December 17, 2004 at 1:08 pm
Hi, All
I have situation that I have to split the text column in parent table into multiple varchar rows in child table. Now I need to create a view to combine the parent table and child table with the rowid. But I don't want to see mutilple rows for same parent row id but combined varchar rows (has more than 8000 chars, about 23000 chars) . For a example:
Parent table: create table parent (noteid int)
insert ino parent values(1)
Child table: create table child (noteid int, subnoteid int, subnote varchar(8000))
insert into child values (1,1,'aaaaaa')
insert into child values (1,2,'bbbbbb')
insert into child values (1,3,'cccccc')
create view comb_note
select parent.noteid, child.subnote from parent, child where parent.noteid=child.noteid
if you select from view, you will get as following:
1 aaaaaaaaa
1 bbbbbbbbb
1 ccccccccc
But I don't want see multiple '1' as noteid. How can I display data from view as following:
1 aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbcccccccccc
Note: combined subnote will exceed 8000 chars which means the varchar data type CAN'T hold the combined subnotes.
Please help !!!
December 20, 2004 at 8:00 am
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December 20, 2004 at 12:55 pm
Thanks, Newbie. Maybe the question is too hard or I am in wrong direction.
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