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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Do something kind for someone you really care about

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Traveling Observations

I fly regularly. While I only had one trip during 2020 in the most dangerous time of the COVID pandemic, I flew a record number of miles in 2019 and had 10 trips in 2021. As 2022 progresses, I find myself back in the air and on the road, visiting new and familiar places for work and pleasure. I both enjoy the familiarity of known adventures and the excitement of new places. Already this year I have trips in place to three new places I've never visited and I'm hoping to plan more.

I usually fly to LAX a couple of times a year. I visit Redgate employees in the area or travel to some event. Occasionally it's a waypoint on a journey to some other city. As a result, I've gotten to know the scenery on the way, and the view is one I never get tired of.

The mountains of Colorado, with snow or without. I like seeing the forests, the peaks, the ski resorts, and even trying to catch a glimpse of the condo I own in Keystone. I usually can pick out Dillon Lake, Keystone mountain, and the structures I often visit if I get a window on the right side of the plane. If not,. I enjoy the view of the Fairplay valley and wide-open spaces.

The deserts of Utah and Nevada, broken up with a few communities and the winding Colorado river as it makes its way towards California. The mountains coming and going, and the massive solar project that has always intrigued me.

Coming over the mountains into LA, which is so massive. It feels like we fly over the city for an hour as we leave the sparsely populated East side of California and move into the dense LA residential and industrial areas. I wouldn't want to live there, but it's an amazing view that I enjoy watching go by.

As we get close to SoFi Stadium, I know the journey is almost over. This is a project I've watched grow from a few dirt spaces to a completed structure surrounded by a beautiful park, I keep reminding myself to take a trip and see a game there someday. I've seen it on TV and from the air many times and hope to get there in person one day.

I love when we take off or land at LAX from the ocean side, though the latter seems to be a rarity for me. Either way, it's an experience I enjoy.

I often sit in aisle seats and work on many journeys. I've gone to London dozens of times, but it's rare to have much to see, so I rarely even try to look. However, the journey to LA is one where I keep the window shade up and enjoy the view regularly.

Travel is tedious, with moments of excitement and pleasure. I am learning to be better about looking for and appreciating the experiences, good or bad, as I move through life.

I added a few pictures to my blog for you to enjoy.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Standards Matter

hellosqlkitty from SQLServerCentral

A short story about why standards matter and where they can help you with limiting the off hour calls from others in your organization.

External Article

How to automate table level refresh in Power BI

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

You can automate Power BI table refreshes using PowerShell, an Automation Account, and Runbook. Dennes Torres explains how in this article.

External Article

Database Development Visibility using Flyway and PowerShell

Additional Articles from Redgate

The payback of DevOps is not simply in automation but in using that automation to increase the visibility of the development processes. This article demonstrates way to make Flyway developments more visible, regardless of your RDBMS, such as by providing a detailed migration history, and change reports that reveal detail of what is going on to all involved.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Add Disk Performance Counters to Windows Task Manager

kleegeek from Technobabble by Klee from @kleegeek

Have you ever wondered why Windows Server doesn’t show disk performance metrics in Task Manager, but your Windows 10/11 OS does? It’s a really silly difference. Let’s fix that....

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Azure Function with PowerShell and the Power BI REST API

Koen Verbeeck from Koen Verbeeck

In this blog post I’m going to show you how you can create an Azure Function that will interact with the Power BI REST API. I choose PowerShell as...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Power BI Tables

I am using Power BI Desktop and want to create a table that stores the continents of the world. Can I just enter this in Power BI or do I need to find a source and import the data? Either of two correct answers is acceptable.

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Azure SQL Database Backups

Azure manages automated backups of Azure SQL Database and Managed Instance. Which types of backups does the Azure platform make of your Azure SQL Database?

