Determining if an index is unique from sysindexes

  • I have a need to use the system tables to create a sql script for the indexes defined for a table.  I cannot figure out how to tell whether the index id defined as unique or not from the system tables.

    TIA for any help here.

  • I'm not sure about sysindexes, possibly the status column, but you'd have to decipher it.

    You could load the output from sp_helpindex into a temporary table, and check the description column to be LIKE '%unique%' .


  • That is actually found in the sysobjects table like so.

    select object_name(o.parent_obj) [Parent Name], o.[name] [Index_Name], o.xtype Type, o.* from sysobjects o

    where o.xtype in ('PK','UQ')

  • One might consider having a look at


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • You can find the info you need in the master.dbo.spt_values table. Following script lists all indexes that will be uniqe ( unique, primary key or unique key ). I got this info from the sp_helpindex procedure ...

    select table_name = object_name(,I.indid, index_name =, I.status

    from sysindexes I

    where I.indid > 0 and I.indid < 255 and (I.status & 64)=0

      and exists ( select 1 from master.dbo.spt_values S where S.type = 'I' and in ( 'unique','primary key','unique key' ) and S.number & I.status <> 0 )

    order by id,indid

  • Thanks to all for the ideas.  Bert De Haes' answer worked for me.

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