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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Set yourself a kindness mission to help others today

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Future of Certifications

Hacker News is a forum for experienced developers. While I think plenty of beginners lurk there, the discussions seem to be dominated by those who have worked in the technology or software industries for years. I saw an interesting article that noted Hacker News doesn't seem to discuss certifications and backed up the claim with some search results that show few discussions for various terms.

I think that many experienced people working in technology are wary of certifications. With a little practical experience, one quickly realizes how little certifications actually do to prove you know how to work with a platform, or with code. Most companies that hire someone with a certification will need to allocate some time to training them how to work on their systems. To be fair, this is the case with a college degree as well.

The article goes on to talk a little on how colleges ought to be separating out a "degree" from more concentrated or focused evaluations of skills. I agree, though arguably this reduces the brand (and revenue) of many institutions. My view would be that many people don't need the two year degree. Those that do will come back and get it, or take additional classes to learn more.

I do believe that studying for and passing a certification forces someone to learn a bit about the technology area. It also helps the student decide if it's a subject in which they have an interest. It doesn't prove they have knowledge, but it does show some work in a particular area. I think certifications can be good for many people as my studies this year have definitely helped me learn a bit more about different areas of Azure that I knew little about. I'm not an expert by any stretch, but I have some idea of concepts and how to go about learning more.

My view is that beginners are very different from experienced people. We ought to understand that all of us are beginners in some technology area and certifications are a good way to focus effort and study in those areas. I would prefer that vendors not only have a path to more difficult and practical certifications but also that they lower the cost. I'd even like to see a second chance at exams given at 1/2 or 1/4 price. That would encourage more people to take a chance on an exam and not worry about the cost so much. This also might reduce some of the brain dumps and other cheats if someone isn't overly stressed about the cost of exams.

I'd actually like to see exams focused on very tight areas, like only T-SQL DML or T-SQL DDL, with actual code being written and tested, not multiple-choice questions. This is the type of program that might even encourage employers to regularly test their candidates before hiring, or even encourage more employees to cross-train into new technologies.

There is a shortage of talent, often in new areas that vendors are selling products and services. Demand that vendors also provide training and focused exams that are based on the current versions at low costs. We can make this cheaper and easier to do. We've done that with most parts of technology services, why not exams and certifications?

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

The Script Activity in Azure Data Factory

arindamxs from SQLServerCentral

Learn about using the Script activity in Azure Data Factory to run DDL or DML statements.

External Article

The ins and outs of joining tables in SQL Server

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Most database queries require joining tables. In this article, Greg Larsen explains the ins and outs of joining tables in SQL Server.

External Article

Summit Learning Pathways Announced

Additional Articles from Redgate

Whatever your learning objectives or career goals are, Summit has the guided learning pathways you need to achieve them. Summit attendees can choose from 9 learning pathways, featuring over 40 industry-leading speakers, which have been designed to walk you through a specific set of learning outcomes to ensure that you leave Summit with the skills you need to make an immediate impact in your organization. Presenters include Ginger Grant, John Morehouse, Erin Stellato, Dustin Vannoy, and many more!

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Power BI: Creating an Info Button with UNICHAR()

DataOnWheels from DataOnWheels

Reports are only as useful as they are easily understandable. When making reports for executives and other business leaders, it is vital to ensure the context and insights of...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Synergy of Azure Synapse & Joyful Craftsmen

Joyful Craftsmen from Joyful Craftsmen Blog

Why „synergy”? Let’s take a look at the context first. Data warehouses have undergone development on Microsoft technologies in the last few years.

From the beginning, customer data warehouses were...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


ADF Mapping Data Flow with Multiple Inputs

I am working in Azure Data Factory (ADF) and I am building a mapping data flow. I have two inputs, and which of these is NOT a valid way to work with the data in those inputs? In other words, how can I relate the data these two inputs together?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Full Azure SQL Database Backup Frequency

How often does the Azure platform run a full backup of your Azure SQL Database or Managed Instance databases?

