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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Support a charity, cause, or campaign you care about.

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours

Is work just work?

Today we have a guest editorial as Steve is out of town for work. This was originally published on Mar 30, 2017.

Are you enjoying your work? Last week, I bumped into an old colleague during my train journey. As we started chatting, I casually asked him about work; to which he replied: “Work is just work, nothing exciting about it.”

This made me wonder if it was just him, or are there many others who feel the same way. Is work just work; nothing more than that. Is it something, that if given a chance, should be avoided?

I work in IT and in the last few years, I have only been working on projects. This means that in those years, I have had some goals, some deadlines; and some go-lives to look forward to, which made my work challenging and exciting. Even earlier in my career, as a support analyst, I enjoyed helping others; and felt like I was saving the day if I got things done sooner than expected. For me, work is not just work. It is a source of excitement and fulfilment, a chance to trigger my creativity; and with focus and dedication, deliver the best results. And, of course, my source of income.

So is our work not a chance to show the world what best we can achieve with our efforts; or fulfil our role on this planet to help and serve others? Or am I just one of those lucky ones, to be working in jobs they love? I would love to know what most of you working in the same industry as me think.


Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Creating API Driver API Profiles

JerodJ from SQLServerCentral

RESTful APIs offer a straightforward way for businesses to work with external data and offer access to their own data. With more than 24,000 public APIs providing access to limitless data and the typical enterprise leveraging more than 200 applications, teams and developers need more efficient ways to query API data. With the CData API […]

SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Server Data Classification Comes Alive

maxtardiveau from SQLServerCentral

Overview Microsoft SQL Server 2012 introduced a feature called data classification, which allows you to mark certain columns with labels, indicating that these columns contain sensitive or special-handling data. For instance, you may want to mark a column containing credit card numbers as "confidential", or sales numbers as "management only". The problem is that you […]

External Article

Introduction to DAX for paginated reports

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

SSRS reports can be built using DAX. In this article, Adam Aspin explains how to get started using DAX to build the reports.

Technical Article

Flyway Teams and the Problem of Database Variants

Additional Articles from SQLServerCentral

The 'ShouldExecute' script configuration option in Flyway Teams simplifies 'conditional execution' of SQL migration files. This makes it easier to support multiple application versions from the same Flyway project, to deal with different cultural or legislative requirements. It also helps developers handle environmental differences between development, test and staging, such as the need to support multiple versions or releases of the RDBMS.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - SQL Homework – December 2021 – Changing collation

Kenneth.Fisher from SQLStudies

I can only speak for the locations I’ve worked at of course, but in all of the places I’ve worked ... Continue reading

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Fail activity in Azure Data Factory and Why would I want to Fail

Rayis Imayev from Data Adventures

(2021-Nov-30) I heard a story about a young person who was asked why she was always cutting a small piece of meat and putting it aside before cooking a larger...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Dynamic Data Masking Permissions

What permissions are needed to change the mask on a column in a table for Dynamic Data Masking?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Ordering String_Split()

In Azure SQL Database (as of Nov 2021), there is a new parameter in string_split(). The third parameter adds a new column to the results with a name of ordinal. If I want to guarantee that I get the results in an order, what do I add to this query:

 FROM STRING_SPLIT('a,b,c,e,d', ',', 1) AS ss

Answer: Add an "ORDER BY ordinal"

