| The Complete Weekly Roundup of SQL Server News by SQLServerCentral.com | Hand-picked content to sharpen your professional edge |
| Deceptive Visualizations I'm sure there are plenty of examples, but I've seen deceptive data visualizations far too often in mass media. I don't often watch the news, but at times I've been at the gym, saw a graph on a television, and been a little surprised. The issue that bothered me is similar to what's discussed in this SAS article on deceptive graphs. In this case, the problem is likely what the author describes. An axis was moved, which what I often see in the news. Rather than starting at 0, often the image might start at 20 or 30 on a scale of 1 to 100. As a result, the differences between two bars, lines, or whatever is on the graph ends up looking distorted. This might be unintentional, as more and more graphing tools try to "size to fit" in a space, and can alter graphs, but in many cases, I think the author of the report is deliberately emphasizing something to evoke a reaction in an audience. I suspect this also happens inside companies. Someone might change scales or axis starting points to emphasize or de-emphasize some part of the data. I could see sysadmins wanting to de-emphasize downtime, but they might want to emphasize cost savings to get management to make the decision they would prefer. The article linked above makes a good point. If you do this, your credibility is undermined if someone notices. Maybe the media doesn't care, but I know that trying to deceive the person that signs your check, or has some impact on your future employment, is a bad idea. These days, it is hard to find good help, but that doesn't seem to stop a lot of companies from getting rid of bad help. Present data the way you'd want to see if your positions were reversed. Or if you wanted a decision to be the opposite of what you are hoping for in this instance. You might get a short-term win, but in the long term, I would argue your credibility and reputation are worth more than a short-term win. Steve Jones - SSC Editor Join the debate, and respond to the editorial on the forums |
The Weekly News | All the headlines and interesting SQL Server information that we've collected over the past week, and sometimes even a few repeats if we think they fit. |
Vendors/3rd Party Products |
Redgate engineer Matthew Flatt talks about the challenges of database Continuous Integration and what you need to do to become great. |
When you are using Flyway, how can you test your database migration script first to make sure it works exactly as you intended before you let Flyway execute it? |
AI/Machine Learning/Cognitive Services |
Upgraded data protection and less reliance on the ... |
Just about everyone agrees that data scientists and AI developers are the new superstars of the tech industry. But ask a group of CIOs to define the precise area... |
Discover how organizations speed AI/ML adoption with Red Hat OpenShift |
Administration of SQL Server |
We all had those calls, it’s the middle of the n... |
Introduction SQL Server 2016 falls out of Mainstre... |
Total: 1 Average: 5 Introduction Recently we encou... |
Here I am, trying to get back my habit and write about something useful I was working on the other day. If you ask me which SQL Server... |
Welcome back to our series, Server Review Essentials for Accidental and Junior DBAs, where we’ve been taking an in-depth look at how to get ready to perform regular SQL... |
The transaction log file for a SQL Server database critical for for maintaining database integrity. In this article, Greg Larsen explains SQL Server transaction log architecture. |
OK. This is a little test in my SQL Server 2019 CU11 instance. But the behavior I will demonstrate goes way back... and seems like it just may go... |
How often do you check for SQL Server updates? I usually check once a week just to see what’s out there, even if it’s not on a version I’m... |
Analysis Services / BI on the MS Stack |
Welcome to the third instalment of my series on migrating AAS to PPU. In this blog post I am going to cover what the difference to load data into AAS and how to load data into PPU and the associated performance. |
Azure Databricks, Spark and Snowflake |
In SQL when you are syncing a table (target) from an another table (source) you need to make sure there are no duplicates or repeated datasets in either of the Source or Target tables, otherwise you get following error: |
Change data capture (CDC) is a use case that we see many customers implement in Databricks – you can check out our previous deep dive on the topic here. Typically we see CDC used in an ingestion to analytics architecture called the medallion architecture. The medallion architecture that takes raw data landed from source systems and refines the data through bronze, silver and gold tables. |
Apache Spark is a very popular analytics engine used for large-scale data processing. It is widely used for many big data applications and use cases. CDP Operational Database Experience Experience (COD) is a CDP Public Cloud service that lets you create and manage operational database instances and it is powered by Apache HBase and Apache Phoenix. |
