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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Ask other people about things they’ve enjoyed recently

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Great Developer Resignation

In 2021, many companies had employees leave positions. The number of people resigning from their jobs was so high that the term "The Great Resignation" began appearing in many publications. A number of industries were affected, and there are no shortage of pundits and experts analyzing why. This happened primarily in the US, but the UK is concerned. This doesn't appear to be happening in Europe, but there are concerns in Asia and Australia as well.

The term feels misleading to me, as workers aren't forgoing work. Rather, they're changing jobs and looking for new positions, either at a better position in their field or leaving the field altogether. This is disruptive for firms, and costly, as finding new employees can be challenging and time-consuming. We also see a great loss to teams as the more talented employees find it easier to leave and replacing those people with less-skilled workers impacts their productivity.

I ran across a couple of articles (US, UK) that talk specifically about the challenges when software developers leave. Many companies have realized the value that software brings to their business and feel the impact of the losses that come when they don't (or can't) execute on new application projects. The rush to DevOps is driven because better software and a smoother lifecycle improve the bottom line. Unfortunately, just as many companies don't want to actually change and adopt better development practices, they often don't want to change their culture, which impacts their ability to retain a talented workforce.

It's Friday, and you might spend a little time reading the articles and thinking about your position. If you feel you are good at your job and don't necessarily enjoy the environment, workload, or compensation, should you think about leaving? Is now the time to ask for a better work environment? Should you look at companies that will give you remote work?

The main question this week, which I know is hard to disclose publicly, is are you thinking about changing jobs? I expect few people to leave comments, but I'd ask you to think about your situation.

We know that compensation matters, and many people find they can make a great living working with technology. However, there are other things that are important as well. Having a purpose that allows you to succeed at solving problems you enjoy, a culture that invigorates and stimulates you, autonomy to work on the things that your employer finds important, but in a way that suits you and your team. These are all items that attract talent. The reverse is also true, when you have a micro-managing, blameful culture where lots of uninteresting work is mandated. Those situations repel workers.

As we come out of the pandemic, and organizations struggle to decide how to handle the future of offices and workplaces, there is a lot of power in workers' hands. The last two years have shown that most of us can work remotely and get things done. We have the supply of skills that can't meet the growing demand, and this is a good time to think about finding your dream job. If not the dream, then one that might be better than your current one.

I have an amazing job at an amazing company, but not everyone does. If you enjoy your position, then good for you. You likely have more security now than ever. I know if I were still working for a few of my former employers, I'd certainly be setting myself up to find something as wonderful as I have now.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Using Logging with the Delete Activity in Azure Data Factory

arindamxs from SQLServerCentral

This short piece shows how to add logging for the Delete activity and track which files or folders are deleted.

External Article

Google Cloud DB DevOps Report: Read Now

Additional Articles from Redgate

The 2021 report from the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) team at Google Cloud has now been published and provides highlights from seven years of research and data from more than 32,000 professionals worldwide.

External Article

Data lakes take on big data

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

A data lake is a scalable data storage repository that can ingest large amounts of raw data and make it available on-demand. Robert Sheldon explains the benefits and challenges of data lakes.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - How SQL Server executes a Query

Klaus Aschenbrenner from Klaus Aschenbrenner

Beginning with today, I want to give you over the next few months a blog post series about the basics of performance tuning in SQL Server. Before we go...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Introducing ScriptDOM

Diligentdba 46159 from Mala's Data Blog

I’ve been meaning to get a series of blog posts started on this topic. A twitter conversation from yesterday finally pushed me to it. Last year, I was tasked...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Managed Instance Database Limits

How many user databases are allowed in an Azure SQL Database Managed Instance (as of Jan 2022)?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

A Virtual FROM Source

I want to get some data in a SELECT statement, but I don't have a table or view that matches my needs. What can I put into the FROM clause that will let me specify the data I need?

