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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Find 3 things you feel hopeful about and write them down

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

How Often Do You Update During Issues?

I use Libsyn to store podcast files. They've been a reliable service for me for years. Once in awhile uploads are slow, but things seem to work. The other day I went to upload a file and got a status message that there was an issue with database maintenance. When I looked at the status page, I saw a few updates. This was for a platform issue, and I saw this set of updates. I have the timing that I saw on the page with my own comments added:

  • 1139 - reports of issues. We're looking into this
  • Three hours ago - Identified the issue related to db maintenance, working on it, other services affected.
  • Three hours ago - all services affected, working, update soon
  • Three hours ago - emergency maintenance on db systems, we will provide regular updates
  • One hour ago - db maintenance in progress, now healthy nodes, turning things on.

That was what I saw at around 3:30 my time. I went back the next day and saw a more detailed set of times listed and a note that the cluster was fixed and then all services were restored. While I couldn't upload things that day, I did check that downloads for listeners were working, and they were at that time.

I have no idea what happened, and I did appreciate an email the next day that apologized and noted this outage was not the result of malicious attacks and that no data breach had taken place. The latter item hadn't occurred to me, but I thought that was a good reassurance sentence in the email. I'm sure it was a rough day for DBAs and the Ops staff, and hopefully, they were able to restore all data.

My concern, however, was that multiple times they noted they would post updates soon, but there were some pretty good gaps in the status messages. While I liked a few quick messages together (3 in 30 minutes), the long gaps are disconcerting to me as a customer. I expect management would feel the same way and hopefully, management was updated more often.

If you've been in an outage, sometimes there isn't a change in status. A long restore or rebuild of some sort can take time, with platforms not always reporting progress or an estimate of time remaining. Even when you get some progress, we all know that the time to go from 25% to 50% could be shorter than the time to go from 90% to 95%.

When I have had to report to management, or to an incident team, usually we have regular updates. Even if these are "no change, we're still working," it's good to let others know what you know. I think that's important for customers as well, especially those that might have time-sensitive expectations for using your application. Without an update, anyone checking a status might not know if anything has changed, if things are worse, or maybe that you forgot to post an update.

My recommendation is that there is someone dedicated to logging what is happening and taking notes for later review. This person is also someone that ought to be responsible for updating others on a regular basis. Every hour, every two hours, something regular. If you have external customers, then they should expect and get regular updates, even if these are "no change, the cluster is still rebuilding."

A little transparency goes a long way for your customers.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

How to Get Data Using Python in Power BI

Daniel Calbimonte from SQLServerCentral

This article shows how you can incorporate Python scripting inside a Power BI report.

External Article

Training: Maximize the power of SQL Prompt with SQL Toolbelt Essentials

Additional Articles from Redgate

Watch this 30-minute training session to discover how you can use SQL Prompt in combination with other tools in SQL Toolbelt Essentials to boost productivity, simplify collaboration, and deliver accurate database changes faster.

External Article

Security in MySQL: Part Two

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

There’s more to security in MySQL than user account privileges. In this article, Lukas Vileikis explains the other components of MySQL security

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - SQLSaturday Orlando on October 8, 2022

Andy Warren from SQLAndy

This year we’re back at our usual location on the campus of Seminole State College for SQLSaturday #1030. You may remember that last year we couldn’t use the college...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Azure DevOps: Merging code to Main branch from a specific branch only

Rayis Imayev from Data Adventures

(2022-July-25) I really liked reading printed PC Magazines ( or Computerworld newspapers ( when I was in school. Those magazines pictured IT System or Database Admins as a special group...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Can the Developer ALTER the Table?

I have created a new database on a development server and added the user, JoeUser, as a user in this database. This user has no rights other than to connect to the database. I then execute this code:
JoeUser connects and runs this code:
CREATE TABLE Dev.MyTable (myid INT)
This works. However, can JoeUser now run this code successfully?
ALTER TABLE dev.MyTable ADD newid INT

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Azure Data Studio Server Group Colors

I have a number of Server Groups in Azure Data Studio.

server groups in ADS

I can edit any of these groups and there is a list of colors available:

ADS Edit Server Group and colors

I want to add newer, yellow color to this list. How can I do this?

Answer: You can edit the serverGroup.colors array in the settings json file.

