More than 2 Databases Synchronization

  • We got 3 SQL 2000 database servers, Master Server, 2 Standby Servers. If master server is down, our application will automatically switch to one of the standby servers and user could continue to update database. Once master server is up, application will switch back.

    My problem is how to use replication to ensure all the 3 databases in sync?

    Thanks for any advice.



  • Why not try Transactional replication with republishing topology..

  • What you mean by republishing topology?

  • It is a replication when a publisher is also a susbcriber, and the subscribers are also publisher.

    It is not the easiest schema, but it is the one I use here.

  • quote:

    It is a replication when a publisher is also a susbcriber, and the subscribers are also publisher.

    It is not the easiest schema, but it is the one I use here.

    This sounds interesting. I have a system consisting of three servers. Master -> Staging -> Production. What I need is to be able to replicate from the master to the staging and then replicate from the staging to the production server.

    Sort of a proofing concept. How does Republishing work within a SQL Server 2000 Environment? Any pointers? Can what I want done be done?


    Nick Gorst

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