The ability to scale up and down without maintaining extra hardware is one of the best cloud computing features. In this article, Mahendran Purushothaman explains autoscaling in Microsoft Azure.… The... |
Azure Synapse (SQL Data Warehouse and Data Lake) |
Click to learn more about author Mathias Golombek.... |
Reading Time: 6 minutes In this post I want to cover how you can create a dacpac for an Azure Synapse Analytics dedicated SQL Pool using GitHub Actions.... |
Career Growth and Certifications |
There are a lot of free Power BI training options ... |
One of the things that I’ve seen crop up at vari... |
Today there has been some discussion on Twitter about diversity in tech conferences. I’m not going to link to the discussion directly, because this isn’t about the specific conference... |
Many of you know that Redgate purchased some of the assets of PASS, namely session recordings, domain names, and trademarks. Shortly after that purchase, we began talking about what... |
Computing in the Cloud (Azure, Google, AWS) |
Today, Dave Brown, VP of Amazon EC2 at AWS, announced the Graviton Challenge as part of his session on AWS silicon innovation at the Six Five Summit 2021. We... |
(2021-Jun-16) Recently, Google started to notify me that my blog website (http://datanrg.blogspot.com/) had been experiencing some ‘Server (5xx)’ errors. Nothing has been changed on my side, and I’m not sure how... The... |
Conferences, Classes, Events, and Webinars |
The schedule for EightKB Summer 2021 Edition has been announced! Here’s the schedule: – N.B. – I particularly like that if you click on the session on the website,... |
Disasters big and small happen, and as data professionals, you should be prepared for the worst! I’m thrilled to announce that we’re launching the Microsoft Data Platform Continuity Virtual... |
I recently took a look at keeping up with SQL Serv... |
A while back (almost 7 years ??) I wrote a post on finding the common AD groups of a set ... Continue reading The post #PowershellBasics: Finding a common AD... |
Earlier, we discussed using PowerShell to import d... |
Words: 620 Time to read: ~ 3 minutes It’s been a... |
A DBA asked me how to view SSAS service status with Powershell READ MORE>> Author: Jack Vamvas () |
Data Privacy, Compliance, and GDPR |
This is probably worth paying attention to: A change to TikTok’s U.S. privacy policy on Wednesday introduced a new section that says the social video app “may collect biometric identifiers... |
Having earned the Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts, I am of course very conservation-minded, and against polluting. I'm also an avid boat paddler and fisherman, and therefore I'm... |
ETL/SSIS/Azure Data Factory/Biml |
Almost every environment now a days need to source... |
Click to learn more about co-author Shrif Nada. Click to learn more about co-author Davin Chia. Over the last year, our team has interviewed more than 200 companies about... |
SELECTCOLUMNS: Returns a table with selected columns from the table and new columns specified by the DAX expressions. https://dax.guide/selectcolumns/ |
The outage prevented Linux installation or upgrade... |
Microsoft has rebranded the Windows Virtual Deskto... |
Performance Tuning SQL Server |
Paul White looks at foreign key blocking under read committed snapshot isolation, and related update conflicts under snapshot isolation. The post Foreign Keys, Blocking, and Update Conflicts appeared first on... |
Cat Skins If you’re on a new-ish version of SQL Server, using STRING_AGG is your best bet for this. Please use it instead. Unlike STRING_SPLIT, it’s not compatibility-walled. You... |
While teaching about Extended Events and Execution Plans last week, Jason, one of the people in the class, asked: Is there a way in Extended Events to find queries... |
PowerPivot/PowerQuery/PowerBI |
You should definitely switch your Power BI Premium capacities to Gen2 although you might wait until it goes GA because Gen2 is currently in preview if you’re risk-averse. I switched an enterprise client P2 node to Gen 2 a few months ago and here are the top benefits we observed: |
Dennes Torres takes a look at a new Power BI feature: Microsoft recently announced the ability to include Power BI reports inside Jupyter notebooks. After overcoming the dazzle of…Continue readingEmbedding Power BI into... |
Formatting Power BI visuals can be tedious. In this article, Adam Aspin explains custom Power BI themes that will save you time when creating reports. |
Formatting Power BI visuals can be tedious. In this article, Adam Aspin explains custom Power BI themes that will save you time when creating reports. |
Last week I showed how the new MaxEvaluationWorkingSetInMB registry setting could increase the performance of memory-hungry Power Query queries in Power BI Desktop. In this post I’ll show how... |
Product Reviews and Articles |
