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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Set hopeful but realistic goals for this week

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Growing and Keeping Up

I keep busy. My wife and I tend to be type-A people, tackling lots of things and keeping very busy. We work hard, and often, a lot. Our spare time in the winter is spent with second jobs, coaching youth volleyball. My kids think that we can be a little unbalanced at times, not taking enough time off or getting away from work. I agree. They are better balanced in life than my wife and I.

The thing I tell me self is that keeping busy and being driven has helped me have a great life and a great career. It's also created lots of stress, perhaps more than I should have. I thought about this balance as I was watching I Can't Keep Up!, Catherine Wilhelmsen's keynote from Data Saturday Oslo. It's a great talk and worth your time to watch. She tells you that while you can do anything, or almost anything, that you want, it's not necessarily easy. You have to work, but you have to find some balance.

The world of technology has grown at a crazy pace during my life. As I've watched the growth of cloud capabilities from vendors, I've felt the same things Catherine has. I can't keep up, I don't have time to keep up, and everyone likely knows more than me about many things.

All of those things are mostly true.

I can't keep up, I don't really have time to try, and certainly, there are plenty of people who know more than me about any particular thing. However, I should learn to accept those things, not worry about them.

It's easy to get stressed or feel discouraged at your lack of being an expert in your field. There is good advice in the talk, but the thing that I try to remind myself of often is that I know more than last year. I am good at some things, and I continue to improve my skills in some areas. Most importantly, I can prioritize, pick a few things, and then work on those across time, which is enough to help me succeed.

I have learned to set a few reminders each month and focus at those times on something that I want or need to learn. I also allow myself some free time to improve myself in a general way, without an agenda. I struggle with distractions, but I do try to remind myself to focus when I have time. The key in technology is learn how to learn. Don't worry about picking the perfect technology or being as efficient as you can. Just learn something and get comfortable with regularly learning about new skills. Even if you choose something you never use later, you are building the skill and habit of learning.

It's good to challenge yourself, but be realistic, and more importantly, find balance. If you are starting out in your career, without many external obligations, you may have more time to work on your career, but you also have more to learn. Be patient with yourself and learn to enjoy life outside of your career field, even if you spend lots of hours trying to grow your career skills.

If you are older, perhaps you pick something related to your work, or perhaps you pick something that interests you. Either way, exercising your brain and gaining new skills, however slight, is helpful.

Always remember, we work to live, not the other way around.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

Connect to PostgreSQL as an External Data Source using PolyBase

JerodJ from SQLServerCentral

PolyBase is a new feature of SQL Server that allows you to connect to relational and non-relational data. You can run queries on any external data sources you might have, such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, Salesforce, MongoDB, Hadoop, etc. When paired with the CData ODBC Driver for PostgreSQL, you get access to your PostgreSQL data directly […]

What Is a Cost-Based Optimizer?

Additional Articles from Brent Ozar Unlimited Blog

When you execute a query, the database server has to figure a lot of things out. For even the simplest queries, there are usually several possible ways to get the job done.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Operating system error 995 when adding a database to an availability group from The DBA Who Came In From The Cold

I was adding databases to an availability group (SQL Server 2017 CU20 instance) the other day and one database failed to automatically seed to the secondary. When I looked...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - A DBA horror story in database file extensions.

Kenneth.Fisher from SQLStudies

( NAME = N'Story', FILENAME = N'C:DataStory.mdf', SIZE = 101MB),
( NAME = N'File1', FILENAME = N'C:Data_.It', SIZE = 102MB),
( NAME =...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Third Party VDI Backup

I am using a third party backup utility that creates backup files from the VDI interface. I install this utility as a sysadmin and it adds extended stored procedures to SQL Server. I then change the software to use a lower privileged login that has db_backupoperator set in each database. Will the backups run successfully?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Concatenating Dynamic SQL

I execute this code on SQL Server 2019. Each of the tables has one row in it. What happens?


SET @SQL = '
 SELECT mystring 
   FROM TableA;';

SET @SQL += '
 SELECT mystring 
   FROM TableB;';

select @SQL

Answer: I get the strings from TableA and TableB concatenated together

Explanation: The += is valid code, and the unclosed quote gets closed on line 5. This returns the two strings concatenated.  