Explanation: Result ordering in SQL Server are never guaranteed without an ORDER BY. This is required to ensure ordering. Ref: string_split() -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Application query time out - I have an application that is attempting to perform a function (modifying records, so I'm assuming an update query) under a certain user's session and it is timing out. Is there a way to easily monitor what is happening in the database to examine what the issue might be, something to get the exact query […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
SQL Server and CloudStrike - Has anyone had issues with CloudStrike Anti-Virus on their SQL Servers? I've had a client install CloudStrike, and within 30 minutes the SQL Server became unresponsive and stopped accepting new user connections. The server has been running without issues for about 2 years. We had to do a forced Service Shut down from an existing […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
best way to extract name and number - I have data in a field called user_name that consistently follows this format: (t) Joseph Kelly -14784 (tb) Shenna Brown -15488 (tb) Paul Ledford -15358 (b) Quadra Tomson -15316 (t) Tracy Edwards -15218 I can get the number out easily with "SUBSTRING([user_name], CHARINDEX('-',[user_name])+1, 25) as EmployeeID", e.g.: 14784, but I'm having trouble using the same […]
SQL 2012 - General
how to identify BottleNeck by using the data of sys.dm_os_performance_counters - There are many many data to show the SQL Server current performance, May I know how to use these counters to observe the SQL Server's performance? that is to say, which parameters show the IO bottleNeck and Disk bottleNeck?RAM bottleNeck etc ? it means the cntr_value exceed which value there will be a bottleneck, thanks!
how to solve error Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '24VAC/D - I work on SQL server 2014 I get error when run statement below error say Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '24VAC/DC' to data type int. I got error when execut dynamic sql EXEC (@SQL) so how to solve this error please data sample IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.TAllfeatures') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.TAllfeatures IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.TCondition') […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
SQL Query Help on Time based query - I have a following table (Contains script to generate the sample table with data): CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test]( [Schedule_Start_Date] [varchar](8) NULL, [UserID] [int] NULL, [Code] [varchar](10) NULL, [Start_Time] [time](7) NULL, [Duration_Min] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO INSERT [dbo].[Test] ([Schedule_Start_Date], [UserID], [Code], [Start_Time], [Duration_Min]) VALUES (N'20211030', 1562, N'Shift', CAST(N'10:00:00' AS Time), 720) GO INSERT [dbo].[Test] ([Schedule_Start_Date], […]
Query help - create table assessments ( id integer not null, experience integer not null, sql integer, algo integer, bug_fixing integer, unique(id) ); INSERT INTO assessments VALUES(1, 3, 100, NULL, 50) INSERT INTO assessments VALUES(2, 5,NULL,100,100) INSERT INTO assessments VALUES(3,1,100,100,100) INSERT INTO assessments VALUES(4, 5,100,50,NULL) INSERT INTO assessments VALUES(5,5,100,100,100) I need the query to return xp | max […]
Query Performance Tuning - Hello All, I have a temp table inside my procedure and its taking lot of time. Could anyone suggest how to optimize this.. Below is my piece of code. declare @User table ( UserName varchar(200), InstalledDate varchar(max) ) insert into @User select main.UserName, left(main.installs,len(main.installs)-1) as "Installs" From ( select distinct ins2.UserName, ( select convert(varchar(200),ins.FirstSeenDate)+', ' […]
Data Masking - Hello All, I'm working on a project that the manager would like to mask some sensitive data. I know that there is a dynamic data masking function currently on the sql server 2019, but as far as I researched looks like it need to be done on a table column right? On my case the […]
SQL Server 2008 - General
Table Date field format - I created a date field [Datte] in SQL v2008. I then link with MS Access. No problem. Done this many times. However, this time, when I open the table in MS Access, the date displays as: 2021-03-15 (yyyy-mm-dd) All my other tables display like I want it: 03/15/2021 (mm/dd/yyyy) The field attribute is date, not […]
Reporting Services
ReportingService2010 soap call to set report credentials - I have written a routine to speed up the upload and download of reports from our reporting server.  The problem is that the reports do not retain their credentials when you download them. So I've tried to update them after uploading the report, but get an error when the report is run. An error has […]
Get Full Name and Last Name in Report - Hello, i have tried multiple expressions from websites and couldn't get the real answer. What is the full expression that gives me the First and Last Name in SSRS expression: For ex: John Andrew Brown Hill = John Hill.
Help with Column Visibility Expressions - I have a parameter in my report labeled as PaySource. PaySource has 3 values associated to it, a Value of 0 = "Total", 1 = "Patient" and 2 = "Insurance". In my report, I have 3 columns - Patient, Insurance, and Total. I need help with my Column Visibility Expression on each of these columns. […]
SSRS 2012
Error Report - Hi All When i access to report server and i try to open report JV directly i get error, see att file, and when i acces with Modify in generator, i can run report
How do I use Workspaces in Azure Data Studio? - I've been working with Azure Data Studio (ADS) for maybe two years, but I've only yesterday learned about something called "workspace" in ADS. I ran into problems when trying to commit SQL code to a Git repo. ADS showed me two unrelated Git repos and I don't think that ADS knew which repo to put […]


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