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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Make some plans to do something you find enjoyable this weekend

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Do You Have a Talent Gap?

I have seen articles over the years that talk about a talent gap in companies, similar to this one. For a long time early in my career, it seemed anyone that went through a boot camp could get a job, and we had lots of unqualified people earning lots of money. I know I've run into my share of paper-CNE's, paper-MCSE's, and more in my career that took advantage of that talent gap. Over time it seemed that many companies stopped relying on certifications in hiring, but this didn't seem to help us find more qualified workers. We either were short of staff or still had plenty of people that couldn't do the work that well.

During the last year, I have seen lots of articles about companies that are struggling to find workers at all levels, even though the pandemic has broadened the search space. Companies learned to work remotely and many started to hire people in different cities. I know a lot of people that changed jobs in the last year. Many landing a remote position at a company they would rarely if ever, drive to visit. I still hope the pandemic repercussions will include hiring more people in different locations, though that may not be the case for all organizations. Many managers seem to assume they will bring everyone back into an office at some point.

However, the talent gap is real, and it's existed for years. There has been a concern for many years from managers about their staff having the proper skills for the future. I hear constantly from customers that they don't have enough trained people that understand some of the modern tools available. This is especially true for those technologies that are DevOps related. This includes version control, which I think is a basic skill. There are plenty of people that don't understand the basics of writing code and committing it in Git.

I do think some talent gap of this is the result of technology changing so fast, with new options and products to learn. Many of us feel we can't ever keep up. I know I do, though I think that's both true and not something to worry about. If you don't use tools at work, you might think there's no point in learning about them. If you are excited about technology, you can still be intimidated by all the choices out there. Do you look at Jenkins or Azure DevOps? We email scripts around, so is there a point to git? I even feel that way with Redgate products. They update every week or two and I'm always behind in trying to learn about them and decide if I need to worry about a specific feature.

I think the talent gap is real, but I also think that learning to be comfortable with being a little uncomfortable is important. It's unlikely you will be an expert with a tool anytime soon, so learn to be productive and effective. Maybe, more importantly, learn to learn. Spend time going through a tutorial or tackling a walk-through and get some comfort with technology. If you do need to learn more, then you can ask for resources.

The talent gap is real for many of us, and certainly for many organizations. That's not likely to change, so learning to adapt to the situation is probably best for all of us.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

The Record That Never Existed (as a committed row)

Alessandro Mortola from SQLServerCentral

Introduction According to the official documentation, the READ COMMITTED isolation level “specifies that statements cannot read data that has been modified but not committed by other transactions”. So, one could think that a record returned under this isolation level existed in the committed state at the time of reading. In this article, I am going […]

Advanced Schema Evolution using Databricks Auto Loader

Additional Articles from

This article demonstrates how to get started with using Auto Loader cloudFiles with Databricks through an end-to-end practical example of ingesting a data stream which has an evolving schema.

Hype Cycle for Agile & DevOps

Additional Articles from Redgate

Get Gartner’s latest DevOps and Agile recommendations for I&O leaders. Redgate is named as a sample vendor for Continuous Compliance Automation in the 2021 Hype Cycle™ for Agile and DevOps

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Data Platform products for Microsoft gaps

James Serra from James Serra's Blog

Microsoft has a ton of data platform-related products, but there are certain areas where they either don’t have a product or what they have is limited and you need...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Lambda Architecture in data systems and possible meaning of this name

Rayis Imayev from Data Adventures

(2021-Sep-21) There is one scene in "The Core" movie that I really like when two geophysicists were asked to explain certain anomalies that were projected on a computer screen. One of...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Deleting a Folder in Azure Data Factory

I have a pipeline in Azure Data Factory, and I have added a Delete activity to my pipeline. I want to delete all the files in the "August2021" folder, and the folder itself after I've imported data. How do I configure a single Delete activity to do this?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Alessandro Mortola)

Implicit conversion from datetime to datetime2

Which result do you obtain carrying out the following code?

declare @d datetime = '20210701 12:30:45.123';
select CAST(@d as datetime2(7));

Answer: It depends on the compatibility level: "2021-07-01 12:30:45.1233333" if the compatibility level is greater than or equal to 130, "2021-07-01 12:30:45.1230000" otherwise

Explanation: From the official documentation: "Under database compatibility level 130, implicit conversions from datetime to datetime2 data types show improved accuracy by accounting for the fractional milliseconds, resulting in different converted values" This means that up to compatibility level 120 the conversion simply add zeros to the fractional part in order to reach the precision required by datetime2. This is not the case starting from compatibility level 130 and "this means that certain values that previously compared equal, no longer compare equal"

