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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Look for the positive side of a challenging situation

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Battlefield of Your Career

Jeff Atwood has had quite a bit of success in his career, having been a founder of StackExchange and Discourse. He's a fellow alumnus of the University of Virginia, along with Alexis Ohanian. Both of them have had a higher profile than me, and I admire what they've accomplished. I also think they've both been advocates for the technology industry, helping and advising others on how they can succeed in their careers.

Jeff has been writing interesting posts about hardware and software for years, but the latest one struck me. It's called Learning on the Battlefield, and it has a lot of the same advice that I recently gave someone. In the post, Jeff notes that approaching your software career is like learning on the battlefield. It's like making weapons and coming up with tactics. You really need to test them on the battlefield.

Note, I wouldn't expect that this means we test ideas in production, but rather, that we do test them in a live way, actually using the software. In QA, of course.

Jeff notes that the work of building software is more important than schooling. I agree. I also think that the closer you can get to simulating work, the better off you are when you interview, or even when someone examines your body of work. His advice is to get an internship, go to user groups, build OSS, publish articles, and blog.

All of these things are raising your brand. That's a lot of what I've been writing and speaking about for over a decade. It's the advice I gave someone recently who wanted to not build software, but become a DBA. Do the work, set up a test lab at home, in Azure or AWS, and then write about it. Blog about what you learn, how you do things, what others advised you about, and even the mistakes you've made.

Don't be perfect, don't try to show a hiring manager you know everything, but rather show them that you know some things and can learn others. We all make mistakes, even those of us that blog a lot. We can write about mistakes and still impress people.

Make your job search, your career advancement, or your desire for a raise/promotion/project a battlefield. Do things and share your experience. Tell us about your first year of something, and more importantly, learn to practice communication. Add this to your CV/resume as a body of work, and I am sure that you will find it helps your career.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

PowerShell in Azure Data Studio

Daniel Calbimonte from SQLServerCentral

Learn how to get started with PowerShell in Azure Data Studio.

External Article


Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

It’s important to choose the right datatypes when designing a database. Greg Larsen explains the differences between CHAR, VARCHAR and VARCHAR(MAX).

External Article

DevOps 101: What, who, why and how?

Additional Articles from Redgate

More and more organizations are turning to DevOps as a way of working together to improve the efficiency and quality of software delivery, and increase value to the business. But what exactly is DevOps and what does it mean for you and your organization?

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - PostgreSQL Restore in Azure

Grant Fritchey from The Scary DBA

I recently wrote an article about PostgreSQL restores (and by extension, backups) over on Simple-Talk. The restore process within PostgreSQL, without 3rd party involvement, can be a little tricky....

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Space used by Individual tables in SQL Server

rajendragupta16 from DBBlogger

Learn how to manage SQL Server space used by individual tables with this tutorial. Read more here.


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Yearly Uptime of Four Nines

If I want to ensure 99.99% uptime for one of my databases, how much downtime is allowed each year?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Managed Instance In-Memory OLTP

Which service tier(s) of Managed Instance allow In-Memory OLTP objects?

