Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 94 total)

  • RE: What kind of replication is configured with database?

    Go to your distribution server and examine the publication_type column in the table distribution.dbo.mspublications. Values are :

    0 = transactional

    1 = snapshot

    2 = merge


  • RE: Error on Log Agent

    This should help:

    use distribution



    select@iPublisherDBId =

    frommspublisher_databases d

    inner join

    master..sysservers s

    on s.srvid = d.publisher_id

    where s.srvname = 'Server A'

    exec sp_browsereplcmds @publisher_database_id = @iPublisherDBId,

    @xact_seqno_start = N'0x0002E17D00035CAA0008',

    @xact_seqno_end = N'0x0002E17D00035CAA0008',

    @command_id = 1


  • RE: Replcaition monitor in sqk server 2005

    To fix your problem I'm guessing you will have to change the name in the relevant tables in the distribution database. There are a number of tables, e.g. mslogreader_agents, msdistribution_agents,...

  • RE: Problem using POWER function with a negative exponent

    I think you will find that the result is the same type as the numeric expression so 2 is type int therefore you get zero. Try something like:

    SELECT POWER(CONVERT(float,2),-3)

    Hope that...

  • RE: search for ' in string column

    Try one of these:

    if searching for a tab

    select name from address where name like '%' + CHAR(9) + '%'


    select name from address where CHARINDEX(CHAR(9),name) > 0

    Please also be aware that...

  • RE: search for ' in string column

    You just need to double up the single quotation mark:

    select name from address where name like '%''%'


  • RE: how to know how many day there is between two date !?

    I'm assuming the second requirement is for the day number of the EndDate relative to the current year as in a Julian date. Therefore try:

    SELECTDATEDIFF(DD,dateStart,DateEnd) AS DaysDiff,

    DATEDIFF(DD,CONVERT(datetime,CONVERT(char(4),YEAR(dateEnd)) + '0101'),dateEnd) +...

  • RE: Blocking problem on subscriber database

    When the distribution agent is waiting because it is blocked have you run sp_lock (passing the spid of the distribution agent) to see which table it is being blocked on?...


    From your post I assume you are looking for a bit of code that can take a string and format in the way you have stated.

    This might help:






    SET @vcStr =...

  • RE: Migrating replication from SQL server 2000 to 2005

    If it's not too muck work, I think you are making the right decision.

    If you get round to generating scripts using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio against your SQL Server...

  • RE: Migrating replication from SQL server 2000 to 2005

    Having been through this exercise myself, I would recommend starting from scratch. Generating a script from Enterprise Manager will give you a lot of grief because you potentially wind up...

  • RE: Replication metadata

    SQL Server replication does not keep any information regarding users so you won't find what you are looking for unfortunately.

  • RE: Table variable error in dynamic SQL

    I think you will find you can't INSERT .... EXEC into a table variable in SQL Server 2000. It has to be SQL Server 2005 or higher.

    Why not just use...

  • RE: Disabling Trigger on Replicated Table

    It would be interesting to know why you need to disable the trigger. I'm guessing that dropping the trigger and then re-creating it is not an option as I'm sure...

  • RE: To check whether data in a column has a space or not?

    If this is indeed what he wants to do, what's wrong with using a built-in function like CHARINDEX?


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 94 total)