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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Find fun ways to distract yourself from unhelpful thoughts

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Messy Job Descriptions

I saw a job description recently for a DBA that asked for SQL Server experience, but also "other RDBMSes, like Cassandra and PostgreSQL". Not sure Cassandra fits there, or why this says like. I've seen some other ads that ask for C# or Python. Some asking for MDX/DAX knowledge along with AWS Cloud Formation and programming APIs. Some have a required and optional or "nice to have" sections, but many include a laundry list of technologies and skills. For software developer roles, the list of skills often exceeds what I think any person in the world might know.

There was a debate about this at SQL Server Central in one of the threads. It seems some people are split on whether this is a problem or a good thing. Quite a few people noted that they wouldn't apply when there are so many items listed that they don't have experience in. For others, we wouldn't hesitate if we had around 50% of the items listed. I'm in the latter category, as I've had plenty of friends, and myself, get jobs that might have seemed out of reach based on the description and our skills.

In my experience, often a job description is put together on the fly and in a hurry, usually by someone that isn't familiar with the job. They ask others what to include, and we end up with a large list of things that would be nice, but not necessary. The end result isn't always what the job entails, at least not completely. Often I've found as a developer or operations person I might end up lightly touching other parts of different roles, but not regularly.

I don't know that I think it's worth effort to tightly define a job for a new hire, as the job requirements can change, and we might adapt a job to the individual. Not completely, but if someone knows more about reporting or BI than HA/DR, we might have them tackle more of that work and only partially work on clusters or AGs. Others might fill in with more HA/DR and less BI work. The reverse also could be true, so should we have a job description that is narrowly defined to DBA work with an HADR focus? Or one for BI?

Hiring is a difficult enough process, especially today, without too tightly defining the roles. I do think it's worth spending time with the team doing the work to list out the necessary skills (and levels) needed to help them, but adding in other items is useful. It casts a wider net, and it helps you as the hiring group, think about what tradeoffs you might make. If someone is weak with replication, and we use it, but they have some strong Azure skills, maybe we accept that. We know we'll need to train this person on replication, but they might help us better understand the cloud. Perhaps that's a better choice than someone highly skilled with replication but without a lot of other experience.

Or maybe not.

Ultimately, on the hiring side, include what you want. It doesn't have to be perfect. If you don't get candidates, then re-examine it, but list what you really need, and separately, what you want.

On the candidate side, don't be intimidated. If you get to 45% of the skills, apply. If you hit 75% of the requirements, apply. Maybe even if you're a little short on those but you have other skills. Use what you know, and what's been listed, to help you drive the interview. Emphasize your strengths, and convince them you can learn. Ask questions, use "I don't know, but" often with examples of how you might gain the knowledge or get help. That often is more important than what you have done in the past.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

PostgreSQL Hibernate Integration

Shivayan Mukherjee from SQLServerCentral

Overview PostgreSQL is a free and general purpose open source object-relational database system that uses and extends the SQL language while Hibernate is probably the most popular ORM tool. If you are not familiar with PostgreSQL then I suggest you to go through this link below before going ahead in this article. This article is […]

A Quick Diff Checker for SQL Server Databases

Additional Articles from Redgate

Compare the schemas of two SQL Server databases using SQL Compare command line then quickly produce a diff report showing you immediately which tables, views and functions have changed.

Migrate Key-Value Pairs from Python Dictionary to SQL Server via JSON

Additional Articles from

This article will demonstrate how to migrate via JSON, key-value pairs from a Python dictionary object to a SQL Server table.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Virtual Presentations: A Presenters Perspective

Grant Fritchey from The Scary DBA

While we are clearly beginning to see in-person events on the calendar, the vast majority of presentations, events, talks, etc., are virtual. There are a lot of positives to...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Another reason I prefer side-by-side SQL Server instance upgrades.

Kenneth.Fisher from SQLStudies

This is a quick non-technical discussion (i.e. not a how to in any way) of some of the benefits of ... Continue reading


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Azure Data Factory Pipelines

How many pipelines can an Azure Data Factory have?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Flipping the plot

I load the Motor Trend cars dataset in R Studio and then plot some data.

> data(mtcars)
> stripplot(cyl~mpg, mtcars)

I get a plot like this:

R stripplot of data

I want to switch the data to this plot:

R data plot with axis reversed

Which code will give me this?

