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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Check in with someone who may be lonely or feeling anxious

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

DBA to Data Engineer

When I was starting my career, I expected to be a programmer. That's what people who wrote the software were called. At some point they adopted "developer" instead, shunning the programmer label. Now I see software engineers has replaced developer in many organizations. I'm not sure the job is much different than it was in 1990, other than the specific technologies used.

The DBA used to do a lot of system administration-type work on database instances. Check logs, set security, run backups, and maybe look at some queries. However, in many cases, their work was limited to things running inside the database software, or the database software itself (patches, related configuration for the host OS, etc.).

I saw recently that DBAs have started to adopt the data (or database) engineer label as a new job description. Presumably, this pays more because, well, it sounds like it should. Data Professional sounds more comprehensive and skilled than Database Administrator.

Is it? I do think that many people working with databases are being asked to learn and do more (and new) tasks as a part of their daily work. We often need to support and maintain a wider variety of different systems. If it's the same platform, then we often support more versions, especially with the 2-3 year cycle of releases of SQL Server. However, we may also need to learn a bit about other platforms, like Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.

Adding the ability to work with and deploy new languages, like R or Python might help us land a new position. Certainly understanding cloud database platforms and options, their deployment, and monitoring can be useful in asking for a raise or interviewing for a new position. Scripting, PowerShell, and DevOps are good skills as well.

Why bother? Especially if you have a good job and are comfortable. You never know when things will change. Your company might downsize, as Ken's did. They might get bought by another organization and your job could change (or disappear). It's possible that family or some other situation might make you look for a different situation. There are lots of possible reasons why your current job might change.

If you want a better job, perhaps more compensation, better hours, remote work, less late night calls, or something else, then it's not a bad idea to beef up your skills. Learn to automate things in a better way, which might make your current job easier. Experiment in the cloud, maybe do a small PoC of how you might move or deploy a current workload into a VM, a PaaS service, or even a new platform. Can you migrate from one database platform to another? That's a useful skill.

I have found that a lot of the really good jobs are a hodge-podge of different skills. Being adaptable, comfortable learning, and trying to grow are important skills to demonstrate. Even more important, learning to talk smoothly with others about why you made a decision or recommend something is a key skill to getting hired.

Sprucing up your titles can help, especially with HR where new titles often mean new salary ranges. SRE Engineers were only at Google at one point and their high salaries set a bar. Engineer, Scientist, Architect, these are all better than Administrator. Boost your skills (tech and soft) and you might find a new position that is even better than the one you have today.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Getting More Information From the String or Binary Data Truncated Error

jonfrisbee from SQLServerCentral

Get more information from the string or binary data truncated message to help troubleshoot data problems on SQL Server 2016, 2017, and 2019.

External Article

Power BI Dynamic X and Y Axis Using Groupings in Field Parameters

Additional Articles from

In this step-by-step article, learn how to dynamically select what displays on the X or Y axis of a Power BI chart.

External Article

Introduction to Testing a Flyway Development

Additional Articles from Redgate

How to use Flyway Teams to run basic tests whenever it successfully executes a migration, checking that all the business processes supported by our database always produce the expected results.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Working with Neo4j Imports–I HATE CASE SENSITIVITY

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from The Voice of the DBA

I’ve been working to better understand graph databases and where they can be useful. There is a file from Neo4J that comes with the Desktop and contains a data...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Cool Stuff in SQL Server 2022 – IS DISTINCT FROM

Koen Verbeeck from Koen Verbeeck

I have a blog post series about some nice features in the Snowflake cloud data warehouse; one of them is about the IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM predicate. I was...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Stored Procedure Return Values

I have this stored procedure code:
CREATE PROCEDURE SampleProcedure @EmployeeIDParm INT,
         @MaxTotal INT OUTPUT
-- Do a SELECT using the input parameter.
SELECT FirstName, LastName, JobTitle
FROM HumanResources.vEmployee
WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeIDParm

-- Set a value in the output parameter.
SELECT @MaxTotal = MAX(TotalDue)
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader;
I call this procedure with this code:
  @return INT
, @count INT;
EXEC @return = SampleProcedure 12, @count OUTPUT;
SELECT @count, @return;
What values is in @return

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)


In SQL Server 2022, I want to allow a user permission to execute the GENERATE_SERIES function. What minimal permissions does the user need?