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
latency sql server - Hello everyone I have big problem of slowness on a SQL instance in azure the editor send me the procedure that poses the problem but I don't know what to do on the indexing side since it is a procedure Do you have a suggestion to improve the execution time? USE [MERCURE_GIT_DEVELOP] GO /****** Object: […]
SQL Server 2017 - Development
Capture Tables Updates-Add , updare and delete record) when Sp executed - When i run a stored procedure, i would like to capture all the Database updates with table name and preferably values updated. What tool i can use ?
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Wait type LATCH_EX [NESTING_TRANSACTION_FULL] - and blocking. - We have this ad hoc query that is a recurring block leader, blocking dozens of other SPs and adhoc query. This code has not changed in years. The query had never been a massive blocker before a few days ago, and never caused issues. now it does. It causes latencies, users are waiting and timing […]
Development - SQL Server 2014
Dynamic Store Procedure - hello, I want to create a dynamic StoreProcedure that would do some simple checks and that is setting these variable SET @valuesInput = (select count(distinct COLUMN_1) from [TABLE_1] where [COLUMN_1] is not null) SET @valuesInserted = (select count(distinct COLUMN_2) from [TABLE_2]) SET @countDuplicates = (select count(*) from [TABLE_2] group by COLUMN_2 having count(*) > 1) […]
SQL 2012 - General
needing help casting varchar to decimal - I'm needing to convert some varchar figures to decimal for sums, but can't quite find an example that works... the second block of code just returns the list of data without cast or sum: SELECT SUM(CAST([Convo] AS DECIMAL(10,2))) ,SUM(CAST([F9D2]) AS DECIMAL(10,2))) ,SUM(CAST([F9D5]) AS DECIMAL(10,2))) ,SUM(CAST([F9DMTM]) AS DECIMAL(10,2))) ,SUM(CAST([Exception]) AS DECIMAL(10,2))) ,SUM(CAST([Training]) AS DECIMAL(10,2))) ,SUM(CAST([TOTAL Time]) […]
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
output of stored procedure to text and email text - i have a stored procedure which outputs data from various table query like below. create procedure ki_data as select * from customer select * from order select * from invoices   i would like to send the output of stored procedure (in text format) to email . I know how i can do it using […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Whats the difference between SQL 2019 Enterprise and SQL 2019 Enterprise Core - I'm installing SQL on a dev server using my VS downloads and I have a choice between 2019 Ent and 2019 Ent core. We just recently switched from server/cal to core licensing and would like to know if there actually is some difference between these installs.
In-Place upgrade from SQL Server 2016 to SQL Server 2019 leaves older version - My company has decided that in-place upgrading to SQL Server 2019 for test environments is the path that we should take for time consideration.  What I have found out after doing this in-place upgrade(and I have never done one before always a side by side) is that the older version of SQL Server is left […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Using (or not) query HINTS to speed up slow statement - The following statement returns 9000 rows in about 5 minutes on both SQL Server 2014 and SQL Server 2019. It basically reads Corporations along with their "IsArchived" attribute and their current name after fetching the "NameID" from an historical table. All required indexed are defined and rebuilt. Statistics are updated. SELECT C.CorporationID, EA.IsArchived, EN.Name FROM […]
ADD Values from a table to an another table - I am working with Microsoft SQL Server MANAGMENT STUDIO 18  and i Have 2 Tables , i want to insert a new line of values from Table 1 on Table 2 but every time that a Value From Table 1 change from False to True .Actually it works but only if i execute to This […]
Conditional Where - Hi, I have a where clause in my query that looks like this: WHERE items.UserNumber_02 IS NULL -- ALL ITEMS OR items.UserNumber_02 IS NOT NULL -- Table is filtered How can I switch between all items and the filtered part with a parameter?
SQL Azure - Development
Azure SQL or MariaDB (or perhaps PostgreSQL)? - Hi, I got a question about a new system to be located in Azure. The system will have a fair amount of traffic, perhaps somewhere around 100 requests per second. Each request will be handled and logged. Perhaps the log items will be updated with more data during the request (which usually will last a […]
Reporting Services
Colum Header adding a 1 to the text when downloading? - Hi, I come across this once in a while, I have a column header say its"Date Added" when I download to CSV , it adds a 1 and displays as "Date Added1"   Can't figure out why?   Thanks  
Load 2 files to SQL on 1 connection - I have 2 files I'm importing and have 2 different SQL tables from the same database. How could I create one connection to the DB and load to 2 different SQL tables. Thanks. $f1=(import-csv 'c:\temp\dbsessinfo' -Delimiter '|' -header dbsession,client,qaduser,osuser,pts,qadpgm,qadmenu,pid,ostask,runtime) $f2=(import-csv 'c:\temp\dbwaitdata' -Delimiter '|' -header dbanme,progtxn,osuser,locktype,locktbl,lockrcd,lockmeth)    
Analysis Services
Creating a Linking Column from table to the other - How can i create the employee code column from Staff List into Revenue table?  


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