Problems migrating AS2000 to AS2005

  • I've migrated 8 (eight) SQL Server 2000 databases to SQL Server 2005.I've also migrated 8 (eight) AS2000 databases to AS2005.The problem is that one of those AS2000 databases didn't update and I don't know why, because I've not received any error during the update process.Can someone help me, please?. I need to solve this very soon.Thanks
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  • in the migrations that I have done from AS 2000 to AS 2005, we usually have had to recode some of the dimensions and calculated measures. Besides depreciating some features, the architecture of AS 2005 is not directly migratable from 2000 AS cubes. While you are not receiving errors, I might suggest running sql profiler on the AS DB Server. I have run traces against AS and the DW to see if there's something fishy going on. Profiler supporting AS 2005 is new btw:>

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