Answer: a VALUES clause

Explanation: A VALUES clause is a table-value constructor that can be used in a FROM clause. Ref: Table Value Constructor -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Storage Performance Very low - At first I thought SQL was under high utilization, but now I'm thinking perhaps the SAN is under high utilization from other VMs, causing our disk IO capacity to diminish. Am I interpreting correctly that the disk IO performance during this peak (in stats) is bad? Avg Disk sec/Read the average is .159 which is […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Where condition for performance - Hi, This is part of the query which I want to change by Removing OR. What is the best way to write a condition like this for better performance? Should I use IN( Looks like OR and IN works same when it comes to execution plan. Please advise. Where test_ID =@Some_CustID OR abcd.oldsome_custID =@Some_CustID If […]
TDE implementation on sql 2016 version - Hi, I'm implementing TDE for first time I researched below steps are what it takes. However, is there any detailed demo on this or what are prerequistes to keep in mind? Please let me know thanks Create a master key. Create or obtain a certificate protected by the master key. Create a database encryption key […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
SSMA - SQL Server Migration Assistant - Not bringing over PK / FK from Oracle - Hi everyone, I wasn't sure where to post this topic, so I'm just going to post it here. I'm using SSMA to bring over Oracle tables and data to SQL server. But it doesn't look like the SSMA brought over the PK & FK.  Does anyone know if there is an option in SSMA to […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
Supported SQL version with OS - Hi All, Continuation of this post Would like to know, SQL 2000 supported OS versions? and for SQL 2005 as well. So that, I can build  2 test VMs so that we can move - SQL 2000 to 2005, 2005 to 2008R2 then finally to SQL 2014.
Development - SQL Server 2014
SELECTing into temp tables - Hi all Does anyone know if it is possible that when doing a "SELECT ...  INTO #temptable FROM ... " something might happen (such as a deadlock) resulting in the temp table being created, but empty when it otherwise wouldn't be? Thanks
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Fixing SCOM 2019 discovery and unhealthy state errors - Hello experts, We are using SCOM 2019 along with SQL Server management packs. I'm trying to resolve error alerts like these: Information : SCOM Alert: : MSSQL on Windows: Discovery error Warning : SCOM Alert: : MSSQL on Windows: DB Engine is in unhealthy state I know that certain permissions are required in order for […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Stored procedure insert data with an id & return a list of all inserted ID's - I need to create a SQL server stored procedure to insert records with an ID column that is an identity.  After the insert if complete, I need to return all the records that were inserted by ID only.  I need ALL inserted records.  This table has stored data.  There is a datetime column, but it's […]
Encryption SQL2019 Decryption -SQL2016 - Hi Everyone, I am trying to encrypt a data column on SQL 2019 and decrypt on SQL 2016. I am not sure if it is possible to do this between SQL 2019 and SQL 2016. The data is replicated over to the SQL 2016 server. I am running the below on the two different servers […]
Stored Procedure Error - Hi I am creating stored procedure for the first time.  I am getting error: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure CHECK_IMPORT_HISTORY, Line 9 [Batch Start Line 0] Invalid column name 'NUM_RECORDS'. Completion time: 2022-01-28T21:42:14.6129465-08:00 I even changed the name to NUM_RECORDS_1 in the output parameter and no luck with the error. What is wrong […]
Analysis Services
Change SSAS multidimensional default language / locale (e.g. for error messages) - Dear SSAS Fellows We have an SSAS server on premise, that had been installed in German language. That is, by default it displays error messages in German (screenshot attached). The server's Windows Regional format is German (Switzerland) and Windows Home location is Switzerland. The language of Analysis Services instance is set to English (United States). […]
SQLServer Error: 4060, Cannot open database in Availability Group DB - SQL Server Strange behavior: I have been Getting the following error massages nonstop after full backup fails. this massage gets generated for each database in this Availability Group.  The job runs every night, and it call SSIS package. Both the SSIS and Job seems okay and the tricky part is that job fails once in a while […]
SQLServer Error: 4060, Cannot open database in Availability Group DB - SQL Server Strange behavior: I have been Getting the following error massages nonstop after full backup fails. this massage gets generated for each database in this Availability Group.  The job runs every night, and it call SSIS package. Both the SSIS and Job seems okay and the tricky part is that job fails once in a while […]
SQLServer Error: 4060, Cannot open database in Availability Group - SQL Server Strange behavior: I have been Getting the following error massages non stop after full backup fails. this massage gets generated for each databases in this Availability Group.  The job runs every night, and it call SSIS package. Both the SSIS and Job  seems okay and  the tricky part is that job fails once […]
SQLServer Error: 4060, Cannot open database in Availability Group - SQL Server Strange behavior: I have been Getting the following error massages non stop after full backup fails. this massage gets generated for each databases in this Availability Group.  The job runs every night, and it call SSIS package. Both the SSIS and Job  seems okay and  the tricky part is that job fails once […]


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