Answer: > stripplot(mpg~cyl, mtcars)

Explanation: I can reverse the columns in the first argument and get the axis reversed. Ref: stripplot -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Failed to open the explicitly specified database - Hello experts, Users are reporting this error for their logins: Message Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 38. Message Login failed for user 'foo'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'bar'. The databases and logins are in an Availability Group, not sure if that is relevant. But it is an odd error because the […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Creating SSRS projects in Visual Studio 2019 - can't get it to work! - Hi there, We've been using Visual Studio 2017 for a while now but I want to upgrade to VS2019. Looks like rptproj files are not compatible with VS 2019. I've been looking on how to do this and it looks like I'm best creating a new solution and importing the rdl files from the vs2017 […]
SQL 2012 - General
Rows to Column - Hai all I have one table one column. I have 10  rows that table . I want output, segregate one column to three column rows accordingly   Create table #test(Name varchar(20)) insert into #test values('one') insert into #test values('two') insert into #test values('three') insert into #test values('four') insert into #test values('five') insert into #test values('six') […]
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
Split String into columns - Can someone help me figure out how to turn this string: ' ;T41,Vending,9000011;T42,Laundry,9000012;T43,Car Wash,9000013;T44,Amusement,9000014;T45,Promotion,9000015;T46,Transit,9000016;T47,Other,9000017;T73,?,9000011' into a set of results like this?
Select from MySQL via linked server - Hi, I've been using OPENQUERY to select from a MySQL db via a linked server and trying to use the four part method as below select  * from [MYSQL_LinkedSvr].[MySQLDb..MySQLTable As far as I can see there aren't any schemas on the MySQL server. Am I missing something? Any help most welcome. Thanks, Eamon     […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Permissions needed to run query on master db - I have for awhile done the auditor reviews on all SQL Servers.  Now, we are in a position where the auditors have agreed to run queries and get the information they need for themselves. Great.  Finally. But when I give them readonly  on master they can't run the required query.  Not unless I gave them […]
Move mdf and ldf on separate disks - Hello Forum, Inside my database server I have 3 harddisks. Sadly there is no more free space to mount additional disks. So I set up: * Disk 1: OS, SQL-Server executables incl. master, model, msdb and tempdb * Disk 2: mdf for User DB * Disk 3: ldf for User DB For testing I installed […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Extract out Parent/child records from XML String - Hi there I  have an XML String from which I would like to extract the data out to create a set of records My xml is defined as follows: declare @DataSheetXML xml = ' RadioStats_00 16 0 false 0 17 11 14 […]
Select into object from an SQL server to another through linked server - Hello. I need to execute a select into statement from one SQL server to another. I try to execute it with both ways above SELECT * INTO [SecondServer].[SecondDatabase].[dbo].[object_name] FROM FirstDatabase.dbo.object_name SELECT * INTO [SecondServer].[SecondDatabase].[dbo].[object_name] FROM OPENQUERY (SecondServer, 'SELECT * from FirstDatabase.dbo.object_name') but I get the same error message: "The object name '[SecondServer].SecondDatabase.dbo.object_name' contains more than […]
logging data with variable column count - I want to log a table (in this case Payroll) where number of columns might vary from time to time considering variable salary components and pay frequency for each employee and etc. This is how I keep salary data for each employee: Payroll is generated pivoting for salary component and pay frequency and then adding […]
Clustered vs Nonclustered Columnstore Update Performance - Hi Everyone, I'm experiencing horrendous update performance with Clustered Columnstore Indexes (CCI). Whilst our current Nonclustered Columnstore Index (NCCI) setup is not going to win any update-performance awards, it works sufficiently well. In my test setup,  I can update 1 mil rows in about 90 seconds using NCCIs. Inserting 1 mil rows (both for CCI […]
SQL Server 2008 - General
Updating null value increases size - I have a table with 1 lac rows with id and bit columns. The size of the table is 13.523MB. If I add the 10 int column to this table without any data it will not increase size of the table. But when i update the int col with "NULL" value it increases the size […]
Integration Services
SSIS - move data between servers for all tables in the schema - Hi Guys, I have a situation where at two servers (Let's say A and B) I have a database db with the same structure at both of them. I need to create a process which would, every day, iterate through one of the schema (x) and move data from server A to server B. So […]
All executions report not showing any messages - Hi   I'm currently having a strange problem with some deployed packages (not all), where when trying to view  the  standard reports All executions to see the messages it doesn't show anything - I've tried with the various filters and expanding the date ranges to in the future. I've redeployed the packages but to no […]
Incorrect Syntax near tempdb - Hi, I am getting the below error for a query that runs inside the SSIS package. The Query does not have the symbol 'A'. Not sure from where that A is coming and erroring out the query. Please let me know your thoughts. Error: Merge query to load sample to demo :Error: Executing the query […]


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