Viewing 15 topics - 282,256 through 282,270 (of 282,646 total)
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I've got one MS 2000 server hosting MS Sql 2000, and another 2000 server running IIS 5.0. How do I…
2 replies
I have a DTS Package written that will loop through a directory and load all files that are named a…
4 replies
We copy tables from our production database which is a Progress DB into a SQL 2k db. Nightly on the…
2 replies
I have an application with a Access front end. On one of the forms users are getting a consistent w…
7 replies
Hello experts can I write triggers on system tables I tried to write by it gave an error .. is ther…
2 replies
I was trying to use above mentioned stored procedure but hit the following error : Msg 229, Level …
3 replies
Hello evrbody, I've used to SQL Server 6.5 ... I've had some problems... I want to make my own SQL …
4 replies
How can I take backup/restore of a perticular table from my database? Deepak
2 replies
hi friends i want to know what is difference between clusted & non-clusted thanks & reg…
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Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at…
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Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at…
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How can I create a new login and assign an database to it using SQL-DMO. I am finding that confusin…
3 replies
Has anyone tested multiple instance in Active/Passive i.e having two instances on the same primary …
6 replies
We are building a business application which would be run mostly on Win9*. We are evaluating if the…
14 replies
Hi, How can I transfer data from mysql server running on Linux to SQL Server 2000. Does the DTS Se…
1 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 282,256 through 282,270 (of 282,646 total)