know how to manage my work and personal lives together, but I am working on getting better at working in a group, which is something I find myself doing more and more.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Automate Power BI desktop data model with a PowerShell script

iz from SQLServerCentral

Learn how you can use PowerShell to update the Power BI data model.

External Article

Exploring Hive Tables with Spark SQL

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In this article, we will look at how to use an Azure Databricks Workspace to explore Hive tables using Spark SQL along with several examples.

External Article

New DevOps Process Improvement Course

Additional Articles from Redgate

However chaotic or predictable your DevOps processes currently are, the new video learning pathway from the Redgate University will help you prioritize what to improve first, provide step-by-step guidance on how to implement those improvements, and show you ways to measure them. Start learning.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Power BI Embedded: Using Row-Level Security for Multilingual Reports

DataOnWheels from DataOnWheels

Making multilingual reports in Power BI requires a lot of different elements. Translations can be added to PBIX files to translate column names, visual titles, etc. but these translations...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - How to Install Integration Services 2022

Koen Verbeeck from Koen Verbeeck

The title of this blog post is a bit misleading, because what we actually want to do is to install the SSIS development functionality in Visual Studio 2022. SSAS...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Dealing with Deadlocks

I have two pieces of code that run separately from our client application, but they sometimes deadlock. When something goes wrong, I want to ensure Code Batch 1 is killed, not Code Batch 2. What should I do?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The Temp Alias

In SQL Server 2019, what happens when I run this code?

CREATE SYNONYM MyTemp FOR dbo.#mytable
CREATE TABLE #mytable (myid INT, mychar CHAR(10))
SELECT * FROM mytemp

Answer: This code runs without error

Explanation: You can create a synonym on a temp table. My default schema is dbo, so this works and returns 1 row from the select. Ref: CREATE SYNONYM -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Backup progress - We have started the full backup job that uses Veritas netbackup. The server has about 10 databases. 4-5 of them are large databases. There are no transactions showing that relates to backup from the dmv sys.dm_exec_requests but the job is running. I didn’t see any blocking. How to find what the backup job is doing? […]
SQL Server 2017 - Development
Sql table join help - I have 2 tables . tblStudentMarksOriginal - StudID, Subject, Marks 101, english, 91 101, maths, 76 101, science, 89 tblStudentMarksCopy1 - studID, English, maths, science 101, 91, 76, 89 I need to write sql query to join both tables to check if marks match or not for each student subjectwise. If match then display matching […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Error: Column names in each view or function must be unique - I am getting the error: Column names in each view or function must be unique. Column name 'Id' in view or function 'myview' is specified more than once. CREATE VIEW myview AS SELECT * FROM dbo.appointment LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ts_engagement ON appointment.regardingobjectid = ts_engagement.ts_engagementid WHERE ts_engagement.ts_engagementtype = 'CORE' I appreciate column 'Id' appears in both […]
Exporting from SQL to XML issue - Hi everyone, So I have a table which consists of different IDs of a person. Like for example their national id card no, and passport and NTN no etc   I have to convert this table into XML format so it would look like this:   But I am getting the result like this in […]
DateTime Format Conversion AM/PM - Hi,   I have a field showing select field from table ; 2022-11-28 16:19:38 I would like to convert to 11-28-2022 4:19 PM
SQL Server 2019 - Development
How to apply rates in a time column - Hello all I have this selected column : convert(TT.horas, Time) AS TimeTT, this column can have values like 08:00:00, 04:30:00, 05:50;00 etc, and I need to apply an hourly rate for each row, for example 40€. My question is what is the best format for that column to accomplish this. Before the convert, this column […]
Designing Database from a piece of paper - Greetings experts, Hopefully, this is the forum for my question. I am trying to create a fully normalized database design from the attached screenshot. Below is my draft of what I think is normalized relational database. Can one of you experts please assist with any additional changes I need to make to this db design? […]
Sum up different dates - Hi guys To the table below - I want to sum up the amount from each Flexi Account No. + each Posting Date where you have to consider the historical amount. For example: For the Flexi Account No. 50112235 and Posting Date 2021-11-29 I want to sum up the amount of this day and the […]
Why do Sql Server In operator behaves differently and return nothing? - I am using sql server 2017. I am trying to use the in operator, but it behaves me so differently. What I am trying to do is I created a cte and split the comma separated string into array and use this cte in my end query through in operator. But In operator should return […]
Join query with many tables - Hi guys, I hope everyone's ok I have a query in MySql (I'm using Workbench for it) where I'm joining several tables. FROM hoursworks TR ... My 5th join is like this: LEFT JOIN pag5_users US ON TR.id_ang_user = Now I need also to join to the same table and to the same field […]
should atemp table be used from looping even when single table is used in a loop - hi, We have a master table, single table which I loop thought, to do some task, the master table is very rarely changed. So while looping through , I put some records in a temp table and do the looping ? Will it help in any case, or can worsen it in any case? (pls […]
SQL Azure - Development
Mass update on Clustered Columnstore indexes - Hi, we have a FACT table with 35 billion rows, partitioned on daily level. In a test environment we put a clustered colmnstore index on this table. Storage reduced with 300%, reading data became much faster and inserting became a little faster. No updates are doen on this table. Now we have a second FACT […]
Amazon AWS and other cloud vendors
I need a user from instance replicated to Prod RDS - Hi Team, I need a user from MSSQL instance replicated with the same permissions to Prod RDS MSSQL instance. The user is a DB user 'xxxxxxxxxxx'. It has a role of 'usr_xxxxxxxx'.    
SSRS 2016
SSRS Data-driven subscription errors - There are lots of SSRS Data-driven subscription which regularly fail with different amount of errors showing each day for the same subscription. For one subscription, its should produce 382 files, 43 errored today, and 63 errors day before. The only way to get 100% success is to keep manually executing until all the files are […]
Integration Services
Parameter error message - Has anyone experienced this error message: There is no appropriate variable in the current environment to map to the parameter "ParamName" When running the package from the catalog directly, it works fine. However when running the parent package which calls it, I get this error message. The erroring package has been configured in the catalog […]


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