IIS and DB server on different domain.

  • Hi,

    I have a IIS server on "A" Domain. My application is hosted on on a machine which is under that domain.

    I have a DB server, SQL server 2000 on B Domain. The server is a named instance of SQL Server 2000. I have a default SQL Server 7.0 on that same machine.

    For the application i am trying to connect from the IIS to database server, but i am unable to connect to the named instance, but i can connect to the default 7.0 instance.

    The connection string used for the application is as follows:

    oConn.open "Driver={SQL


    I am getting SQL Server does not exists error messege on page...

    Please help, me if any one knows how to connect to the database server which is on different domain and is a named instance using the connection string in ASP page..

    Please help, this is urgent.



  • Have you tryed using IPAddress\SQLName in your connection string? This should work as long as you are set up for Windows and SQL Server authentication.

  • Hi

    We have tried using IP\intance_name in the connection string, but it is not working, as i said the boxes are on two different domains which are trusted on one Windows Authentication account. If you have any other solun or workout do let me knw.



  • We are doing it on two different domains without trusted relationship using SQL Server authentication.

    connecstring = "driver={SQLServer};



  • I tried using the IP address in the connection string, but its not working. Also the domains are trusted. but still its not working, do let me know if there requiures any other settings.

    The starnge thing , IIS is able to connect to the default instance MS SQL Server 7.0 on that machine, but it is not able to connect to the named instance 2000 on that machine.

    Any help from u wuld be ahelpful for me.



  • Are you using a SQL Server account or trying to use a Windows Account?

    If a SQL Server account then trust do not come into play. If a windows account, your connection string is wrong but I don't have an example, but you cannot use a named windows account for the connection at all for the credentials.

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