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
replace chain of function calls with better code - We have a scalar function that is used to add a specific number of business days to a date however to dev who wrote it has gone overkill on the use of it and crashed the ETL - it now never finishes. We have approx 75k records in the table in question and depending on […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Last time user loged in or any jobs ran - Is it anyway to find out when is the last time login user or account was used? I am trying to clean up my logins
Jonathan Kehayias's page split discusison - I was reading Jonathan's article about captruing page splitting article which I found very interesting so I went a ahead and tested in one of my dev server. I am following along the article and I see some DBs with page splitting problems. 2nd thing I did was created another session to capture objects. So […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
log file of primary replica database is full - Good Morning, We have AG configured. The log file of primary replica database is full. I tried to take log backup but it did not work. I tried to shrink but did not work. Please let me know how to resolve.
In AG, the secondary database went into suspect state - Good Morning, In AG, the secondary database went into suspect state. I know that I need to set HADR OFF on secondary replica and remove it from AG. What should I do after this? Please help me with the fix.
Development - SQL Server 2014
Is loop necessary? - Hi I'm not even sure if I'm thinking about this the right way... Nevertheless, the setup is to find the distance from a Pass to the previous Pass, where the calculation for Pass itself involves the distance. Is there any other way to do this, such as recursion? declare @T table(N int not null primary […]
How to select records based on column value - Hi, I have a table that has a duplicate rows based on Id column. If an Id has multiple entries, I want to pick a row that has its branch value as 'head quarters' as first priority, else branch with 'regional' value should be selected. For the below sample data, output should be like this: […]
SQL 2012 - General
Reading a json file - I have one query at the top that returns data (see text at bottom stored in a .json file actually) but the second one returns only the headers: -- this one works to bring in data unformatted on just one cell: SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:\Users\mwendel\Desktop\Colors.JSON', SINGLE_CLOB) as j --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The one below […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Extracting a Median Date out of a Group of Records using a Query with NTILE - Hi there I have a table of data readings which I am able to use NTILE to sucessfully extract the MinValue, MaxValue and Average Reading Value using the following query: ;WITH cte_ntile AS ( SELECT *, NTILE(2) OVER(ORDER BY ReadingDateTime asc) AS [Group] FROM SIDataGroup ) SELECT MIN(ReadingValue) AS MinValue, MAX(ReadingValue) AS MaxValue, AVG(ReadingValue) AS […]
Calculate count of credit decision (One or multiple custom sql) - Hello All, Hope you guys are doing good. I have a requirement to take a count of decisions in the below format from the “credit decision” table. Please find the credit decision table and expected report format. I am going to use this custom sql in tableau to generate the report/dashboard. The business user triggers […]
Issue with joining the tables correctly - I have such a difficulty. I want every record every record in WHSIBLM where IBONHD is not 0. But I only want to limit the data in the WHSDMQT table to only bring in records where the mdmovt ='SKR'. I'm afraid my where statement is limiting the WHSIBLM data to only those items that have […]
Azure Data Lake
What is the main difference for a Azure data lake and a simple sharepoint folder - Hello, I'm trying to understand the main difference between connecting power BI to azure datalake vs connecting to a sharepoint folder structure? My company is about to start using power BI for analytics purpose, and we are currently looking into possible ways to store our data. At an old company we just built our own […]
Reporting Services
SSRS Hexadecimal 0X0B error - Hi Everyone, I am new to SSRS, I have a question I am creating report template in SSRS  using “Microsoft Report Builder” for  archive projects where I am connected to SharePoint Archive Site. SharePoint "Project" list has Justification Text column (multiline text), when I am trying to retrieve Justification data I am getting “Hexadecimal 0xOB” […]
Change Excel Download column format to Text? - Hi, Having an issue where the default column format is General for downloading to Excel, but was hoping I could change it to Text so I can download and send without touching the spreadsheet. Is there some rendering code I could add to download type? Thanks
Design Ideas and Questions
Users and users subtype entities - Hello, I system requirements I have are as follows:  In my app,as far as person entities, let's say I have users, adults, children, parents, friends, artists, customers, businesses, employees, event participants. The App it is basically like a social media platform with e-commerce functionality(ie: users create an account and can connect with "friends" or other […]


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