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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Learn something new and share it with others

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

A New Language

In my life, I've mostly dealt with people that speak English. I tried Latin in high school and Japanese in university, but I wouldn't say I learned a lot. This past year I've been working on Japanese (konichi wa) and French (Bonjour) on a regular basis, but I'm still fairly uni-lingual. At least compared to many of the people I've met in my travels that speak multiple languages. I'm mostly just trying to read a bit, and that's quite hard.

In my career, I haven't met many technologists that only know one programming language. Even the SQL professionals know a little C# or a scripting language. Quite a few people know a bit about many languages, and some are very competent. I used to think it would be good to master one language before moving on, but I find that trying different languages can give you an appreciation for others, or even an appreciation for your primary one.

These days many of us are being asked to handle more tasks, and we may be required to support or work with code that others have written. As a result, I think it makes some sense to have a basic knowledge of other languages that you might encounter. I can often look at code in different languages and get an idea of what's happening. I might even think about fixing simple bugs if needed.

I saw a Data Exposed edition recently with Hamish Watson that was titled KQL: The Next Query Language You Need to Learn. I had heard of it, but never used it. After watching the episode I played with it a little. While I don't know how important it is, I do appreciate I may run into it and will likely spend a small amount of time writing some queries and familiarizing myself with some of the common aggregates and other types of structures.

Today I'm curious, what do you think you would learn as a next language? Not that you'd give up your current work in T-SQL or something else, but what else might be good for your career, or perhaps be exciting to your personally?

I've enjoyed doing some work in Python and PowerShell over the last year, and time spent in R before that helped me appreciate those languages. There are places I'd choose to work in those over T-SQL, especially for data not already in a SQL Server.

Take a moment and leave a comment: what new language would you like to learn and why?

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Performance Tuning Using Free Tools, Part 2

Wingenious from SQLServerCentral

You can do essential performance tuning on your SQL Server databases using a FREE toolkit!

External Article

Quantifier predicates

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Predicates in SQL are often complex and difficult to understand. In this article, Joe Celko explains the logic behind a few of the predicates: EXISTS, SOME, ANY and ALL.

External Article

A Database DevOps Workflow Using Redgate Deploy

Additional Articles from Redgate

Tony Davis describes a typical database development cycle and deployment pipeline supported by Redgate Deploy. It allows branch-based database development, using disposable databases (clones) and version control tools, promotes continuous integration and testing of changes and automates the build and deployment processes so that they are repeatable, fast and reliable.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Getting Started with KQL

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from The Voice of the DBA

I saw an episode of Data Exposed with my good friend, Hamish Watson. He talked about KQL (Kusto Query Language) being the next query language you need to learn....

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Owner is Missing in the GUI – An Easy Fix


Having a Database Owner is not something that most people think about until something breaks. Usually, people will just kind of ignore it because it is just so innocuous...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


CosmosDB Organization

What is the organizational structure for Azure Cosmos DB?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Mirroring Endpoint Authentication

I am creating an endpoint for my Availability Group and want to specify Windows authentication. What options do I have for the protocol?

Answer: NTLM, Kerberos, and negotiate.

Explanation: You can choose NTLM or Kerberos specifically, or you can use negotiate, which allows the Windows negotiation protocol to choose either one of those. Ref: CREATE ENDPOINT -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
Add import date during Bulk Insert - The kind users of this forum have helped me develop a stored procedure that imports CSV files in a folder using Bulk Insert.  The files have some extra lines at the end so we had to create a process to count the lines and then set that as the LASTROW.   Howver, in working with it […]
column store index 0% page fullness after rebuild. - Doesn't seem right to me however i'm not as familiar w/ column store indexes
Bulk Insert giving no error but 0 rows affected - Hey there, new to SQL Server and the forum. I am trying to bulk import a CSV file with this line BULK INSERT [dbo].[TestTracingImportSP] FROM 'D:\TestTracingImport\CleanTest.csv' WITH (FIRSTROW=2, LASTROW=1000, FIELDTERMINATOR=',', ROWTERMINATOR='\r'); It does not give any errors but it also does not import anything.  Is there any way I can figure out why this is […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Reliable tool to migrate from Sybase to SQL Server - Wanted to check if any one has used a good reliable tool to migrate data from Sybase to SQL Server 2016. I do know MSFT has SSMA which I will give it try, we are also thinking about using scripting if needed. Was wondering is there a better tool that others have used for this […]
Development - SQL Server 2014
The union in ancher members in cte is done before the execution of recursive mem - hi, 1) in following query i have changed the second ancher member which was getting father to mother , thus i have created duplicate record, so i want to know that union of ancher memeber is done first and then recursive member is executed or after? 2) similarly if i have only one acher memeber […]
SQL 2012 - General
MS SQL Server 2012 question regarding SSIS - OK so I have a customer with a hosted website with eCommerce options. Essentially if you a good CC and the shipping address matches the address on the card, they will take your order. This order information is stored in a MySQL database that they log into via a website, where they proceed to physically […]
How to write query get long process job or query or stored procedure running on - I work on sql server 2014 How to write query get long process job or query or stored procedure running on server ? as example suppose i run exec sp_joblong how to know this procedure running now and which place it stop and take long time and how to know it finish execution on server
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Connect to Remote SQL Server using powershell or cmd - Hi I want to connect to Remote Sql server using powershell with username and  prompt for password and when connected i need to to run a query to retrieve data from the sql server and display as output when we run the powershell script. i have the query ready but unable to connect to remote […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Need help with SQL Query - Percentages - Hi: Need help with a SQL Query: I have Summary data with ID, Name and then Details data. I would like to display % of total UID exists in @tblUIDDetails tables (In the above example only 3 UID exists) % of individual UID loaded in @tblUIDDetails table (Load Flag OK). % of individual UID loaded […]
Bulk insert not working from different locations - I'm having an issue where the user wants to bulk insert an image as a blob in a column. The following SQL is used. INSERT INTO [Schema].[Table] (DateTimeCreated ,ReferenceId ,PrintModeId ,Image ) Values (getdate() ,11469 ,2 ,(SELECT compress(BulkColumn) BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(Bulk '\\AMA1\Labels_printed$\06772013_1Bit.BMP', SINGLE_BLOB) AS BLOB)) GO The statement is executed with a domain user, which […]
Power Query SSIS - post deleted.  i figured it out.
General Cloud Computing Questions
Cloud computing - Lately I've been interested in cloud computing but still don't know how to start. Currently I'm studying computer engineering. Well my question is how to start in this field? What should I know to be professional cloud engineer or at least to be able to have a job as cloud engineer? Any advice or recommendations […]
SSRS 2016
Using views as data sources for reporting - I have several views that are used for SSRS reports locally and Tableau Reports remotely. The other day after a large update I went to check the reports on Tableau and the updates were not there. I was wondering just as a general question when do views refresh. Is it each time they are accessed […]
Integration Services
Copy or Export Packages from SSISDB to Files - Greetings. I'm trying to export or copy existing integration packages from an SSIS Catalog. One of them is being used by a SQL job. I'm eventually going to add them to a Visual Studio package. I ran a select statement against MSDB..sysssispackages and they don't appear there so I don't know how to find them […]
clone table with partial data and all structure - I'm trying to clone a table in sql with partial data but with all structure (index, etc). This is the code I'm trying to execute: CREATE TABLE "new table" (LIKE "old table") INSERT INTO "new table" SELECT * FROM "old table" WHERE "date column" > ('now'::text::date - '1 year'::interval) The error message says INSERT is wrong. When […]


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