Answer: Only Business Critical

Explanation: The Business Critical tier allows In-Memory objects. Ref: Managed Instance Service Tiers -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
How to find out the time when command failed in sql server? - I was performing dile shrinking using GUI. After more than 10 hours I got an error, saying that the shrink command failed. Maybe a silly question but I am not able to see exact time when Error occurred in sql server? I started shrink file job in SSMS using GUI. After more than 10 hours […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Restore Verify only failing. - We are having issue for backup restore from lower version 2012  to 2016.  We copied the backup file over the network from other VM and did check the backup file using restore verify and this verify getting fail. Please help with your valuable suggestion.    
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Attempted foreign key constraint creation involving multiple fields fails - Hello Experts I have defined a table with an incrementing primary key (pretty usual), and also with a unique index on two other fields, thus: Create Table dbo.CTRs ( CTRseqNo Integer identity(1,1) not null, -- Incrementing number, generated on import. LocalPatientID varchar(20) not null, -- Assigned by provider, unique to them ReviewDate Date not null, […]
Development - SQL Server 2014
Stop job after specified run time - I'm testing a long running job and want to stop it after it has been running for, say, 2 hours. How can I do this automatically, i.e. without being around to manually stop it?
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
Show only once repeated value in result a set - Hello Everyone, Here again I came with a question. Below is my query for a report that I want. It's working fine with no issues. SELECT TP.Location, TE.Name, TEI.imp_amount_approved_by_finance AS Amount, CONVERT(DATE, TEI.imp_fin_appr_date, 103) AS PaidDate FROM tbl_emp_imprest TEI JOIN tbl_Projects TP ON TP.Sno = TEI.imp_emp_location JOIN tbl_Employee TE ON TE.Sno = TEI.imp_id WHERE imp_amount_approved_by_finance […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Need to extract all queries used across all packages - A developer is asking me to provide a list of all the "queries" (aka sqlcommand) as it is in the tables there.   He is asking for ALL of the queries from ALL of the packages... Is there an extract I can run against the SSISDB to render this list of queries?   (the developer was pulling […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Compare 2 rows in the same table and output result when conditions are met - I am newbie to SQL, tried searching for answers for similar question but couldn't find any. Sorry, if this type of question was asked before. I have a temp table as below: Drop TABLE if EXISTS #temp Create table #temp(ID int, Country VARCHAR(40), ItemCount int, DeliveryDate Date, Itemtype VARCHAR(40) ) insert #temp(id,Country,itemCount,DeliveryDate,Itemtype) Select 3012111,'Dublin', 100, […]
Compare 2 rows in the same table and output result when conditions are met - I am newbie to SQL, tried searching for answers for similar question but couldn't find any. Sorry, if this type of question was asked before. I have a temp table as below: Drop TABLE if EXISTS #temp Create table #temp(ID int, Country VARCHAR(40), ItemCount int, DeliveryDate Date, Itemtype VARCHAR(40) ) insert #temp(id,Country,itemCount,DeliveryDate,Itemtype) Select 3012111,'Dublin', 100, […]
Bulk Insert C# Code Error - I figured out the issue.  Please ignore post.
How to do recursion in join clause or in exits clause or in "in" clause. - hi, I have used "with cte" to do some recursion, which i have used on top, is there any why that i can do recursion with "with cte" or with other techniques in side the exists clause or in outer apply or cross apply . note : "with out using function" as some one said […]
T-SQL : Slicing time periods - Consider the following table that gives the validity dates for which an Item is associated to something called a DU, and a certain Market : CREATE TABLE Items (Item_ID VARCHAR(2) ,Start_Date DATE ,End_Date DATE ,DU VARCHAR(2) ,Market VARCHAR(10) ); INSERT INTO Items VALUES ('X', '2020-06-01', '2020-09-30' , 'A', 'GREECE'); INSERT INTO Items VALUES ('X', '2020-11-01', '2021-01-01' , 'A', 'BELGIUM'); INSERT […]
running OPENROWSET from sql function with parameter - Following function works if the parameter to harcoded as shown below. But i would like to replace the value with parameter. PO12345 - should be replaced by @IpRef. I am not able to figure out how to do that. --select * from dbo.ki_GetSupplyUsage ('PO12345') alter FUNCTION ki_GetSupplyUsage(@IpRef VARCHAR(100)) RETURNS TABLE AS return SELECT * FROM […]
SQL Azure - Administration
Tempdb Behavior in Managed Instances - Dear colleagues, I understood that the tempdb size will depend on multiple factors, such as the service tier, the number of vcores and much of it is directly controlled by Microsoft. However, something that is very strange to me, is that when the instance is restarted not always come back with the same configuration for […]
Python Pattern best practice - Ahoi, anyone can tell me if there is a pattern/best practice to handle this type of request handling? I am trying to handle the execution of functions by name. I found a pattern for classes using a dicitionary but i couldnt make it work like this. What i have i have made work is […]
Integration Services
Issue with Execute SQL Task in Sequence container returning 0 results - I'm working on a package to update some local tables from a datalake we access. I've been able to write individual incremental update packages for each table. The general flow of the package is "Get Now" (UTC) - Get Max Modified Utc from local table, get list of changed ids from source table where modified […]


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