Help needed interpreting this script from SQLSS:

  • This looks like a promising bit of code, but I don't understand how to action it, I've run it in QA against my database (that's run out of space, which Sergiy here was trying to help with), but I need this to start actually freeing up some space now, but I don't know what parameters I need to supply, how to supply them etc.

    In other words, i just need to "point and shoot", so I suppose I need to start with, "Exec....."




    if exists ( select [name] from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects (nolock) where [name] like '#sp_shrinkdata%' and type = 'P' )

        drop proc #sp_shrinkdata


    create proc #sp_shrinkdata

     @updateusage bit = 0,

     @freed_space int = null, -- is the portion of free space (MB) to reclaim, eg. 90% of 1 gb is 900 mb

     @Msg_rtn_intv int = null -- is the size of reclaimed space (MB) displayed between each message echo



    **  Author: King James **  Created on: 28/11/2006

    **   Purpose: Shrinks data file (not log).

    **  Features:

    **   1. Can shrink data size down to a specified value (optional). If desired size not provided, it

    **     will shrink all the way down until there's 200 MB free space left;

    **   2. Can report time, data size and cycle number after each run. If echo interval not supplied,

    **     it will report at every 20 MB interval.

    **  Requirements:

    **  1. Must be in the current database.

    **  2. Must first compile the stored procedure.


    declare @initial_size int,

        @end_size int,

        @message varchar(150),

        @count int,

        @data_used int,

        @cmd varchar(500),

        @datafile sysname,

        @dbname sysname,

        @data_free_start int

    set @dbname = db_name()

    set @count = 1

    set @datafile = (select rtrim(name) from sysfiles (nolock) where fileid = 1)-- Trims away trailing blanks or will NOT work!!

    set @initial_size = (select sum(size) from sysfiles (nolock) where (status & 64 = 0)) * 8192.0 / 1048576.0

    set @data_used = (select sum(convert(dec(15),reserved)) from sysindexes (nolock) where indid in (0, 1, 255)) * 8192.0 / 1048576.0

    if @Msg_rtn_intv is null

     set @Msg_rtn_intv = 20 --default to 20 mb at each interval

    if @freed_space is null

     set @freed_space = @initial_size - @data_used - 200 -- default to 200 MB free space left after shrinking

    set @end_size = @initial_size - @freed_space 

    if @updateusage = 1

    exec ('dbcc updateusage (0) WITH NO_INFOMSGS')

    print '...... DBCC UPDATEUSAGE complete.'


    print '***  Shrinking data file for ' + db_name() + '  ***'

    print ''

    set @data_free_start = (@initial_size-@data_used)

    print 'Total size of data: ' + convert(char(5),@initial_size)

       + ' MB                Data used: ' + convert(char(5),@data_used)

       + ' MB                Data free: ' + convert(char(5),@data_free_start) + ' MB'

    print ''

    while @initial_size > @end_size


    set @initial_size = @initial_size - @Msg_rtn_intv

    set @cmd = N' dbcc shrinkfile ('+@datafile+', '+convert(varchar(5), @initial_size)+') WITH NO_INFOMSGS'

    exec (@cmd)

    set @message = convert(varchar(30), getdate(), 20) + '       - at the ' + convert (varchar(6), @count) + 'th run. ' +

     '        - Free space left: ' + convert(char(5),(@initial_size - @data_used)) + ' MB' 

    print @message

    set @count = @count + 1


    print ''

    print 'Total reclaimed space: ' + cast((@data_free_start - (@initial_size - @data_used)) as varchar(10)) + ' MB'

    print ''

    print '***  Shrinking data file for ' + db_name() + ' is complete.  ***'


    -- #sp_shrinkdata

    -- #sp_shrinkdata @updateusage = 1, @freed_space = 100 ,  @Msg_rtn_intv = 10


  • he's helpfully commented out an example proc call at the end

    -- #sp_shrinkdata @updateusage = 1, @freed_space = 100 , @Msg_rtn_intv = 10

    just remove the --


  • when you say you've run out of space - what do you mean ?? the drive is full?


  • Chock full!!

    Not my/our fault...we took over a company who's adherance to best practice was questionable, at best.

    But it IS our problem - or rather, MY problem.

    So the end of the code looks like,


    -- #sp_shrinkdata 

    #sp_shrinkdata @updateusage = 1, @freed_space = 100 ,  @Msg_rtn_intv = 10




  • i'm not sure why you're not just running dbcc shrinkfile or the shrink commands from enterprise manager.

    have you checked the size of your log files - ???

    if you can run the command

    dbcc sqlperf(logspace) and post back the results we might be able to point you in a better direction.


  • master 0.4921875 46.825397 0

    tempdb 999.99219 5.7368126 0

    model 0.4921875 71.031746 0

    msdb 2.2421875 50.631535 0

    isalog 14198.805 0.2937431 0

  • ok - so just running the following should free ip 14Gb of space

    use isalog


    dbcc shrinkfile (2,1,truncateonly)

    assuming that the log file is file number 2


  • and to find the log file number do the following

    use isalog


    select * from sysfiles

    look for the log file and replace the first number of the above command with teh file number


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