Grouping by column value

  • I've got a table like this

    EntityID | Property | Value | fromDeleted


    5555 | Active | 1 | 0

    5555 | FilialName | asdf | 0

    0233 | Active | 1 | 0

    0233 | Active | 1 | 1

    0233 | FilialName | xyz | 0

    0233 | FilialName | XYZ | 1

    I need to build this table according to "fromDeleted" column value. If it equals to 0, then column "Value" should be placed in "NewValue" column, if equals to 1, then in "OldValue" column. After that I need to group results by these criterias:

    1) If OldValue = NewValue, then eclude it from resultset

    2) If OldValue <> NewValue or either OldValue or NewValue equals to NULL, then include to resultset

    I tried this:

    SELECT EntityID, Property, MAX(CASE WHEN fromDeleted = 1 THEN Value END) AS OldValue,

    MAX(CASE WHEN fromDeleted = 0 THEN Value END) AS NewValue

    FROM temp

    GROUP BY EntityID, Property

    And I get such result:

    EntityID | Property | OldValue | NewValue


    0233 | Active | 1 | 1

    5555 | Active | NULL | 1

    0233 | FilialName | XYZ | xyz

    5555 | FilialName | NULL | asdf

    so it does not exclude rows from result, where OldValue = NewValue. What can I do?

  • Hello,

    I think adding a Having clause to your Select statement would do the trick.


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

  • John Marsh (3/3/2009)


    I think adding a Having clause to your Select statement would do the trick.


    John Marsh

    Hi, thanks for your reply!

    I tried this:

    HAVING (MAX(Value) > MIN(Value))

    but it removes the rows, where one of column values is NULL, but i need them. what else can i do? :blink:

  • Hey Try This!

    select * from


    SELECT EntityID, Property, MAX(CASE WHEN fromDeleted = 1 THEN Value END) AS OldValue,

    MAX(CASE WHEN fromDeleted = 0 THEN Value END) AS NewValue

    FROM temp

    --where CASE WHEN fromDeleted = 1 THEN Value END <> CASE WHEN fromDeleted = 0 THEN Value END

    GROUP BY EntityID, Property


    where oldvalue <> newvalue or(oldvalue is null and newvalue is not null)

    or(oldvalue is not null and newvalue is null)or(oldvalue is null and newvalue is null)

  • Ashok Suhag (3/3/2009)

    Hey Try This!

    select * from


    SELECT EntityID, Property, MAX(CASE WHEN fromDeleted = 1 THEN Value END) AS OldValue,

    MAX(CASE WHEN fromDeleted = 0 THEN Value END) AS NewValue

    FROM temp

    --where CASE WHEN fromDeleted = 1 THEN Value END <> CASE WHEN fromDeleted = 0 THEN Value END

    GROUP BY EntityID, Property


    where oldvalue <> newvalue or(oldvalue is null and newvalue is not null)

    or(oldvalue is not null and newvalue is null)or(oldvalue is null and newvalue is null)

    Hey, thank you very much )) That helped me ))

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