Explanation: You can edit the colors. In the settings JSON file, there is a serverGroups.colors array. Below, I added a yellow color: json color array Now when I edit a server group, I have a yellow option. New server group color option Ref: Server Groups in Azure Data Studio -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
AG upgrade - I will be running the application upgrade process which will run for couple of hours and behind the seen it will make couple of table changes such as create the new table with the field changes and then insert data into the new table from old table and rename it back to same as old […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Index created in the last few days - Hello, I'm looking for a proper query to find the created indexes in the last few days. I use the below query but it does not appear to be perfect. Can anyone please share the proper query to use?   select top 30 * from .sys.indexes i inner join .sys.objects o on i.object_id = o.object_id […]
maintenance plan issue - one of our  maintenance plan is  geting failed  with the  below error , checked in logs  but not able to find  any thing The Execute method on the task returned error code 0x80131501 (An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.). The Execute method must succeed, and indicate the result using an "out" […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
SQL server help with counting - I am including some sample data to explain the requirement. I need a column that gives the total of Prg1 to Prg6 if the values are different Ex: Need to compare each field data from prg1 to prg6. If all 6 fields have different values (p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6), I need the count as […]
How to replicate data with increasing PK - I have a case where  in non prod environment, i will have to replicate existing data multiple times with a increasing PK value. Can anyone please help achieving this without loops or cursors. For example CREATE TABLE Table_A (Id1 Numeric(5,0) not null PRIMARY KEY,Name1 Varchar(20) null,date1 datetime2(7) null) go INSERT INTO Table_A VALUES('1','A1',GETDATE()) INSERT INTO […]
DateDiff days as column headings - Good Morning Have two tables Customers (Customer_ID   CREATE TABLE UHC_customers ( customer_id int NOT null, --Primary key unique values AgeFallGroup varchar(6), InsuranceStartDate Date, Region varchar(20), CustStatus Varchar(10) ); INSERT INTO UHC_customers VALUES (1001, '20-29', '03/25/2022','North America','Active') INSERT INTO UHC_customers VALUES (1002, '40-49', '02/18/2022','Asia','Active'); INSERT INTO UHC_customers VALUES (1003, '20-29', '01/01/2022','Asia','Active'); INSERT INTO UHC_customers VALUES […]
The step was retried the requested number of times (5) without succeeding. - We have one schedule job which is copying the backup to the offsite server through xcopy. This job successfully run for 4-5 days in a week and failed for 1-2 days due to following error. Executed as user: service_Account. The step was retried the requested number of times (5) without succeeding. The step failed. Sharing […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Application connectivity is failing using listener - Hi , Here is the breaf explnation about the issue we are facing. performed db refresh from prod to dev. Taken the db backup from prod and restored in the new server. and transfered all the logins from prod to dev using sp_help_revlogin as well. We have setup Alwayson setup for new two servers. We […]
sp_ssis_startup - I have a guardium db scan finding: Stored Procedures Execute Automatically at Startup. And the startup proc is sp_ssis_startup. They recommend this to be disabled. What's the impact to my SSIS packages if i disable sp_ssis_startup? will they still work?  anything else i need to know about? Thanks
SQL Server and Azure Blob Storage - I'm fairly new to Azure Blob Storage. Every once and awhile we will be restoring and the azure database backup file will be in use by another process. From what I understand, I need to break the lease on the backup file, so that my process can then acquire a lease. I'm really looking for […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
How to get an SQL Statement that would clone a table with data? - Hello, I have a table and would like to clone it. I have an admin access to SQL queries. No access to Visual Studio. Ideally I would like to name the table in a VB dot net and it would generate a flat file like .sql. This file will containt the create table with the […]
Get data for last 4 week and issue \"Arithmetic overflow error for type varchar\" - I am trying to get data only for last 4 weeks. My field where I have dates is called [WED], what I normally would do is: I would declare some variables DECLARE @CurrentDateTime DATETIME = GETDATE(); DECLARE @CurrentDate DATE = @CurrentDateTime; DECLARE @LastWeekDt DATE = DATEADD(WW, -1, DATEADD(DD, 7 - DATEPART(dw, @CurrentDate), @CurrentDate)); DECLARE @LWDATE […]
SQL Server 2008 Administration
how to Make a copy of Full Recovery DB and Restore it to a Simple Recovery Db - Hi, If this post is not in the correct forum, please let me know which forum it should be in and I will repost. Here is my issue. I need to make a Backup of a Full Recovery Model Db and Restore that Backup to a Copy Db that is being used for Development. The […]
General Cloud Computing Questions
Cloud path for beginners - Hi, I am in my junior year of an undergrad degree in electronics and communication. Looking for a way to enter the Cloud industry. As I don't belong to the computer science field, what are the basic pre-requisite for starting a career in the cloud? should I start looking for a job after my degree […]
Azure Data Factory
Pass Dynamic content from Trigger into pipeline for use - I am needing help in passing a dynamic value from the trigger into the parameters/variables of the ADF pipeline.  What I have so far is: A snapshot_date parameter A snapshot_date variable With a Set variable activity where my variable name is snapshot_date and the value is @pipeline().parameters.snapshot_date When I hit Debug at the top, I […]


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