SQL Clone is a neat product from Redgate that I wish I’d have had when I was doing database software development. It lets me have a consistent image for... The... |
Product Upgrades and Releases |
The 11th cumulative update release for SQL Server 2019 RTM is now available for download at the Microsoft Downloads site. Please note that registration is no longer required to download Cumulative updates. |
Today Google is announcing a new Cloud instance based on AMD Milan – but beyond the new hardware, it’s really what’s behind the new performance numbers which is what... |
AWS Step Functions allow you to build scalable, distributed applications using state machines. Until today, building workflows on Step Functions required you to learn and understand Amazon State Language... |
Optical observatory under construction using InfluxData to help it process data to be collected over time from the stars. |
More and more decisions by banks on who gets a loan are being made by artificial intelligence. The terms being used are credit scoring and credit decisioning. |
QQ-plots in R, first need to understand the Q-Q plot. The Q-Q plot is a graphical tool to help us examine if a set of data plausibly came from some theoretical distribution such as a Normal or not. |
More and more decisions by banks on who gets a loa... |
SQL Server Security and Auditing |
Uno Mal I see a lot of scripts on the internet that use dynamic SQL, but leave people wide open to SQL injection attacks. In many cases they’re probably... |
Total: 1 Average: 5 In the previous articles, we covered sequential steps necessary to build a virtual machine, install Ubuntu 18.04 operating system, and configure SQL Server 2019 on... |
Researchers have discovered a vulnerability in Pel... |
TorrentFreak surveyed nineteen VPN providers, asking them questions about their privacy practices: what data they keep, how they respond to court order, what country they are incorporated in, and... |
Three weeks after company disclosed two critical vulnerabilities in the workload management utility, many organizations have not patched the technology yet, security vendor says. |
Living-off-the-land attacks pose significant risks to organizations and, on top of that, are difficult to detect. Learn the basics about how these attacks operate and ways to limit their... |
The digital security of U.S. computer networks controlling the machines that produce and distribute water and power is woefully inadequate, a low priority for operators and regulators, posing a... |
Software is hard to get right. And every time we don’t, customers leave. |
Bugbash At some point in the past, I blogged about... |
In one of my previous posts, Fun with DATETIME Arithmetics, I introduced a way to use “math” to manipulate datetime values for effectively generating, calculating, and displaying intervals (i.e.... |
This is part 9 of a 19 part series on TSQL Basics. You will first gain an understanding of the differences between each of these types of joins, and... |
This is part 8 of a 19 part series on TSQL Basics. You will first gain an understanding of the differences between each of these types of joins, and... |
When you’re working with T-SQL, you’ll often see SET NOCOUNT ON at the beginning of stored procedures and triggers. What SET NCOUNT ON does is prevent the “1 row... |
I remember when I was first learning to code there... |
Total: 1 Average: 5 The main idea around the SQL Server function called STUFF is concatenating multiple columns into a single column with more flexibility than the CONCAT function... |
If you’d like to check out the previous instalment in this series on storing dates and times, click here. I avoided mentioning this data type because I didn’t think... |
Employees are resisting calls to return to the office, but Microsoft Corp. wants companies to know it has an answer for smoothing things out while some workers remain... |
NSC has some strong opinions ahead of Biden’s fi... |
For six years already, most every data center migration to modern digital infrastructure has made it, well, most of the way. Now Red Hat works to move some organizations... |
Timnit Gebru never thought a scientific paper would cause her so much trouble. In 2020, as the co-lead of Google’s ethical AI team, Gebru had reached out to Emily... |
The default package is worth its $600 cost, but do... |
For Pride this year, we’re highlighting queer no... |
The Polestar 3 electric SUV goes into production in 2022. |
Red light therapy (RLT) is pretty amazing! Although it may seem like a new technology in recent years due to more mainstream articles, it’s not. I’ve been using it... |
We give a few gifting prompts for the guy who won't say what he actually wants. |
Unnamed passenger will pay more than $9 million per minute of zero gravity. |
Virtualization and Containers/Kubernetes |
O’Reilly provides reusable Kubernetes patterns so containers can improve rapid app development. Learn how to use Kubernetes to support cloud-native app development. Sponsored by: .uuid-5215a1e2-3a59-4515-97e9-9bc440838713 {height:1 |
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