Answer: Execute permissions in the database

Explanation: The user needs execute permission in the database only. Ref: GENERATE_SERIES -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Help me understand SSIS Environments - Ok, so I understand what they are, they're collections of parameter assignments that you can tell a package to use upon execution. What I'm trying to understand is why or if I need to use them. I'm migrated a bunch of old SSIS packages using the packages deployment model to some new servers using the […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Patch SQL Server Failover Instances separately - Lets say you have a sql failover cluster environment with n nodes (more than 2) and n instances. Instance1 and Instance2 are for developing and testing. Is it possible/ok to patch, for example,  Instance1 and Instance2 from SQL Server 2016 SP1 to SQL Server 2016 SP3 and leave the other instances (Instance3, Instance4, ...) on […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Finding difference in two databases/tables - I have compared two tables with the same data in two different databases(aslo the schema) with SSIS(Comparrison), sql attached. The Schema comparison return an exact match, the table quite a few new updates. The tables are from Production and QA databases. I ran the exact queries on both of these databases, see attached. I am […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
Restore Database Error - SQL2014 Developer in Windows 7 Pro - Hi I'll start by stating the system I'm running: SQL Server 2014 Developer SP3, in a Windows 7 Pro SP1 virtual machine in Virtualbox 6.1.36. I have also installed the Win 7 'SP2' rollup update pack. I've got a certain amount of database experience, but I am trying to learn about SQL Server by way […]
Development - SQL Server 2014
loading data - for suppose, my colleague is loading data in a table at same time i want to read that table without any interrupting his loading? how can i do that?
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
how to create index rebuild job on SQL Pas machine - how to create index rebuild job  and stats jobs on SQL Pas machine can any one sugegst.
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Substitute 0 and 1 values in 1 column - Hello everyone, Hi have this column named Sex and it only has value 0 and 1. I would like to substitute those values, 1 for female and 0 for male. Could you let me know how to do it in SQL? Thank you all in advance Pedro
SELECT * FROM ( ... ) X - Hi all! I'm trying to understand how does this work. I've read a thread here about the X thing but it wasn't useful at all. Given this example: DECLARE @PAGE INT=1 WHILE (@PAGE<=5) BEGIN DECLARE @ROWS INT=5 SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROWNUM = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CLI_COD), * FROM CLIENTE) X WHERE ROWNUM […]
Would like to understand a better way of updating data that a cursor if possible - I have a need to update some data and also create a record of that change. From what I know and I don't know a whole hell of a lot, I can do an update with update table set field value where value = value but to make a record of the change I need […]
SQL Question - Column References - Hi. Looking for someone to help with a query I'm tring to run. I have a table with thousands of rows and need to find all records referenced by one another by a column The table looks like the following: ID Barcode CreateDate OldBarcode 1 101 8/10/2022 NULL 2 102 8/10/2022 NULL 3 103 8/12/2022 […]
TSQL using Python for market basket analysis ModuleNotFoundError: apyori - Apologies if this is the wrong forum as its really python but need to run from TSQL so have a SQL dataset to pass in, not a CSV file, so am hoping this is a common issue and an easy solution. I have installed Python as a SQL feature, and can do the simple microsoft […]
How could I have written this script better? - Hi all, I'm looking to sharpen my SQL/Programming skills, below is a sproc I wrote earlier, it's in prod but I can't shake the feeling it's more cobbled together than professional.  Looking for any and all critique as to what I could have done better!!  TIA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Insert Operator Script (IOS) --The purpose of IOS […]
Best place to practice - Hi Guys, We are in the process of moving to a new external system and unfortunately I will not have access the SQL server.  SQL is only a small part of my role but I really enjoy it. This means I basically wont have opportunity to practice any SQL development.  I really don't want to […]
Reporting Services
#Error for calculation in a textbox - I am getting the #error when trying to sum a calculated field in ssrs text box. I have seen posts regarding division by zero but this has none of that. The calculated field is appearing correctly in the detail row and I get the error when I try to sum it my equation is =SUM(IIF(Fields!strType.Value="CreditsAndDeposits",Fields!intDT.Value,0)) […]
Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery
Database build artefacts: build script, dacpac or .bak file? - Curious to know what everybody's preferred build artefacts are for databases? Say you have your databases represented as scripts in source control, what deployable item is that packaged into? I prefer collating all source-controlled scripts into a single, dependency-ordered, idempotent, build script. Then using that for CI, unit tests. And deploying a specified subset of […]


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