Query to find customers that ordered x AND y AND z

  • I need a query for the following (simplified) situation:

    There is a table with customers, a table with products, and a link table that links many customers to many products.

    The query I need will find all customers that ordered product x AND product y AND product z (etc ...)

    Can anyone help me the right SELECT ... for this problem

  • IF EXISTS (Select * from dbo.SysObjects where name = 'fnSplit_Set' and XType IN ('FN', 'IF', 'TF'))

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.fnSplit_Set


    IF EXISTS (Select * from dbo.SysObjects where name = 'Numbers' and XType = 'U')

    DROP TABLE dbo.Numbers


    CREATE TABLE dbo.Numbers (PkNumber int identity(1,1), dude bit null, CONSTRAINT Pk_Number PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (PkNumber))


    INSERT INTO dbo.Numbers (dude)

    SELECT NULL FROM (SELECT TOP 100 NULL AS A FROM master.dbo.spt_values) dt100 cross join (SELECT TOP 80 null AS A FROM master.dbo.spt_values) dt80


    ALTER TABLE dbo.Numbers

    DROP COLUMN dude


    --Select min(PkNumber) as MinA, max(PkNumber) as MaxA from dbo.Numbers

    --1, 8000


    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnSplit_Set] (@IDS as varchar(8000), @vcDelimiter varchar(3))





    Select dtSplitted.EachID, dtSplitted.Rank from (

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@vcDelimiter + @IDs + @vcDelimiter, N.PkNumber + len(@vcDelimiter),

    CHARINDEX(@vcDelimiter, @vcDelimiter + @IDs + @vcDelimiter, N.PkNumber + len(@vcDelimiter)) - N.PkNumber - len(@vcDelimiter)) as EachID

    , (LEN(SUBSTRING(@IDs, 1, N.PkNumber)) - LEN (REPLACE (SUBSTRING(@IDs, 1, N.PkNumber), ',', ''))) + 1 AS Rank

    FROM dbo.Numbers N

    WHERE SUBSTRING(@vcDelimiter + @IDs + @vcDelimiter, N.PkNumber, len(@vcDelimiter)) = @vcDelimiter

    AND PkNumber 0


    DECLARE @Ids as varchar(8000)

    SET @IDS = ''

    Select @IDS = @IDS + CAST(id as varchar(10)) + ',' from (Select TOP 10 id from dbo.SysObjects order by NEWID()) dtIds

    SET @IDS = left(@IDS, ABS(len(@IDS) - 1))


    Select O.id, dtIDS.EachId, O.name, dtIDS.Rank from dbo.SysObjects O inner join (Select CAST(EachID as INT) AS EachID, Rank from dbo.fnSplit_Set (@IDS, ',')) dtIDS on O.id = dtIDS.EachID order by O.Name

    Select O.id, dtIDS.EachId, O.name, dtIDS.Rank from dbo.SysObjects O inner join (Select CAST(EachID as INT) AS EachID, Rank from dbo.fnSplit_Set (@IDS, ',')) dtIDS on O.id = dtIDS.EachID order by dtIDS.Rank

    --Dont't ever forget to cast the eachid column to the same datatype as in the join to avoid table scans.


    IF NOT Object_id('SearchColumns') IS NULL

    DROP PROCEDURE SearchColumns


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SearchColumns @Items as varchar(8000), @ItemsCount as smallint --avoid calling split twice





    , O.Name

    FROMdbo.SysObjects O

    WHERE Exists(

    SELECT 1

    FROMdbo.SysColumns C

    WHERE C.id = O.id and C.Name in (Select EachID from dbo.fnSplit_Set(@Items, ','))

    GROUP BY id having count(*) >= @ItemsCount


    ORDER BYName



    --find all items

    Exec dbo.SearchColumns 'name,id', 2-- 4 row(s) affected

    Exec dbo.SearchColumns 'name,id,indid', 3-- 1 row(s) affected

    Exec dbo.SearchColumns 'id', 1-- 12 row(s) affected

    --find at least 2

    Exec dbo.SearchColumns 'name,id,indid', 2-- 5 row(s) affected (instead of 1)

    --find at least 1

    Exec dbo.SearchColumns 'name', 1-- 10 row(s) affected

    Exec dbo.SearchColumns 'name,indid', 1-- 11 row(s) affected


    DROP PROCEDURE SearchColumns

    --DROP FUNCTION fnSplit_Set


  • Below is a fairly simple method. Note joining the table on itself (link table) can be cpu intensive.

    SELECT distinct ct.customer_name

    FROM (select customerid from linktable where productlid = a) a

    JOIN (select customerid from linktable where productlid = b) b

    on a.customerid = b.customerid

    JOIN (select customerid from linktable where productlid = b) c

    on b.customerid = c.customerid

    JOIN customer_table ct ON ct.customerid = a.customerid

  • Yes but this doesn't allow for a dynamic number of parameters.

  • Sorry, neglected to catch that in the question.

    Another option would be to create the sql statement in a cursor

    and then exectue the statement. Storing the result in a tmp table.





    strSQL = strSQL + 'JOIN (select customer from linktable where product = 'x') tableident#

    ON tableident1.customerid = tableident#.customerid) '

    fetch next into


    insert into #tmpResult

    EXEC sp_executeSQL @strSQL

  • Test that on a 1000 rows table with 25 left joins... Now test mine after that...

  • Very correct, the above derived tables on the original link_table performance would rapidly degrade.

    The simplest approach

    SELECT distinct customer

    FROM customer join link-table

    where link-table.product in (yada)

  • Insert list of queried produxct to temp table #QProduct

    SELECT CustomerId

    FROM Customer C

       Inner join CustomerProduct CP on CustomerId = CP.CustomerId

       Inner join Product P on P.Productd = CP.ProductId

       Inner join #QproductId QP on QP.ProductCode (??) = P.ProductCode

    Group by CustomerId

    HAVING count(QP.ProductCode) = (select count(ProductCode) from QProduct)


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • And if you read the poster correctly you notice that the many-to-many is already populated therefore simplifiying Sergiy's  strategy to:

    SELECT l.CustomerId

    FROM LINKEDTABLE l join #QproductId QP on QP.Productid = l.ProductId

    Group by l.CustomerId

    HAVING count(l.Productid) = (select count(*) from #QProductid)

    * Noel

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