Answer: Weekly

Explanation: Azure runs a full backup weekly for your Azure SQL Databases and Managed Instance databases. Ref: Automated backups - Azure SQL Database & Azure SQL Managed Instance -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
Calculate field in SQL statement - How we can achive from sql for balance field. I have attacted png file to expain. I will try my best to expain here For first month balance is 4476.55 - 2867.00 = 1609.55 For second month balance is 6468.61  - ( first month of balance which is 1609.55 - trans out which is 2997.49) […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Extract Images from database - Hello! I am exporting images from database to the network path using SSIS - Export Column, I have two fields in the database that have images, this works as expected as long as both the fields have image. But sometimes one of the field might have image or not, how to use export Column in […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Converting XML to SQL - My company uses a reporting tool that basically sits on top of SQL Server (and generally makes my life miserable, but that's another post...). Anyway, one thing this software does is provides a GUI for "business users" (non-SQL-savvy users) to create SQL queries. But internally it actually stores those queries as XML, which it then […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
How is he seeing all the databases - Hi, I have a user that doesn't have access to a database but yet he can see it and query it in SSMS. He is not a member of sysadmin roles or any other roles (there are no custom roles). I disabled his windows auth account and he was then unable to log in - […]
Development - SQL Server 2014
T-SQL Pivot Question - I am familiar with T-SQL's Pivot Operator, I've used it to convert rows of financial data into columns like one would find in a 12 Month Income Statement.  What I've never tried before and am not sure if its even possible is using Pivot when the end results will have 2 (not just 1) set […]
case when with count ms sql - how can I achieve this result below? | id  | id_status | rate    | | --- | ----------- | ------  | | 25 | X               |62.5% | | 15  | Y               |37.5% | having tried this SELECT COUNT( AS id, tab.status AS […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Possible conflict bug in Merge replication. - I'm running into a strange problem. Example A change is made on the publisher, when it's moved to the subscriber it generates a conflict and is rolled back. However nothing was changed on the subscriber, it seems to be an erroneous conflict and possible bug. Has anyone else seen this, or have any guidance?
Distributed AG - Hello, Please I have question about distributed AG. In normal AG is redo thread per database for sync. Is this same also for Distributed AG (I think yes) or is somehow together in one? I cannot find some good article where is written. Thanks
SQL Server 2019 - Development
simple sp - Hi I have 2 tables in 2 different DBs, I need to have all the rows of  the second table in second DB when a filed(column)is "100" in the first table in the first DB. Should I use Trigger, If Yes, Would you please tell me how? Thank you.
SSMS removed debugging features so I am debugging in VS. Fetch takes like 30 sec - First I can't stress how angry I am with Microsoft for removing debugging from SSMS. Second, I am using Visual Studio to debug now. When I build a cursor, the fetch command takes about 30 seconds to complete. Does anyone know why? Thanks.
Does Server Collation Sequence overide Database Collation Sequence for VS publis - Hi there We have a Server where the collation Sequence has been set to Latin1_General_CS_AS   (Case Sensitivity) In this server , we have a database for which the Colllation Sequence has been set to  Latin1_General_CI_AS  (Case Insensitive) Now Ive been trying to update the database in question from a project in Visual Studio but its […]
Flattening of hierarchy - I was wondering if anyone has any sql code samples where they have had to flatten a hierarchy of nodes without the use of a CTE. For example,  consider an organizational hierarchy tree with the CEO is at the top and all levels of management down to the lowest levels. So, if the structure of […]
Amazon AWS and other cloud vendors
AWS Lambda provisioned concurrency vs EC2 - I am looking to host an intensive computation app on AWS, and can't afford to wait for Lambda cold starts. The app needs to be able to handle up to 300 users without losing in performances, but it won't be having 300 users at all time, so it needs to be able to scale up […]
The term 'New-SqlColumnEncryptionSettings' is not recognized as the name of a cm - Created powershell script using SSMS to setup Always Encrypted on a column. Getting this error, "The term 'New-SqlColumnEncryptionSettings' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program", when I try to run it. I do have Import-Module SqlServer right before the $encryptionChanges and I have installed the SqlServer Module […]
Integration Services
SSDT installation fails with error message incorrect function(0x8007001) - I have installed SQL Server 2019. Trying to install SSDT 2017. It throws error message   SSDT installation fails with error message incorrect function(0x8007001). please let me know how can resolve this


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