Answer: Full, differential, and log backups

Explanation: The Azure platform uses full, differential, and log transaction log backups to provide recovery scenarios for your Azure SQL Databases and Managed Instances. Ref: Automated backups - Azure SQL Database & Azure SQL Managed Instance -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Uploading Transaction logs from a share folder - From our vendor we received a full back up copy of a database to create a copy of the database on our end. We also receive daily transaction logs to be applied to our copy of the database. I have restored the full back file (.bak) to our copy. Now I have to apply all […]
WMI PerfFormattedData and PerfRawData classes missing for one instance - Hello, I have a server with three instances: PROD, PROD17 and TEST. In WMI, I can find the Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLPROD_* and Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLTEST_* classes (idem with the PerfRawData classes), but not the PROD17 classes. Does anyone know how to create them? I've already tried mofcomp'ing all *.mof files in the instance directory, but that didn't help. Joost
Updating data - We have an account, which has update permissions. But when the account is try to use from the app, we are not seeing any updates happened on the tables even though the user has permissions.
SQL Server 2017 - Development
Need help to split string, and access the array - Hi, I've have this kind of string, dr strange~('2', '8', '6', '1', '13', '18')~('dcc23eb8-ea79-46ea-81e8-022c0752a31e', 'cfe164e3-4e1d-4292-9016-1aa5aef5bf07', '77481c15-1eda-4c0b-8c5c-168479b3c7cf', 'f39f33c7-09de-4bb4-9f07-ea93d04fdb47', '719707f8-8931-4e25-ac15-28c55284af1a', '733fe23b-d053-4d54-bb96-fe03573cf79d', '4ffb80d8-3c1a-4dcc-a3d6-f44865105123', 'c0b35951-5ecf-4fe2-85d4-580051caf1f5', '1dc4a64a-6859-4f98-be87-8e6507b4dc42', '4150771f-8dee-45b2-8661-c9890e94d2f1', '1850dd6e-2e03-49da-b0b4-e16ed24f371d')~('6', '2', '4', '5', '3', '1')~('3', '4', '2', '1', '6', '5')~0~900000000~30~100~2021-01-01 00:00:00~2022-05-03 00:00:00 The separator is ~ . It is tilde How to split and access the array[0] ? Please help
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Login lacks connect endpoint permission error - Hello experts, I'm stumped by an error that a user is reporting, partly because the Windows Security event log seems to show audit success while the user is seeing a login failure. They are trying to connect to one of our SQL Server 2016 SP3 servers. They see this error: They see this error: Login […]
Windows Server 2019 OS not releasing SQL server file space - We are facing an issue with a SQL server 2016 server that is not releasing space to the OS. When running dbcc shrinkfile (OurDatabase_log,truncateonly) DbId FileId CurrentSize MinimumSize UsedPages EstimatedPages 12 2 1024 1024 1024 1024 DBCC LOGINFO RecoveryUnitId FileId FileSize StartOffset FSeqNo Status Parity CreateLSN 0 2 2031616 8192 31521 0 64 0 0 […]
SQL 2012 - General
Suspect_pages has 1 entry but Checkdb error is 0 - I have taken over SQL 2012 Server.   I found 1 entry in msdb.dbo.suspect_pages table with last_update_date being "2012-04-06 21:13:46.257".  The database this error is associated w/ is about 700GB.   Checkdb physcial_only is executed every day except 3rd Sunday of the month (Full Checkdb). No errors has been reported during these checks. I manually executed "DBCC […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
columnstore indexes with bad value PLE - Hello , I will proceed in the next few days to configure the columnstore indexes to replace the classic indexes what worries me in the subject is that I have not enough memory on the server I have the wrong value of the PLE counter and I heard additionally that columnstore indexes are rebuilt on […]
Resource Govenor for CPU usage - I need to set up a resource governor to restrain CPU use on one of my instances. But though I can find lots of articles telling me that I can do this, I can't find any that show code for the workload group. I've tried a number of things but because I'm writing queries for […]
RAM increase on server and sql instance -   I have increased server RAM from 8Gb to 40Gb and SQL max memory to 32Gb. However even after a month the total RAM usage by SQL server is 8.5Gb. some of the db have large data, any tips on investigating this further is appreciated. Thanks  
SQL Server 2019 - Development
most efficient way to compare columns across separate tables - Hi, I have no idea how to create this SQL query hence the reason I'm here. What would be the most efficient way to compare columns across separate tables? If the first rule was to match 5 columns, then the second rule is to match 4, third rule is to match 3 and so on. […]
is this possible with transact sql? - Hello! There's a table |Date|QueueName|Param| ---------------------- |0404|Queue0001|Q1P01| |0405|Queue0001|Q1P01| |0406|Queue0001|Q1P02| |0407|Queue0001|Q1P02| |0408|Queue0001|Q1P03| |0409|Queue0001|Q1P03| |0404|Queue0002|Q2P01| |0405|Queue0002|Q2P01| |0406|Queue0002|Q2P01| |0407|Queue0002|Q2P01| |0408|Queue0002|Q2P01| |0409|Queue0002|Q2P02| ...................... The aim is to have it transpose and create a script that will output the following table |QueueName|PrevP|Since|CurrP|Since| ----------------------------------- |Queue0001|Q1P02| 0406|Q1P03|0408 | |Queue0002|Q2P01| 0404|Q2P02|0409 | Would someone hint how this can be achieved?
DB size - Hi everyone I ran a script to see the size of DB. SELECT mdf.database_id,, mdf.physical_name as data_file, ldf.physical_name as log_file, db_size_MB = CAST((mdf.size * 8.0)/1024 AS DECIMAL(8,2)), log_size_MB = CAST((ldf.size * 8.0 / 1024) AS DECIMAL(8,2)) FROM (SELECT * FROM sys.master_files WHERE type_desc = 'ROWS' ) mdf JOIN (SELECT * FROM sys.master_files WHERE type_desc […]
Amazon AWS and other cloud vendors
Proper way to setup EC2 with public SSH access - It's been a while since I setup EC2 instances for personal playing around. I just want to be able to connect from my personal Internet connection by ssh. I'm creating a new instance in the default VPC, with an allow rule for SSH from my own IP and with the public IP enabled. I'm wondering […]
General Cloud Computing Questions
Advice on How to Proceed? - So I decided to jump into cloud computing with 0 experience in anything computer related a year and a half ago. When I say 0 experience, I literally mean ZERO. I did not even really know what an IP address or even a server was. For some idiotic reason, I decided to get 3 basic […]


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